I need to give a college presentation about why Venezuela's economy collapsed...

I need to give a college presentation about why Venezuela's economy collapsed, so I came to the best source available: Sup Forums

How did Venezuela go from a relatively affluent country to a place where you need to spend 40,000 Bolivars to buy food? Wasn't Venezuela the wet dream of leftists as a "perfect socialist utopia"?

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Stupid idea to do political stuff for classes. Should just go for something you think you can make a good presentation on, not something that's super /edgy/ and /important/

Basically Venezuela did well because they had a lot of Oil and Minerals. All the money they made was taxed stupidly high by the state, and the state pocketed the money instead of reinvesting it into modernizing and/or diversifying their economy.

When we figured out how to make oil and gas from shale (creating an oil glut), their economy took a huge hit because their oil (main revenue) became massively devalued

Soon as the hovensa refinery in the USVI shut down, venezuela went down.

They had extremely large gov't deficits even when oil was >$100/bbl. When oil prices crashed they had no way to prop up the economy via gov't spending without causing a massive hyperinflation of their currency. Since they are retarded fucking spics they don't actually produce basic goods and services and have to import them, which they couldn't do because they destroyed the value of their currency.

Remember to include how Nicolás Maduro (the current dictador) was the leader of a truck driver syndicate that got close to Chavez as a vote-monger. The leader of a nation literally a truck driver and a syndicate leader.

>was elected by people


This right here.

It was completely mismanaged right from the get go, though it appeared to be doing well because their only commodity, oil, was priced at $120+/barrel. Once the price of oil crashed down to $30, so did Venezuela's economy go with it.

Since for you russians buying an election is by merit to be elected by people, so then yes, he has "elected by the people" after the voting ended.

Research the US sanctions placed on the country.
Sanctions that were increased by Trump.
Also research Soros investment in the country and Soros track record in color revolutions and regime change.

In short, US strategy to cripple Iran's economy by using it's OPEC allies (mainly KSA) to cause a plummet in oil prices, but ended up hurting Venezuela, because unlike Iran, they had not diversified their economy to any extent, and did not invest in oil refineries (Venezuelan oil is far from good quality). The economic crisis was further exacerbated by the socialist system in place.
Essentially, they focused more on social welfare than their economy and had no foresight




Molymeme's videos have good sources on this.


>4th year of le ebil venezuelan famine
>no proofs, except MSM, alt-retards and lolbertarian screechees


>One slide
>One word


You can also talk about the effect it's had on venezuelan women and hit them right in the feminism: if your class atmosphere is leftie, there's no way they can refute Socialism's devastating effect on women

the article is from a Colombian news site stating that the border town of Cucuta in Colombia has been flooded with Venezuelan women selling their bodies to make enough money to pay for necessities back home. many of these were not into prostitution prior.

And Venezuelan refugees in my country telling their stories. Sanctions: no food.

>Venezuelan refugees

same shit as (((syrian refugees))), lazy neo-liberal bastards who were btfoed by people`s will


>The blue pill:
Compare Venezuela to Sweden. Both are small oil rich countries. The difference is that Sweden spent the money they earned on upgrading their energy technology while Venezuela spent their money on fighter jets and buying people random gibs like toasters. Since venezuela’s oil is low quality it needs to be processed, and due to their political isolation they can’t compete with other low quality oil exporters like the USA nor high quality oil exporters like Saudi Arabia.

>the red pill:
The country is a bunch of low iq half nigger half mestizos

>oil rich

should we ban americans from internet?

>The country is a bunch of low iq half nigger half mestizos.

Wow user, I would love to have some more of that deep and well based political knowledge

trump is basically following this guys lead

enjoy your future, you earned it

Haha sweden Venezuela has more in common geographically than in terms of oil production

Demographically, god damn phoneposting

In the words of the Wu.


I meant Norway. My bad bud

Haha nice try gook