Can Kenji Kamiyama (GiTS SAC, Eden of the East, Moribito) be the new Miyazaki?
>Hirune Hime is set in the Kojima region of Okayama Prefecture in the year 2020, two days after the scheduled Tokyo Olympics. Kokone lives together with her father, who is always working on modifying cars. As she begins to investigate a strange dream has been seeing over and over, Kokone learns a secret about her family.
Joshua Collins
Looks like the usual generic ghibli wannabe thing.
Kevin Williams
>new Miyazaki Stop.
Luke Baker
Main girl needs thinner lips,
Ian Perry
Main girl is ugly and her VA is shit
Ethan Bennett
And here I thought it was gonna be Tanaka, but a girl. Hope the plot will be just straight up adventure and not turn into 2deep4me
Jackson Evans
Every PV I see makes this seem really boring and trite. It looks well-made, but tremendously uninteresting.
Nathan Price
She needs thicker lips.
Jose Ward
>>>/Youjo Senki/
Jaxson Cooper
Kei-tai 2
Asher Bell
Juan Phillips
Evan Garcia
Looks pleasing
Parker Cruz
What even Miyazaki has to do with this if it's looks like cheap version of Hosoda's Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo?
Jacob Long
Stop with the fucking new Miyazaki shit, Jesus Christ. Who the fuck cares who the "new Miyazaki" is, aside from normalfags who don't know any other anime directors?
Nicholas Price
This. The position of the new Miyazaki is already filled
Leo Ramirez
Besides the flat colours, I don't really see any similarity.
David Cooper
>muh carefree schoolgirl that don't see (or prefer not to) her male friends attention matures up through what seems at first like cool adventure and every other aspect of it looks like something hosoda will do
Parker Harris
Shinkai is the new Miyazaki, he's the only one who can sell as many movie tickets.
Jace King
>retards still think the director is responsible for the animation
Zachary Clark
what this has to do with anything posted in the thread? besides, director IS the one, who decides in which style his work will be animated