I maintain that he was not yet my stupid faggot friends can't seem to understand that white supremacy entails more than just killing jews. If he was a white supremacist why would he slaughter millions of white people?

Other urls found in this thread:


He didn't slaughter millions of people. That's a debunked Soviet narrative.

He did round them up to send them to Palestine, tho'. Many died of typhus because they had body lice.

Answer the question faggot

Well he was a German nationalist in the simplest terms but he was almost certainly aware of the idea of a white or European identity, ideal, or culture, considering he spoke of what he considered to be Europe, and he excluded negroes from it.
To my knowledge he never stated anything specifically about the superiority of the European peoples but that's probably because it was implicitly assumed because back then white people weren't raging faggots who ignored obvious history and reality for the sake of feeling cuddly inside.

>kills millions of poles and slavs because of some land dispute
>white supremacist

So you could say he was a german , or "Aryan" Supremacist then, but not all white people qualify as aryan. Therefore not a white supremacist.

no shit, hes a national socialist. its italian facism with a racial twist

Hey Im trying to explain this to normie tier soy boys alright calm down

He was an Aryan supremacist. He believed in the concept of Aryanism.

Which is not a white supremacist as not all whites can be classified as Aryans.

no, you will not find a single speech in which he mentions "white people"--this is US revisionism by the kikes.

Answering a loaded question is simply a matter of pointing out the lie the question is based on

Thanks for admitting it wasn't a mistake, but you're trolling.

Trolling who? This is still a debated question to this day you fucking fedora tipper.

He talks about the "white race" in Mein Kampf

Hitler wasn't a white supremacist. He was a German supremacist.

OP posts nigger tier thread
thousands of lurkers read this and learn the truth about wwii

Which version? Can you find the chapter number for me please. I own a copy.

bruh this redpilled the fuck out of me

“The Jews were responsible for bringing negroes into the Rhineland with the ultimate idea of bastardising the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate.”

Chapter: XI: Nation and Race. Discussion of race, Jews, and Communism.

Ford Translation I believe

Aryan is a broad term that refers to Indo-European peoples who originated in the Caucuses and spread across the known world from Ireland to India.

The chief rival of the Aryans were the sons of Shem, or "semites." History is just a repeat of this struggle between Aryans and semites, wherever you look.

There's a reason Hitler had Turks, Hindus, and Muslims serving in his foreign SS legions. Also a reason why many of the Nasserite Arab leaders during the cold war in all cases express some admiration, although muted, for Hitler.

Hitler was categorically not a white supremacist. Neither were the other fascists such as Mussolini or Mosley. All these men appreciated the culture and achievement of Europe, but they also understood that the world is a diverse place with much to offer in the way of learning.

He was just a white lover who wanted all races to have their own ethnostates because all races were best suited for the environments they evolved in.

Like having mixed breed dogs that live long but can't specialize in anything, Hitler didn't want that. He wanted purebred dogs specialized for the task they were bred for. He believed in the beauty of and genius of all the races and their proper applications.

He was also a proponent of Socrates' ideas on justice, being that those who are not suited for a task should not do that task, but should only do the task they are best suited for. This idea he applied to the races, believing the Germans to be the best at what his nation needed, and saying the other races should go back to their nations to perform the tasks they were best suited for there. As, like Socrates initially thought, when you intermix the roles and responsibilities and you don't have a perfect match between role and ability, you cause the greatest injustice of all: the destruction of the state.

>pearl harbor
>no reason
you can hide your flag you leaf but you cannot hide your cowardice. you must attack your enemy and beat them to win and not "if you kill your enemy they win"

Hitler would not have considered Jewish people to be white... ergo he believed in the supremacy of *white people,* even if you're saying that "white people" includes more than just white people

Don't call me white

Mein Kampf is actually not particularly a good source on Hitler, because there are parts Hitler did not write in it. This is talked about by David Irving. Nazism was never about superiority though, but about being the best your race could be. Hitler never believed in superiority, just homogeneity. This is where the disconnect between the allied narrative and the reality is.