ITT, underrated ships

ITT, underrated ships
Arpeggio had great ship sterns

This show was clearly underrated. I don't even remember any threads about it on Sup Forums

too bad it was cg


(Bonus for Mimorin.)

I don't think it was bad, CG can be good when done properly

Posting best ship

Ultimately, the truth is probably that it would have been far less likely to have been made using traditional animation because of costs. So at least we got something out of it (even if it was mainly inferior original material).

Why does Takao only have one leg?

If you look closely, you can see a line between the two legs there.

I wish I could see past it but so far it's impossible for me

I still believe that it was a good show

ITT, overrated vegetables
Bell peppers

No love for best ships I guess

Arpeggio literally child version of submarine No.6

mah nigga

I like the fact that she's included in World of Warships so that I can listen to her voice as she pummels other ships.

I was lucky enough to unlock her before the year ended. Wish I had the other fog ships too.

Why is there still no tech to make CG look like 2d handdrawn animation? You'd think that would in one fell swoop win over all CG fans and CG haters.

Fuck bell peppers

Well bell peppers do suck. Can't blame her for that



Figure fuking never.
I love my classic kongou but a cadenza kongou would be amazing.

Kongou made the last three episodes a lot of fun.

Yeah, a cadenza figure would be nice. Kongo has so much style. Even when she's nuts.

Can one have sex with mental models?

the only cg anime show i liked

Closest thing is something like rotoscoping, but even that has major flaws

Probably, they're made from nanomachines.

dem nanomachines, son

My point is, they're solid bodies.

Kongou in manga is so gorgeous, so fabulous. She's not like a stubborn bitch in anime.

Tsundere battlecruiser will always be the flagship of my heart.




The full on CG and changes of the actual events and characters ruined it!

>you will never aboard Takao


It's weird how her anime design was quite different from her manga look.

How was the movie?

Pretty good

Movie makes me want to visit Vladivostok, it looks so comfy.

Did anyone really get annoyed of the hand waving they did for the movie?
How exactly is giving a massive fleet of city destroying machines free will not something to worry about?

There's the Meander animation system from Disney, which has been used at least with Paperman (initial black and white) and Feast (color) so far.





posting best ship

I disagree. I like both, but the changes they made fit the medium and you still have a good adaptation.

posting best legs

Because they're cute girls, so they can be defeated by an MC. It's foolproof



Guess I'll have to watch it then.

are you guys ready for the haruna figma this year?

The world needs more Maya. Why do best girls never get figures?

what does she look like?

Well it doesn't hurt that Gunzo is apparently a tactical genius and charming enough to disarm each and every one of them (except Hyuuga).

It was more of the same. But I think the music make the fight scenes great, so I enjoyed it.

Would watch Musashi go ballistic again.

Many of them already had free will. But they were born as weapons and had a crazy leader.

It's true that a concerned human might want Iona to lead them. But Iona telling the ships to follow their own will is very Iona.


With her coat on...

And with the coat off.


this looks interesting

what should I watch, the anime or the movies?

USN BB when?

>Bell peppers

Isn't that technically a fruit?


No, they have no need for such functions and therefore no use for such attributes and/or features.

She does not look at all pleased about her circumstances there; that does not set well with me.

Is that what she normally wears under the coat?

You probably weren't here then.

When we design and make one that's actually worth looking at!

What's wrong with them?

Movie 1 has added stuff that sets up Movie 2. The anime does not.

But I still went Anime -> Movie 2. No regrets.

Who's clinging to Iona?


they see your main cannon

Plausible explanation, considering I was mutilated at birth.

>except Hyuuga


She's really gay for Iona onee-sama.

Sucks to be a jew eh? At least you can have all the dubs and shekels you want.

That's what makes it all the more egregious: I ain't jewish.

Was that ever explained?

Is that guy on the far end even in the right show?!


Defeat equals friendship, or homolust in this case.


Read the manga.

Enjoyed getting hit by multiple corrosive torpedoes that were from Iona.

>You will never love a tall onni-san BL who turned into a bear, but never grew back to original so she would not break a child's heart.

>CG can be good

She's an AI; there's no reason for her to have any such proclivities!

I want to cuddle with Kongou and tell her everything will be all right.


>human interaction

I got like half way through season 1 and never finished. I didn't drop it, I just forgot about it for like 4 months.
Should i get back into it?

Just read the manga, as someone noted above. Nearly completely different storyline, and better developed.