Anyone got the full text of the tax bill?

Anyone got the full text of the tax bill?

This guy is saying they only got the bill 25 minutes before the vote with handwritten amendments on it

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pics of what he was pointing at

someone redpill me on the tax bill
I make 70k a year, am I good or fucked

you are good

im not even american and i know this get your shit together burger

I know I'm good, I just wanted everyone to know I make 70k

If you don't have a bunch of tax credits you will do slightly better. $2-5k saved a year probably.

>gets 25 min to read bill
>spends that time shit posting on twatter

who elected this rtard?

I will make between 92-96k this year depending on how much overtime I can scoop this next month. Also live in Cook County, IL. How much am I saving?

>2 hours to read 450 pages with unreadable hand written amendments
No one should be able to vote on that bill in good faith.

Seems more efficient then typing it and printing it again.

What exactly is the problem?

keep it up bruv

if they can't read it, shouldn't they vote no?

Nobody knows who you are to care, dipshit.

They should. They don't because they're essentially bribed with riding amendments that are promised to them and put in at the last minute. That and they are under ENORMOUS pressure to pass something because most senators are under corporate thumbs.

We don't live in a republic. We live in a corporatist neo-feudalism society.

so this is basically the 2017 version of the healthcare bill?

>450 pages
The length of this stuff is just silly.

The crap they write in isn't world changing.
>able to amend the bill with scribbles in the margins
Where were the Democrats on this? If that's all they had to do to "fix" it in their favor, why didn't they participate in the same way?

The bill was available to be reviewed for several weeks. Anybody who choose not to review it before the coming vote has only themselves to blame. Dems knew reps were working on the bill, they had access to it, and were approached for support on several occasions. There is zero excuse to not be aware of its contents. Not that it would have mattered, because dems vote as a bloc no matter what like the psychotic little cultists they are.

A physical copy is provided before the vote as a function, so that faggots like this cant say they 'never saw it' at all.

Fuck these swine.

that guy's a bitch. i can read that.

He's up for relection

There’s a lot of space in these bills. It’s not solid text on every page.

>but its okay when obongo shoves his fuckhuge abortion through


kinda like how dems shoved through obongocare

What, like with the TPP? What goes around comes around.


Obamacare was like 10,000 pages.


I LOVE this billl. I just saved tens of thousands of dollars! TRUMP 2020!

Wow. Me too, realhumanbean™.

If you're right on $70k you'll get a 3% drop in your tax rate. If you're between $70,001 - $160k you'll get a 1% reduction in your tax rate.

I can read that if he didnt post such a terrible angle

>Cook County, IL.
You're fucked. Thank Preckwinkle.

The standard deduction also increases to $12k from $6350.

>I don't read cursive


>a white guy from montana
>still tries to strawman with a black man
why are republicans so dumb

yeah buddy!
fucking loving this shit

Assuming you make $92k you'll have an extra $9330 in your pocket before any other deductions than before.

>>still tries to strawman with a black man
my implication was that you're all mutts and can't read

One can be a nigger at heart without being a nigger by skin.

You are FUCKED


Redpill me on the consequences of this bill for commiefornia and jew york. Is it punishment?

I don't doubt it. I wish my cunt-ry was winning like this.

This is probably true and it's indefensible

> amurrican senator can't read perfectly good handwriting
This is indeed "Washington D.C. at its worst".

they're feeling the bern
they need to learn that they arent the only states in america if they don't they'll never have any hope for the future
this is going to get worse and they'll hate trump more but its still just 2 states that can't up their delegates

Here it is, goyim

no, you'll be taxed 95% now.

>not getting the joke
Actually you're fucking retarded.

yes yes YES

your that poor?
jesus user, post your paypal so i can donate a few bucks

"attributable to"

Democrats are brainlets

Retards, watch the video. He says he got it 25 min prior to making the video. He has a few hours to read the whole thing

The fucking plan has been in development for ages. As early as November the major details were known. This faggot is just admitting he hasn't looked or research it at all and is coming into the senate expecting a fucking 5 page explanation for brainlets. Boo fucking hoo.

I'm make even less, please send cryptoshekels

>Implying this isn't something the Democrats have done repeatedly
Nice try guy

I remember controversy all about Obamacare in the same manner. Really what it says is all these fucks should be doing their homework before coming to class and whining they're not prepared for the test.

(d) Adjustments attributable to covfefe

FFS, open your eyes!

>"but we have pass the healthcare bill to find out what's in it"
At least they had 25 min

You are literaly the fucking worst of this country you fucking dumb cunt. Please kill yourself immediately you lazy corporate shill

You’re a fucking idiot.

You fucking moron Republicans kept in behind closed door meetings and wouldn’t allow anyone else to see it until a few hours before the vote! Are you fucking dense or something? Are you actually autistic?

No it was not available for review for weeks or that shit would have been plastered all over the news check your goddamn sources dipshit

Fucking liar. It was available from November 3 at the very latest.

Why the fuck are Dems pretending like they weren't able to read the bill or some shit? They would have all voted no regardless of what was in the Bill. Such pathetic people, I hope they get blitzed in 2018.

I think they just assume their followers are all ignorant. Or maybe they're just stupid?

Well they wouldn't be wrong. The fact that even one white person would vote for a Dem when they have been relentless in trying to make America a non-white country is truly mind-blowing.


Haha if I was Republicans, knowing the dems were all going to vote no on the tax bill regardless, then I'd just write some little bullshit that was good for dems in there at the last minute, so that when they voted no without reading it I could be like "Yeah so we even included a bunch of money for black schools in this bill but democrats voted no because they really don't care about blacks."

AHAHAHAHA Do us a favor by killing yourself you worthless flyover piece of trash

Except then they'd have to give a bunch of money to black schools, which the Republican party would never do because they're racist.

>He can't read it because his mutant sausage thumb is covering it
Fucking Tester, I hope my home state flushes that giant turd next year, makin' us all look bad like that.

>"We have to pass this bill to see what's in it."
>-Nancy Pelosi, on the Affordable Care Act.

Yeah, no one should vote on something they haven't read. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen! Can't let good hypocrisy go to waste!

>New Zealand flag
Sure you are.

Kek. Saved.

Kikes are now richer. Fuck the middle class plebs and fuck exemptions.
>(((god's chosen)))