Top fucking kek

Top fucking kek.

heil hitler

today was a good day for internetting.

This is revenge, also pay back.for what Obama care did to middle America. And, I fucking love it. Make those rootless cosmopolitan s pay for their shitty local government.

tfw I'm a yank and I agree with this

Been on since 8am..long shift. Fuck I should really bed.

>from the south
>moron calls him a rust belt piece of shit

liberals aren't very smart

Folks in CA and NY keep saying they don't mind paying more taxes. Now they've got their wish. Don't see why they'd complain about that.

So now even more retarded commie leftist are going to flee their shithole states and vote blue elsewhere?

Good job lmao

I live in California and deserve to die for it
I never should have moved back here. I hate this state and (almost) everyone in it.
It used to be an awesome state until the Democrats took it over in the '90s.

Nobody cares about you skipping bedtime you defenerate muttburger.


I moved back here too. Thinking about becoming a Mormon and just have babies with fifteen wives in utah

Can't wait until the rich fucks in these ultra-blue states realize, that this wasn't a tax cut on the rich precisely because of the SALT deduction repeal.

But wouldn't this rax incetivize more yanks to leave NY and California?
Making the invasion worse.

>until the Democrats took it over
Until 3rd world Mestizos took it over


love the 4D shit going on left can't think in 4D so down they go

That is the only thing good about this tax plan. The rest is class Republican bullshit.

This could work in our favor. I have posted many times about this. As long as you bankrupt California, you can get hispanics to vote for basically fascism. You make a party identical to FN in France and name it Republican just for shits and giggles. As long as CA can't increase gibs, hispanics are basically working class people who will vote their self interest. The liberal mindfuck only works when they don't care about rent a groceries.

Ameribros, I love you guys. This shit makes me truly proud to share this beautiful continent with you. You may rake me - but I'll still love ya.

I'll spare you on Day of the Rake, friend. Just hook me up with some salmon candy and we're good.

That wouldn't be so sweet without the hint of salt at the end...
Very satisfying!!

>Javier Panzar.
Spot the 'my Grandfather was a Nazi' for $1million.

How do we defeat the eternal yank

could be interesting

You actually browse reddit?

Take him with you.

The South will make the Yankee howl.

>le reddit is illegal meme
dont know which one is actually sadder

You are