We are ONE race. The HUMAN race. SCIENCE proves it

We are ONE race. The HUMAN race. SCIENCE proves it.

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Here's a simple test. Can any human mate with any other human? If so, then we are one species.


i see it as biotypes

Yes but you are retarded so nobody wants to mate with you. Same deal goes for niggars. Any more questions?

a chihuahua could conceivably mate with a wolf

doesn't mean they are the same species

Canis lupis does not equal canis lupus familiaris

We are one species with many genetic variations that make up the races within the species
Of those races they are all genetically distinct from one another which creates variation in bone structure, skin tone, fat deposits, and mental acuity.

those are not humans, but rather protohumans

and sex test doesnt really hold well, i.e. donkey and horse to mule

So your argument is one of the only exceptions to the rule? Name 10 more exceptions and maybe you'll have something.

that literally means they are domesticated

>mating with any other human

This is a shitty definition. An infertile human cannot mate with any human, but that doesn't mean they are not themselves human.

One species with different races.



The biological species model is nice, but it doesn't proclude the existence of subspecies.

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Actually some groups have problems, if an african has a child with a woman with both ginger mutations her body will kill the fetus as a parasite.


We have been genetically evolving away from each other. Whites with superior traits like intelligence (Asians do well here too) and blacks with the ability to steal and be shifty, and not feel guilty about it.

Given just a tiny bit more time it would have become different species. For now it is a great asset for blacks to get white genes and a terrible loss for whites to get them.



A single exception destroys a categorical statement. If I tell you that every sheep is white and you point to one black sheep, then I am wrong. Definitions are categorical. Your definition is wrong if there is any exception. You need to make your definition less narrow.




Science can't prove these 3D renders even existed. Yuh fossil records are about as convincing as the Holohoax.

Shills are out in full force today.


the test is not will they mate
the test is can they mate and produce fully functioning offspring (reproductive functionality)

Yeah, and if you're infertile it means you can't mate, genius.

the offspring needs to be fertile you mongrel
learn to biology

they have to produce fertile offspring you mongrel
you people talk about race and the joo and the negroid but have no basic understanding of the things you should, before you reach that conversation

>American education

Dead ringer for Don Cheadle on the left...

they are genetic dead end
their 'species' ends with them
if the genetic tree ends with you, you are a failure of a human

They are the same species you ignorant cucker spaniel

German Shepards and ankle biters are also one race; canine. But there are some real differences there...

>what are subspecies

Yeah, but does that make you a different species, if you take a staircase railing to the nuts when skateboarding, and you can't make babies anymore? Just to clarify, if you get a vasectomy, you become a different species?

You don't make difference between species and race in english ?
I actually never talked to anyone who said there was different species in humanity today.

Neanderthals were light skinned. Eurasians gained all the alleles to help survive the cold from the Neanderthals it helped them skip thousands of years of adapting.

I agree.

>a Polar bear and Grizzly bear are the same species
You're retarded

>Here's a simple test. Can any human mate with any other human?
Yes, but please don't. Think of the children.

RH+ and RH- blood types are incompatible.


you are truly retarded m9

Is homo sapiens the only species in the universe that has "races"?

Tigers and lions can mate. Are they one species?

What's this telling me?

> have Great Dane puppy

No ?
I don't really see what you are trying to say here.
I just wanted to say that nobody claims that there are different homo sapiens species but that there are different races, totally different things, and this is what is controversial

why cant they just let white people be?

race is a social construct

>I just wanted to say that nobody claims that there are different homo sapiens species but that there are different races, totally different things, and this is what is controversial
Because race is just the PC term for species.

still the same species though

anyway, "race" has been deliberately deconstructed from its natural interpretation, you don't even need to go to the extremes i.e chihuahua vs wolf or Icelandic vs Mbuti Pygmy, average Joe has no problem using the word "race" to distinguish between a German Shepard and a Labrador, just like even your average braindead liberal has no trouble distinguishing between a German American and an Afro American

the matter is entirely political, almost all argument against the usefulness of human "races" can be applied to dogs as well

Humans are under one species, but racial groups exist with genetic patterns. A pitbull is the same species as a poodle, but a pitbull is a violent and stupid dog whereas the poodle is intelligent and amiable around people.

No, in other organizational structureres in the animal kingdom, they are classified as "Sub species"

However, applying that same rationale to humans is deemed as innapropriate because the prefix "sub" means " below" and according to brainlets: das racist.

It's all bullshit. Any mainstream scientist, or even anyone with a logical mind can see that negroids and caucasoids are two different groups.

It's truth, and it's a hard truth, but I would get my ass kicked if I were to say that in front of a group of blacks.

Fuck, I want to die.

Races are subspecies. Enough divergent evolution and geographical isolation has occurred for a classification to be made. Africans have been evolving separately for 40,000 years, and lack the Neanderthal admixture that us Europeans have. There's also the 75% rule, in which you can name a subspecies if it looks 75% different.

What is pc ?
Races are subspecies, atleast in french.

Not true, there are subspecies, just like the different races of horses. There is Homo Sapiens Blanc, Homo Sapien Noir and so on.

Their offspring is born sterile and unable to mate and carry on a lineage
So they are not one species, fucking read a biology book sometime dipshit

It’s almost as if there is something alien in RH- that causes the mothers immunity to attack.

Actually they are burger dumbfuck.

>saged and reported

This is all semantic bullshit. It doesn't matter how you classify things, IRL, niggers are very different than whites.

So this means that whites, nigger, spics n'shieet are species.


Can we add Mesoamerican civilizations to these types of charts?

I know those people are mostly mixed with Iberian blood now, but I find their civilizations so fascinating and very underrated. I mean their knowledge on agriculture, writing, architecture, astronomy, and mathematics is advanced for a civilization that did not trade with the Asians or the Europeans. Even had villages built on water and might have built the compass before chinks.

What the Spanish did to all the scripts and artifacts sucked so much ass. Beaners are the OGs of "we wuz kangz", they just don't know it.

Like if you agree.