Dollar crashes. Economy in ruins. How will coinfags get by when they can't exchange their "currency" for legitimate currency? No employers pay in coin, majority of coin use is Chinese pedo-ring anyways.
Legitimate question
Coinfags btfo?
Bitcoins are worthless without money.
I'm going to eat baconator double cheese burgers and monitor this thread.
here's a groundbreaking, completely unprecedented, never-before-thought-of-or-intended-in-the-slightest idea:
>f o o d
Weapons, ammo, canned food. No matter what these items always have value.
Don’t let city Jews fool you into trading real things for electric sheckels!
What do farmers need coins for? Exxon takes bitcoin? They need diesel to farm, not coins.
>Exchange worthless pixels for sustenance
Man libertarians are retarded
>exchange worthless paper for sustenance
>exchange worthless copper scraps for sustenance
>exchange worthless rocks for sustenance
Man life in prehistory must be good, get much ooga booga there?
>Apocalyptic scenario
I'm fairly certain this is the part with death squads, raiding abandoned cities littered with burning bodies, something mad max something something fallout?
>if the dollar crashes
I will go all in on redpills and supermale vitality with my coins.
Use merchants that accept bitcoin.
Plenty of brick and mortar places accept it.
No credit card terminal needed.
Fuck off shill
My point is it is more likely for the (((juice))) to install a new currency than for bitcoin to take over or be worth anything at all
The only solid wealth is the means of production. People who own plants and factories will keep wealth regardless, they may have to sleep during full on chaos but that's where money is. Currency adapts to means of production. - Timmy age 5
You listed tangible things. Crypto is intangible. Apples to oranges.
>How will coinfags get by when they can't exchange their "currency" for legitimate currency?
buy mail order drugs from the army on deepweb
trade drugs for things I need
>Exchange worthless paper for sustenance
Man statists are retarded.
>conflates tangible with intrinsically valuable
Shiggy diggy doo
immediately shoot the neighbor you hate the most and take all his stuff. you have now doubled your chance of survival
Your 'tangible' oranges are just the same as intangible 'apples'. But I'm glad holding on to paper makes you feel more confident and secure. It shouldn't, it's not backed by anything other than your trust.
I didn't say anything about intrinsic value because it's not relevant. You're the one who's conflating tangibility and intrinsic value.
You can still buy things from other countries whose dollars have not crashed with bitcoin. Buy food and other good with bitcoin, get them shipped, trade with poorfags around you.
>A tangible thing is exactly the same as an intangible thing
Interesting take.
Ahh, so you admit something intangible (not the bitcoin is actually intangible) can have value. I see. In that case, please refer to:
Remember: the difference is that one requires a government to work, the other works with or without a government.
Lol bitter coinlet detected.
>People who own plants and factories will keep wealth regardless
Currency of any kind doesn't have any intrinsic value, just perceived value. Do you think gold was used as a store of wealth because people thought it had intrinsic value, or because it's non-corrosive?
To be fair, neither require the government to work. People could still trade dollar bills if they agreed upon a perceived value. However, paper currency is fragile and crypto is dependent upon a functional infrastructure. Without that infrastructure, who cares how many bitcoins you have in that wallet on your hard drive? They're intangible. I can't use them.
So lets say if bitcoin becomes a main currency, our new dollar, Mr peterson puts 3 dollars into his bitcoin atm or bitcoin exchange for gas, while looking for groceries his 3 dollars raise too 6 dollars within mere minutes of shopping, mr peterson gets more things he intended. How would you make this economically stable your currency would raise to higher value and you can get more things, our bitcoins would become like the chinese yuan under valued and shit is hyperinflated through the roof.
The dollar is a bitcoin. Backed up by nothing. Its value directly reflected only by trust in it. Its paper, nothing more. All FIAT currencies not backed by gold or silver is a bitcoin printed on toilet paper.
Buy and sell chinese kiddos?
>the dollar is backed by nothing
our dollar is backed by oil and our own oil aswell, we provide oil to everyone more then anyone in the entire world, The chinese have there new yuan backed by gold but it isnt online yet.
btc to gold exchange rate. pretty simple. what's this "legitimate currency" of which you speak?
Fuckin Bottlecaps
what the frick are you talking about bro, OP's entire premise is that dollars can't buy shit now. Who would buy dollars with bitcoins? Now let's go with your added premise. The products say they cost 3 millibitcoins right there on the label, how is it about to change before your eyes?
What are you talking about? Bitcoin isn't pegged to the dollar. A bitcoin will buy a couple houses after the crash.
Exactly. It's common for nu-libertarians to use terms like "intrinsic value" without realizing that this is diametrically opposed to the Austrian School's theory of value. To the knowledgeable libertarian, even gold has zero intrinsic value.
All monies are just media of indirect exchange. They happen to be better than other media because they're not bulky, they're easy to carry, they're homogeneous, they are easy to shape into different denominations, they don't spoil, they're not easy to create so they hold value, and they don't get used up. Every "currency" that doesn't share these properties eventually dies out because people prefer better currencies.
Bitcoin shares a lot of these properties. The only troubling one is that it's not super easy to use in your everyday life yet. I expect this to change.
but that would make a multi currency i.e bitcoin, so what are you trying to accomplish exactly, if bitcoin is still an investable market can be sold and bought at prices at present time, what happens if your alt coins crash because of bitcoin.
Easy, one ETH is 0.042 BTC or current trading price for example, and you can use altcoins in any store that accepts those particular altcoins. The US dollar is now just one of those altcoins nobody cares about because the Fed is btfo x100
>Dollar crashes. Economy in ruins.
Then we've already won.
hey retard, by your mentality, what's the point of buying gold?
>we provide oil to everyone more then anyone in the entire world,
We are fucking net importers of oil. The value of the dollar is backed by the fact we will overthrow any government that tries to sell oil for anything other than dollars.
google "petrodollar" to learn more.
perhaps both currencies can co-exist, or maybe there will be a great currency war, and who knows which side will win?
the only way to beat infinite money is with something priceless, like an idea
he thinks he'll be able to buy valuable land and tons of food with a few ounces of gold.
Nahh the money will be guns/ammo/food/seeds/gasoline/antibiotics/medicine
You’ve sucked so much kike dick you have jew-jizz for blood.
You don’t need to exchange them. And when the shit hits the wall you won’t have to.
this is true and is a reason why the united states government must be systematically ended piece by piece from within using democracy by waking the sheeple to the truth of libertarianism
The dollar can be replaced and bitcoins are being used in multiple countries including Venezuela where it's actually money.
At least it was until the Core developers decided that it wasn't for people living on $2 a day.