Hi Sup Forums, this is my nonfiction collection. What do you think of it...

Hi Sup Forums, this is my nonfiction collection. What do you think of it? Are there any other works or authors you would recommend to read and add?

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200 years together

Any fuck books in there?

>TFW the subject matter of every book in your house makes your blood boil.

I only read Business/Finance books & textbooks.

I've seen this before. It's a shill thread.

Anyway, Penguin is for cucks. Loeb is where its at.

r8 h8 contempl8

>isekai shit

What's that?
Approximately 34
It was a slog reading through Raymond Bonners book Weakness and Deceit about El Salvador
Landowners and the military, America supporting them
The peasants and rebels and church
The villages massacred, the priests murdered, the nuns raped
Its a legitimate question
That's anime not nonfiction

Meditations - Marcus Aurelius


>Its a legitimate question
And I answered you the last time.

Take a look at the top shelf
Well, what did you say?


then The Prince - Machiavelli

Worth a read even though its been beaten to death by edgelords

>Well, what did you say?


What did he mean by this

"Rubicon" by Tom Holland, "Brothers Karamazov" by Dostoyevsky, "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis, "Love Thy Neighbor" by Peter Maass, "Beyond Good & Evil" by Nietzsche, "Decline of the West" by Spangler, Shelby Foote's Civil War narrative, "Gulag Archipelago", Plato's The Republic, "the conquest of new Spain" by Bernal Díaz del Castillo


You ever seen a man with meth mouth? Do you remember how I told you about my tremendous urge to put my penis into the pickle slicer?

IE Rich Dad Poor Dad.

>greek texts
>penguin books

my first red-pill was the steven king book "rage"
i read many of his books as a young teen until i heard about this one
it's an edgy book about school shooting, but it's a banned book in my country. while looking up ways to find a copy i found a list of all the other banned books in my country
this made me curious about why these things would be banned, i managed to read a few, lolita and TACB etc
i found that even though i objected to the books, they were no harm to me
after that i started to value free expression, became pseudo left-wing on this point, started to read every "offensive" book that i could find to support my own conclusion

it just shows that the smallest things will add up

Yeah I've seen this before too, same pic as a previous thread.

I'm reading a book called Aryan Idols right now. It's quite interesting.

Thanks for the blog post
Well do you have any suggestions?