That moment when all the Reina fags got fucked in the ass

>That moment when all the Reina fags got fucked in the ass

Honestly, who saw this coming? I can't believe this, but best girl indeed won holy shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

most retarded post of 2017 thus far
great job

>Reina fags in denial
Best part is that it was hard printed in the end, this cannot be more canon than it is already.

Same,i´m so happy
Reina autists btfo

Still delusional

Yuri was a mistake

Wait, what happened in this show?

>Can't even take a proper screenshoot.
You're as bad as those raging yurifaggot

>Asuka say not to say good bye
>Meaning she wants the pussy and to not stop calling her.

This shit is so sublte, love how Reina shows at the end, like a cock.

Context? Dropped this on ep 2 1st season.

Anyone with more than one brain cell would've seen it coming since the 9th episode.

Stockholm syndrome, after being constantly sexually abused for a year by Asuka, she's no longer can't live without it anymore.

Who is Asuka? The megane one? Is it finally time to watch this?


Yes and Yes.
/u/fag with their KumiRei ship was sank.

I only watched the last four episodes but damn OTP finally won

Nothing. There's no yuri. The MC just gets emotional and tells girls she loves them, but it's not intended to be taken in the romantic sense. And no, I'm not being sarcastic.

OP is just trolling.


You're trying too hard.


>The MC just gets emotional and tells girls she loves them

/u/ please stop.

Too hard.



you have to go back


Why are you shippers so delusional?

>There no Yuri
>Please don't say Good Bye
>Literaly meaning I want to stay by your side
>The MC literally says I love you
>Not I like you or anything tone deef, in a romantic way no less.
Jesus, how dense you have to be, this is Yuri the anime too.

What the actual fuck? Picked the fucked up.

The series is about the emotions of coming of age and dealing with people moving out of your life or some bullshit like that. She gets caught up in the moment and makes impassioned little speeches to her friends and family. She told

>her sister

that she loved them.

Kill yourself.

what is kouhai - senpai relationship in japan

you must think yui and azusa are dykes too?


she totally wants to fuck them all

>koi no hanashi?

>sou desu.


The only and true ship, Reina is too impure, lusting for the dick, disgusting.

how do cucks still keep falling for this yuribait bullshit

What is this even supposed to be a picture of? You realize that lesbians can't procreate with each other, right?

>omg reina loves kumiko but she loves asuka. she got emilia'd XD
>yuri still won in the end XD

Literally everyone on leddit

Even normies notice this at the end, if a normie can deduce a romantic relationship, then in most cases is a reality.

My roommate that usually never watches anime(but when he does, he picks the most random ones) started to scream *NO FUCKING WAY* during this scene, this pretty much confirms that it was the creator's intention to do this for real.

Is this translation accurate? or did she just mean she likes her a lot, no homo?

Yes, she says daisuki. No, it's not meant in a romantic way, and anyone who says otherwise is either trolling or a /u/ crossboarder.

Are you seriously supporting Shuuichi? Reina even call him a cock for having Zero balls, no idea what are you trying to imply here really, no woman would want to breed with that half man.

>Reina fags in denial still.

No, she never explicitly said "I love you" to Reina. Seriously, how buttblasted Reinafags must be?

Regardless of who you wanted to win, we always knew there'd be no yuri, because there's no yuri in the novels. Kyoani wasn't about to rewrite the ending just to appease yurifags, when they already have your money from all the baiting they did.

You got bamboozled.

haha look at this faggot, the real winners are us, all this baiting has created a massive influx of doujin and porn, this anime was done with the intention of exploiting Yuri at its maximum capacity, and it did so until the end, and that good, because it means more porn for us you cuck.

>Missing a friend
>Platonic 'I love you'
Of course /u/ wouldn't know, having no friends.

Wait, I'm asking ichirukists, having studied ichihime behavior for years they became very knowlegeable on shipping nonsense. Let me tell you, those guys are like prophets.

>because there's no yuri in the novels
As spoken by someone who has never read the novels.

That drawing is official faggot

>Platonic 'I love you'
>being this dense
enjoy all your "friends" user.


You're my friend user.
I love you.


Here's your reply.


And we at UFO are laughing at you.

To be fair, Asuka haven't answered Kumiko's "confession" yet, so the ending is still open to interpretations. Sasuga Kyoani for keeping the hopes up to all sides of the shipping war.

Umm, no.

What are ovas.
Shoe end.

Whether it's official or not are questionable, however it's drawn by the official artist of the novel's illustrator.

Kumiko is already in relationship with Mamiko. She confessed to her and Mamiko told her she loves her too. Step aside Reinacucks and Asukafags, the true OTP won in the end.

Kumiko ends up dating Shuichi in the novel, so I guess that's their kid?

I'm glad this garbage is over

And posted on their private Twitter, so not official.

Shit I hope we get an ova or something where Kumiko meets Asuka and they go to a date

Wait, I see it now. Kumiko is actually in the process of building her harem. A girl with such bad personality like her can't settle with just one girl. Why didn't we realize this sooner?


Everyone eternally BTFO. Kumiko/Asuka is the true pairing.

She's just a siscon and she needed a new oneechan since her real one already moved on with her life and there is a physical and emotional distance between them.

Asuka was to become the sister that she actually plays euphonium with, too bad she's in a university out of Kumiko's reach.

You forgot everything that happened in S1?


Her confession to Mamiko and Asuka feels more real

No, but I don't remember Kumiko ever said daisuki to Reina.

>/u/ ship got ass blasted by another /u/ ship
I actually liked this, instead of hetero v /u/ fighting.

I actually don't have S1 on my PC anymore but it's the scene before the trumpet duel if my memory serves me correctly.

Picked the fuck up

I'm pretty sure she didn't mean it in a romantic way.


Literally no one one. That's the whole point of the show.


Mark my fucking words, an ova will come out and Kumiko x shoe will be confirmed.
Screencap this.

Well everyone in the anime universe ship them including Asuka.

If there's gonna be an OVA it's gonna be KumiRei. Kyoani will compensate forthelack thereof and milk off the pairing while it's still popular.

Nice to see KumiAsu & KumiShoe are in good term. I guess they're only want novel ending in anime adaptation (just like me). Not just some bullshit original ending that pleases /u/fag.

I hate yuri and I wanted to see a Shoe ending

but I hate kumirei garbage even harder, so this KumiAsuka development is alright with me. Reinafaggots butthurt is delicious.

Besides Asuka is a nice girl and she'll treat Kumiko nicely, I know it.

>Still being this delusional.

1. There won't be an OVA
2. If there will, it will be KumiShoe_


Sure bub. The unpopular character that got shafted the most is suddenly getting an OVA.

I knew right!
Like that Hazuki OVA that didn't exist?

Hazuki is a cute girl, Shoe isn't inb4 shoe in drag

>I hate yuri and I wanted to see a Shoe ending
>I hate yuri and I wanted to see a Shoe ending
Couldn't agree more
>Besides Asuka is a nice girl and she'll treat Kumiko nicely, I know it.
A-are you me?

>I hate yuri and I wanted to see a Shoe ending
>but I hate kumirei garbage even harder, so this KumiAsuka development is alright with me. Reinafaggots butthurt is delicious.**
Couldn't agree more
>Besides Asuka is a nice girl and she'll treat Kumiko nicely, I know it.
A-are you me?

Of course,everyone knows that Kumirei is the true cancer here

I ship Reina with Taki unironically.

Nothing happened.

What the fuck are you people on about? Are you all that autistic that you can't tell what Kumiko meant through context?