Do the females in your life a favor. Buy them a worthy pistol for Christmas, and get them some training and a carry license.
You you are unfamiliar with firearms yourself, do yourself a favor and get yourself armed and trained. Also remember, you can't go wrong if you stick to HK.
Leo Ross
Complete noob here, what's the other trigger thing do? it looks like there's 2 of them.
Juan Parker
Daily reminder that women can minimize the chances of being raped by obeying God and dressing with modesty.
Anthony Walker
>green eyes muh diq
Ryan Sanchez
Daily reminder that women can minimize the chances of being raped if there were less rapists.
Logan Ortiz
should they always carry one with them?
Austin Brown
Guns are for men, idiot.
Guns are a reflection of the male desire to be able to kill other men. Men have killed each other throughout history, it's part of evolution.
Women have never been violent throughout history. The vast majority of them would have no interest in firearms, due to their biology. Women create life, men take life.
Landon Hall
I own two USPs. They are terrific hand guns.
Ryan Young
Nah nigger they don’t need to look like a trasbag.
Adrian Richardson
It's part of the safety. Basically, the trigger has to have a finger on it to prevent accidental discharge.
Aiden Gonzalez
It's a safety. Some handguns have the safety located on the so it can only go off of the trigger is about to be pulled.
Kayden Campbell
Magazine release; you press it and your gunsnmore magazine arrives at your door.
Nolan Ortiz
Which HK? Is it the USP . 45 calibur semi automatic pistol? Love that pistol, its design and the fact that it has plastic casing makes it lighter to handle. Plus, it was a firearm present in MGS2.
Logan Baker
It's not a soldier's gun though.
Jacob Cook
Walther ppq is cheaper with a better trigger
Levi Baker
My wife isn't ready to carry yet. I bought her a .22 wheelgun and she is decent at shooting my rifles and semi auto handguns, but she doesn't feel comfortable carrying yet.
This Christmas I'm getting my faggot berniebro brother a s&w mp shield. He's patriotic, occasionally shoots skeet, and is fed up with the Democratic party. I'm hoping that giving him his first non-fudd gun will be the push in the right direction he needs to sort himself out
Easton Turner
Moving her up to a 38 should be easy
Carson Martinez
Stop masculinizing your women and just BTFO the perps.
Nathan Martin
Yeah she likes my Taurus .38 special. I was considering getting her a hammerless version as a purse gun, she likes revolvers more than semi autos and I think that'd be a very viable carry gun
Ethan Carter
Asher Thomas
100% true. (Unironically clapping)
Julian Richardson
I got a chance to dry fire the kimber revolver and I love the trigger!
Jeremiah Jones
P30 is a shit, looks like a glock/walther P-99 had a retard AIDS baby after spiderman left a cream pie in there...
USP's of all flavors on the other hand are aesthetic as fuck
Camden Perez
Nobody wants to rape my wife. Have you seen her?
Angel Taylor
Why not? If you are only carrying when you think you're more likely to get jumped, you should probably avoid whatever your doing that makes you think you're more likely to get jumped. Carry all the time and always be prepared