recently I, and seemingly others have noticed that famous and top youtuber PEWDIEPIE is slowly becoming more and more redpilled. Why isnt Sup Forums talking or doing anything about it? This man has over 50 million subscribers, he can be used to the movements advantage.


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Leave him be. Most of us hit the red pill a little too hard and we know the devastating effects it can have. Pewds has a lot more to lose than a bunch of neets

you're thinking like a kike. people will find the truth on their own

Guys, getting redpilled ain't no joke.
My nigger girlfriend left me when I called her a degenerate monkey.
This shit has consequences.

His autism already spilled more than once and they almost destroyed his career. Let him be.

Good luck peeling him off of his shitskin whore and convincing him that his shekels are ultimately worthless when the world shifts.

He was always red pulled, he just had to pretend to be a retard because people liked it. Now that he has a following he doesn't give a fuck anymore.

PDP is a fucking oldfag. He's been on here longer than you dipshit. "We" don't need to do anything, he is his own person and is free to make the content he wants at his own pace. Redpilling cannot be done to someone, it's an innate sense that something is wrong and exploring the root causes of it.

he browses Sup Forums he knows the score,he knows how far to take it he has to put his channel 1st but he does drop redpills

These memeflag shills think this is how we actually talk to each other

What were you expecting was gonna happen asshat

He really isn't, he says conservative things as clickbait for the edgy 12-14 year olds, if you watch his sidekick's stream when they're playing together the just spout memes for the sake of it then go on about how nationalism is stupid and white people shouldn't have kids, he's like the drug dealer in American history X, he doesn't believe any of it.

He’s doing a great job. Sup Forums supports him


idk didn't he say he was an atheist, so i mean it's more probable that yea generally speaking then that he believes in nothing, maybe himself and that his channel comes first.

Pewds is doing great. More subtle red pills.

Pewd's content has been absolutely amazing this year
So many small redpills, hearty laughs and cool stuff in every video. fuck I just love him

anyone knows which vids of him have subtle redpills?

He's hiding subtle redpills in a lot of his videos disguised as sarcasm
to be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand pewdiepies redpills

Felix is a good boy and dindu nuffin wrong.

There is no movement, you fucking imbelice. He just does what "in" right now.

Jews are rats.
We only need them to kill the roaches.
Once those are gone...

holy mother of fuck.

>a degenerate monkey.