Gunna break in to this old woman's house and steal her shit.

A house made of KFC ?

It’s the hag who lives in the gingerbread house white?

korean version better

The new Germans

Why are these black people culturally appropriating my country's culture?

Ya you know, it that old african story about ungrateful kids that commit murder to cover up their wickedness.

It's a tale as old as the African savanna.

The potential!

Obviously she will be white. She is the villain.

They're niggers, stealing is what they do

Wait a sec, americans have theaters? Why no one told me?

Thats fine, as long as it's not racemixing propaganda.

Blacks have had their own movies forever

>black people
>getting kidnapped

Pick one.

That fucking nose


It's a german story and those people look like the average german to me. Nothing wrong with it


Hanstutu m'cheick m'pupu *click* *clack* wallaballabingbong and Gretala m'pala tschabiola *click* *clack* buntu

im starting to think that movie studios are taking the piss out of niggers
