Shokugeki no Soma

I noticed the volume extras were posted earlier so here are the translations. Putting on the trip so editor-san can find this thread later in the archive.

>How Rindou-senpai warms up after getting home

>Sfx: K-chak // whoosh
>Sfx: Shuffle shuffle // rustle rustle

>*Mute and drastically slower movements due to the cold weather

>Souma, Snow Mountain mode

>Souma: …wait, it’s cold! Freezing!!

>Teru-rin // Beru-rin // Shira-rin
Technically the last one should be Cilla-rin, but then it wouldn't be consistent with Beru-rin. Unless you do Ber-rin (Berta) but that looks awkward.

>The Nakiri Father-and-Son Eyebrow Comparison
>They look the same!

>Kuga: Three! Four! Five!
>Sfx: Clench

>Souma: So that was “Bursting” too…
>Soe: The Nakiri family’s reactions are profound.

>Tsukuda Yuuto
>2016 was certainly full of tumultuous news. At any rate I hope everyone is having a wonderful New Year’s holiday!
>Saeki Shun
>We welcomed a Pomeranian to our family! It’s a bright and bouncy boy!!

If anyone wants this translated let me know, though it's only a summary of the Hokkaido arc. Erina's lines are straight from the manga.

>tumultuous news.
Like the series flopping in the SJ rankings.

I have no idea what Alice is waving in the background here. At first I thought they were otoshidama but the envelope design looks odd. It's not cash either.

Anyway that's it, Happy New Year!

Thanks, Royal-san.

>The Nakiri family’s reactions are profound.
If only. They scrapped Erina's imaginative reactions to food.

Aren't they the tickets used in the Festival?

They might be, I forgot what those looked like since it's been a while.

We never get a nice, complete look at them, but yeah, they're tickets.

Wait is 22 out? I'm in Japan and can't find it.

>Saiba chokes on a creme brulee and dies

Thank you, Royal.

Beru-rin share romaji with Berlin.

Thanks a lot, Royal.

>Still no good twins porn

My only hopes and dreams for 2017 food wars is this guy finally doing something

Erina and Alice remain reason to persist.

Saiba's backstory took a torpedo with the most recent chapter.

Eh I'd feel better if there were more/better doujin.

Did Hisasi's new one got scanned already?