How do I describe Berserk to my family without coming off as a weeaboo faggot? Im a closeted weeb, and I dont really let them in on it. I got a few manga volumes for Christmas a few years back, and they're on my shelf in my apartment, so they've definitely been hinted about my weebness. My dad is a super dudebro, the "Ex-Military-Badass-Football-Every-Night-With-A-Can-Of-Beer" type, and my mom is super judgmental.
How do I make Berserk sound like the most badass thing to ever hit the shelves, in your own words?
Jesus fucking christ you're so underaged that it hurts, next time you post at least try not to make it that obvious
Im 23 you autist, I hid anime and manga all through high school. Im in college now and I want to tell my parents now because Im my own man, answer the question you dick muncher.
Don't tell them
make them read it
lol posting this on r cringe
Fuckk off faggot
>it's like game of thones but a comic
It isn't that hard to explain stuff to normal people you autistic fuck.
if you really were a man, their opinion wouldn't matter.
>being ashamed of your hobby
idk go ask /lgbt/ about coming out as gay but instead of coming out as gay you're just telling them you're a huge fag
>requiring the opinions of other people to be satisfied with yourself
Lead with rape horse. They'll instantly recognize it as a mature comic for mature people, such as yourself.
>I hid anime and manga all through high school. Im in college now and I want to tell my parents now because Im my own man
start by killing yourself
>Average 'manly' anime fan
why even bring it up with them?
Next time the come to see you make sure you have an episode of PriPara playing on your TV, they will forget all about the Beserk thing.
whens the hiatus gonna end
>I'm a man now
>Sup Forums halp plox
just don't tell him about Schierke, or anything that comes after her appearance
series about boats and hatred
You sound pretty gay to me, dude.
But what about the time I had with your momama
Ok I'm not gonna insult you like the other posters but it's quite simple. Move out then you dont have to hide it anymore.
Why the fuck do you care about what your parents think of your hobbies?
"Oh noes, my dad will think I'm a sissy because I read Indonesian cave paintings. Oh woe is me."
Get real you fucking child
Okay, OP here, I'll admit Im being pretty cringey. Enough about my gay ass, lets have a general Berserk thread. First off, thoughts on the 2016 anime? I personally hate 3D, but at least the movies pulled it off semi decently. The new anime was a god damn trainwreck though
Dude, have them watch an episode of K-On with them, and then follow up with Berserk. It'll look pretty manly in comparison.
Hopefully the relative success shows them it's worth it to put more effort in S2.
fukin 20 hours of rendering, but then I have to res it down to post it here... Disgusting.
Why do you think they care? Why don't you just say it's some dark fantasy comic about some swordsman fighting demons when they ask?
Being a weeb involves either being super into Japanese culture or having a collection of frilly moe stuff. The moe stuff makes people that don't know anything about anime uncomfortable because they conclude you are either secretly flamboyantly gay for liking girly things or a child molester. Berserk can be passed off for an interest in foreign comics, unless you come from a very religious household who will not tolerate something with so much violence and nudity in the house.
Berserk is such a badass series. Just explain it like a book.
Your life is not Sup Forums-related, fuck off normalfag.
I explained it to my parents once and they seemed to have enjoyed it. I forgot what I said though.
Summarize it into only 1 or 2 sentences but just let the rest be explained with pictures because people seem to magnetize to violence especially people getting chopped in half with swords.
Final rule is to avoid showing the anime because the voices and subs would be too much change for them, just stick to the manga.
>Talking to family about your autisitc chink cartoons
Don't do it