Area 88 Thread

Is there anyone on /a who knows the greatness of area 88? I mean seriously, no one ever talks about it.

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Has been over for decades and the TV adaptation was underwhelming... /m/ wanted to revive the scanlation but that's been dead for a while.

Area 88 is great. I like the OVA more than the manga but I want to read the rest of the manga one day.

i've had it dl'd in my "to watch" folder for about 3 years now. should i get to it?

Watch the OVAs. Pretend that the TV series doesn't exist.

I liked the TV series better than the OVA

I like the OVA more despite it changing things up from the manga. I'm a sucker for that classic style, but I just liked the pacing and writing more. And they let the cameraman die faster and seem less important and honestly, I didn't care about that guy, he was trying to be some kind of lame vehicle, perspective character or something and I just don't like those kinds of things.

I got into this series from game.

It gets regularly mentioned in 80s/90s anime threads. That being said, I thought the OVAs were forgettable.

Reading copies of the manga that my brother brought back from overseas is what got me into aircraft.

The OVA and manga are on pretty equal footing in my opinion.

Same. UN Squadron was some sick shit, even the SNES 1p port.

I used to think Shin was a girl at first even though it said "he" in the manual which I didn't read

Regrettably, UN Squadron is my only exposure to the series.

One day.

Pretty cool.
I mean why have that giant wall thing? Thats literally the most wasteful weapon I've seen in an anime ever


That's something I missed from the TV series. That quality animation. Seeing explosions, brass shells ejecting, it was godlike.

it just suffers from the same thing that a lot of 80s/90s OVAs and movies suffer from.
It's been talked about so many times over the years by people who have already seen it that there isn't a whole lot to say.

The TV series was great.

How come there arent more military anime like this?
Even that went moe like GuP?

I thought military otaku was a big thing in japan.


I really like how pessimistic and bleak the ending of the OVA was. Sucks to be Shin.

>UN Squadron

Everyone knows it

This was one of the few SNES games my grandpa had, and I could never get past the 4th or 5th level after you start doing pendulum runs.

Don't blame me, blame the localizers of that time.
>"What? Nobody knows about Area 88 in the west! Just call it something else!"

Legitimately one of my favorite songs from an anime

No one knew anything about any UN Squadron either.



Same my dude, a healthy diet of Area 88 and Ace Combat was more than enough to keep me obsessed for life.

[f-15 noises]


>meshuga trying to pull a split-S at 3,000 ft

Hasegawa is releasing Area 88 planes again. I just wish the manga got localized or even reprinted in japanese.

Thanks for the tip, I might have missed them otherwise!

Someone please translate this

Translate what user?

I used to just purposely die at the first boss while leveling up my gun , not buying anything, then using all my continues. By the time my starting plane was maxed, I could then pass the first bunch of levels and then I would just do all those mini runs you mentioned because they'd just push me to the purchase price of the most expensive jet in the game

>[f-15 noises]
chirp chirp?

One of the best parts about Area 88 was the variety in aircraft, and how realistically they were depicting, while still being stylish.

You sick fuck

Manga, you silly

Awful shit with unnecessary character design changes, poor visuals, awful music and a lot of things not from the original story

>F-100 Subpar Sabre

Everyone involved in designing that thing should've been shot.

Most of it is translated though.

Hey, at least it's one of the best looking planes of all time.

Then why didn't they translate the rest?
>one of the best-looking planes
It's okay.

>vietnam anime
>sore watashide wanai starts playing

>Most of it is translated though.
I think he means the rest of the manga that isn't translated.

i figured ya would post

>Most of it is translated though.
Really? I've read the 1/4 of the manga that got released in English 25 years ago but I can't find the rest. Could you help me out?

Unless I'm horribly mistaken, the manga was one of the first to get an official english release. I don't know if it's complete, as I never finished it.