
Which fascist leader was the best at fighting and personal combat? In their prime of course. My money is on Codreanu
>fought as a volunteer in WW1 at the age of 16
>after that fought a shiton of fights in college against jews, commies and police at the ages 19 onwards
>has beaten a group of journalists alone when they wanted to fight him
>wounded 2 police bosses and killed one during a court scandal when they started attacking him
>was psyhically stronger than most people( documented by policeman who executed him)
>beaten 1000 commies with the help of only 100 good men
>mentor was Constantin Pancu( a nationalist electrician of herculean strenght)

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All of them Nat Soc United! see:

ZOG fucked it up though and now we're being white genocided world wide......

The policeman mentioning Codreanu's strenght, translated from romanian: "(...) The gendarmes then went out one by one in the prison yard, and each one was given(to execute) a legionnaire. He gave me a stronger, taller one. I learned later that this was the Captain, Corneliu Codreanu
Also the rest of the information is from "for my legionnaires" if someone needs evidence

I know jews are evil but I wasn't encouraging fighting between fascists. Just a historical question about which fascist leader was the best at fighting.

Szálasi Ferenc was an outstanding commander.

>1st lieutenant at the Tirolean Rifles, an elite unit of the old KuK military
>36 months of frontline service, leads stormtroopers at Verdun, removes pizza at the Garda-lake and Merano
>receives the Kaiserlicher Orden der Eisernen Krone
>enrolls the Ludovika military academy after the war, graduates with excellent grades, rises through the ranks
>commands an infantry regiment in the 1920's
>the enlisted men love him, fellow officers respect him for being a competent, intelligent and just officer
>a major by the age of 36
>never really boasts about his achievements later on, historians actually have to research all this

And then, he got into politics and slowly went crazy. Was completely insane by 1945.

Hermann Göring was also good at his way of fighting, he was one of Germany's top fighter pilots at a time when surviving the war without any kills was already a noteworthy achievement.

Stopped reading at KUK military xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

That is pretty good, ultimately commanding skills are better than personal fighting skills but this is what the thread is about.
That is kind of an achievment considering it was the bloodiest war. I have read about a pilot who destroyed 3 soviet planes and then survived a crash. Surviving without killing in a plane battle is an achievment as well since you must have quick reflexes.

>Which fascist leader was the best at fighting and personal combat?
>Born in Georgia
>did not volunteer to fight in any (((wars)))
>after that fought the (((banks))) robbing multiple banks
>was called man of steel
>got sent to Siberia
>Came back even more of a badass
>was willing to sacrifice his son to carry his motherland to victory
>beat Hitler
>was inspired by Darwin
I dare you to name one fascist leader who was more of a badass than Stalin

user are you retarded?

Holy shit, he looks like Trudeau

How many shekels user?

Probably Franco, youngest general in all of Europe at the time, known for being brave yet cool and logical in combat, survived as a celebrated officer on a front where 90 percent of officers were killed, commanded a group of literal criminals and whipped them into fighting shape when he was barely passed his teenage years.


Benjamin Netanyahu

Stalin was kind of good in combat in his prime but I think Codreanu still beats him since he was
A)much more taller and maybe stronger, altough not as brutal
B)military training+ quck reflexes ( managed to wound 2 and kill 1 policeman) during quick gunfight in Court
+ I doubt Stalin can be considered fascist. Sure, he was different from other commies and hated sodomites but he was still collectivist.

Franco was a good fighter I am not denying that, although not to the level of getting into war at 16 or fighting countless fist fights in college.

He was a pretty good ship leader desu.

Leon Degrelle obviously

I don't believe he is a fascist but he seems to be a skilled fighter.
>elite special unit leader
>wounded several times
>participated in a lot of assaults
This is really good actually. This proves both the fact that he is strong ( a special force requires you to have goid strenght and stamina to join- in Romania you must do 89 push-ups among other things) and brave( since he was wounded).
Codreanu was still taller than him but idk.

>>fought as a volunteer in WW1 at the age of 16

literally untrue, he writes in his own book that he was sent back soon after catching up with his father.

Fist fights weren't his thing, he was deeply religious and a calculating traditionalist, not a violent hooligan.

Consider this: surviving TRAINING was already an achievement. Training accidents were ridiculously common in WW1 on all sides. Even in WW2, the Germans had a batch of 100 trainee pilots one time and only 68 graduated because the rest of them just died during training. This is a bit of an extreme example and it happened at the later years of the war, but you get the idea.

Ooooh you cheeky little Oláh, you.

I'm inclined to like Franco, despite his crimes. During the 1956 revolution, his first response was "let's organize a relief effort the aid the Hungarian revolutionaries because fug gommies", but NATO blocked him from it. His war secretary even expressed his desire to send volunteers to Budapest; he led the Division Azul during the war and he said he'd even give up his military carreer just for a chance to lead a division against the Soviet Union one last time.

You guys are all wrong, Huey Long was more than capable of kicking some ass.

he was a good ol' boy too. If he didn't get you with his quick wit and southern charm he'd beat the piss out of ya with his belt



>was among the few who survived a squad massacre
>wounded 9 times
Both brave and quick logical thinker also, a member of the SS which means rigurous training.
>good naval commander
>military academy at 14
Not bad at all.


Why is pol so hyped about some fascistic retard loudmouth? Fascism is an ideology of the mob incapable of restraint and moderation in emotions. Fascism represents an aesthetic approach to life which is typical for idiots. Little substance, lots of symbolism and screaming which always has to find some conclusion in violence to cool down all those mob emotions

Fuck some Codreanu cretin

>fascism is an ideology

He said he fought in the advance of the army and the retreat where he saved his wounded father and after that he was sent back because he was not 18
That's what separates Franco from Stalin the bolshevik barbarian
Especially when it is about piloting.

Why limit it to fascism? Weird that you felt that compulsion.. It either speaks to how close minded you are and that you see the world in a very narrow view, or that you just know there's no way a fascist leader is going to come out on top. Actually those two aren't mutually exclusive, I have to just assume it's both..

>that ancedote of him personally roughing up some fascist yobos while at the opera with the US ambassador
He was a slimy cunt, but I've got to respect that.

That's some endurance here. A big guy.
Go fuck yourself.

If I recall, your Antonescu wasn't bad either as a commander. A ginger manlet who worked his way up through being cunning and very agressive.

you aren't forced to say a fascist one. Look there had been Stalin and fucking Bibi around. I don't know why I reply to someone using the words "narrow minded" unironically.

He was among the ones who advised Hitler not to go too deep into russian territory during winter and oh boy wasn't he right.

Hitler was basically an autist playing a grand strategy game and Antonescu was one of the little pop-ups that showed up on his screen reminding him not to be a moron.

Not only him, but other generals as well. Hitler was more of a politician than a commander. If only he was a little more strategic than ideologic.

>incapable of restraint
>Codreanu's legionnaires, a group that required extreme dedication and the utmost discipline, a kind of monkishness combined with a warrior spirit

Complete retard. Kys you stupid fgt.