Is Plastic Memories based on a true story?
Is Plastic Memories based on a true story?
Isla is cute.
yes i wrote it
Yes I was there
Yes, the true story of my dick in your ass
Yes. The true story is one about the author wanting to start a new pokemon game but realising he can't with deleting muh precious memories
It's based on a jojo reference.
dunno, but it's an highly underrated anime
Is this show worth watching?
No. It's predictable and overall garbage.
watch it instead of asking the opinion of a bunch of faggots
Its about the writer's girlfriend getting alzheimer at a very young age. She dies young after her bodily functions starts to give up and she loses all her memories due to the disease.
Do people with Alzheimer's forget how to breathe?
no, its just muscle break down.
If breathing required conscious control, we'd all have died in our sleep
Babies forget to breathe sometimes though.
What's underrated about it?
>asking this on a board full of Jojo lovers
It's pretty much dogshit, which is awful considering that Doga made this but everyone fucks up now and then I suppose.
It wasn't that bad desu. It was an alright comfy story and at no point tried to be super deep about it.
I really liked the show, but the ending ruined it.
Can't remember
Yes, I got the reworked version of her as a sex bot for 9 years.
Approach it like a love story about a cancer patient.
No it tells of a future in which waifubots become reality
That i quite hot
It is trash. Robots don't have souls and are not worth emotional connection.
On a true story of making yet another terrible anime with no sales
>not worth emotional connection
neither drawings
She looks like Isla's little sister
It's great, I don't know why people are so triggered about it.
Is it "predictable" when they're already telling what's going to happen in like the second episode? It was never to supposed to be a surprise.
>Robots don't have souls
Neither do humans.
nice try, ginger
It's a by-the-books crying anime. I prefer my crying anime loose-cannon-with-nothing-to-lose
it's pretty good, don't listen to the Sup Forumsnons in this thread they all have objectively shit taste.
No, they don't.
Their mothers kill them.
Yes, it's not a masterpiece by any means but it's definitely worth watching.
Just like how people told me that Madoka, Haruhi and Toradora were good.
They weren't wrong.
Those are all good and if you don't like them you should fuck off
Those were evil liars and they were all purged at the end of 2016.
Nice shit taste.
>typical dogakobo moeblob slice of life shit with planetarium spliced in badly
12/10 best anime ever
It might have all worked if Isla wasn't as bland as they come
And they were right.
y-you too
Okay OP do this:
1. Stop for a moment
2. Look up
3. Done?
4. Read your post
5. Think for a second
6. Nagisa dies at the end of clannad
>6. Nagisa dies at the end of clannad
user pls
So what is worth emotional connection?
more like plastic garbage
That's not accurate, you can't put Isla out with the plastics, you need to call for a collection.
If it was by the books then she would have survived with deus ex machina at the end like everyone expected and was familiar with.
It's not over-ambitious, but that's a good thing. It accomplishes what it sets out to do and doesn't leave you unsatisfied. I don't know what you were expecting, since the show basically lays itself down from the beginning.
>look at me, I'm cool and contrarian!