Holy fuck modern society is not designed for the nuclear family anymore

I've been taking the redpill on the breakdown of the nuclear family and American ideals now that I just got married and have a baby on the way, holy shit. Luckily my woman is no joke and we get along fantastically well, but now that I'm on the path to being a "family man" the kind of bullshit I've been hearing from other people is insane.

For most of my life, I obliged roasties and modern women to do what they pleased. I didn't mind gay couples, people having kids out of wedlock, dinks, or any of that shit. I thought was being progressive and open-minded. But holy fuck has my perspective shifted in the past 6 months.

Just from friends, family and coworkers, we've both heard so much shit. I was even told, in the same breath, I wasn't going to be a good father if I didn't stay home letting her work AND didn't work harder with more hours to support her not having to work. Can't have it both ways, but people seem to think so. We were even told we were nuts to spend money on the baby because it's just money we couldn't spend on ourselves.

What happened to our family culture?

Other urls found in this thread:


Carpe diem and Yolo happened

Soon to be dad here to user. The natural order and universal truth and traditional values and old customs like doweries and arrange marriage are all starting to make sense eh? I don't know how you can do it in the west user. To think parenting could be considered hate speech back home. Try your best I guess. You need to accept youre on the front line of hell and are limited by how much influence you have over your children. The empire has them and they willneed to save themselves as you had to with red pills.

I'd say this is a big part of it.

I have a handful of male friends who tell me they're jealous of me settling down, but in the same breath talk about "everybody wants to be the dad, but my goal is to be the crazy uncle, user." We're all in our 30's now and I'm one of 3 friends I know who are married with kids (or kids on the way). A few others are married, but the bulk of them say they aren't planning on having kids and just want to spend money on themselves and fuck their wives like they're still in their 20's.

My wife's friends aren't much different. Most of them are more bittersweet, telling us they're excited but then crying to my wife in private about how unloved and lonely they are. I think only 1 of her closest friends is married with a kid, and the current husband of that friend isn't the father of the child. That's actually very common among her larger group of friends: women who are married and raising kids, but the man in the house isn't the kids' father.

I definitely feel this way. Older coworkers and family members think I am not conservative enough either, so I'm getting it from both ends. We're actually dealing with my own parents being too overbearing and constantly asking us to move in with them, let them rear the kid for us, etc. Not even like either of us come from homes that did that shit either. We're both European whites, not fucking Hispanics or black. But my mom insists every other day that "maybe they [minorities] don't have it so wrong" and asks that we let her and my dad move in so we can be one big extended family.

Fuck that.

>ate] [
This is your lifes work now. The world is set up with boobey traps to make you look like the bad guy. Your kids will turn against you in thier teens years and hopefully figue it out for themselves. The old western cliche. Over here in Asia it isnt like that. You just try your best to do whats right and play the game. You wont be able to ever just say it like it is. You need to be crafty. Your life now counts.

QuAdS ChEqUe

You're friends with children, that's the problem. Make better friends and stop talking to children.

We should live in multigenerational households, that's real paleo/trad, not a man and a woman playing house


It is jap style. And it really works

>What happened to our family culture?
Capitalism, consumerism, mass immigration, anti-white propaganda

it WAS japanese style until the end of ww2

Warning: sad stories

Please archive or screenshot unvis.it/www.nytimes.com/2017/11/30/world/asia/japan-lonely-deaths-the-end.html

Thanks for correction

> You need to accept youre on the front line of hell
vietnam bro knows how bad things really are in the usa


I live in a multigenerational household, a real house, while my friends live in apartments with just their parents or by themselves. I shit you not each of my friends in the city have told me how jealous they were while we're on the phone about how welcoming and alive my house seems to be, like over the holidays when I'm helping to prepare thanksgiving dinner or shopping for a tree or just helping my nephew or niece with homework or whatever. My dad died last year and wasn't doing so well beforehand so i was a bit tied up with helping him do stuff he couldnt do on his own and my best friend kept asking why I didn't just have him put in a home, like the concept of caring for a parent who raised you was alien.. now a year later he says he understands and hopes someday to have a family and live in a multigen household instead of his future kids abandoning him in a home to die alone. A lot of my friends moved out at 18 and live miserable and empty lives just drinking and escapist stuff like games and drugs and sex with random people and come to their empty apartments and tell me how unfulfilled they feel, some made fun of me for moving back home to help care for my pops before he died but fuck it, the best games and drugs and drinks and one night stands pale to family bonds and having people you can rely on and who can rely on you.

>What happened to our family culture?

>What happened to our family culture?

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

White Genocide is real - In their own words

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

keep doing what you're doing and spread the word

Youtube wages of sin by e. Michael scott.
America turned into a gay disco

Note the promotion of dark haired male (Khazar Jew inspired no doubt) with Blonde female. That tells you who is really hated in this world. The light haired male is the primary target of the Jew and his society destroying schemes. The light haired male stops the Jew from getting the Blonde woman.

This gives me hope, good luck user

Thank you

Condolences about your pops, man.

As long as living with your mom is a meme, this won't happen.

For sure man, I remembered I have a friend who got married and had a kid by 21 or so.. our buds gave him shit for "missing out" but the guy is happy, his wife is lovely, looks like she's in it for the long run and they have no regrets. He told me once in confidence that the day he called all of us to announce the pregnancy and how he was unsure of keeping the kid I was the only one who congratulated him and told him to go for it if thats what would make him and his girl happy and everyone else were just giving him shit and saying the wife should abort it ASAP. How he sees it is that he can focus on his daughter now (wife works from home so no need for a nanny or daycare) and by the time she's going off to college he can always have time to seek a career or whatever or travel with his wife and retire early instead of the bullcrap being pushed now where everyone does the bugman career obsession then tries for kids in their 40s thru 60s and has to raise em late while juggling a job.

I'm glad I was raised by both my parents, some of my peers from richer families had live in nannies who did all the gruntwork and they almost all have serious emotional disconnect because the parents were so stressed and detached during their childhoods. Western society is really going down the drain, promoting mom and dad both working hard and abandoning the kids, then the kids abandon the mom and dad and everyone feels empty and alone and turns to TV or alcohol or opiates until they die, shit is unnatural and it's turning every one into soulless sociopaths.

>Just from friends, family and coworkers, we've both heard so much shit. I was even told, in the same breath, I wasn't going to be a good father if I didn't stay home letting her work AND didn't work harder with more hours to support her not having to work. Can't have it both ways, but people seem to think so. We were even told we were nuts to spend money on the baby because it's just money we couldn't spend on ourselves.
user, are you Christian? Is your wife Christian? Friends and family?
There you have your answer.

>tfw didn't marry my HS sweetheart and have huge regrat

If you're any type of romantic mgtow is a huge mistake

The quads of truth

it probably wouldn't have worked out. dogged a bullet, you lucky.

Nah it probably would have. Even so the live I have now doesn't work so what have I gained

it could always be much worse.

>black hair dark skin with blond hair blue eyes
Why did you post that racemixing propagana OP?

USA chased money and didn't give a shit, that's what happened, now next generation has to live with this. You can always train your woman to cook and clean and reinstall nuclear family, but most of Americans are cowards, so you probably won't care she will have male friends and drink, then some day she will leave.


hey, I passed on a bunch of nice woman.

nice larp douche. I'm 40 and a father of 3 and never heard such shit anywhere but here

No not really.

You can pretend all you want but the state has taken man's place and you'll sooner or later have to deal with this fact.

The "nuclear family" is fucking STUPID! Do you really want to live like that? How much of a trendy retard are you?

There's a reason your middle-class Victorian lifestyle shit failed and jews were only a small part of it! Industrialization merely created a target that was broad enough for the jews to shoot down when it took men away from the home and their families (urban sprawl), confined women to isolated blocks where they had to raise children all by themselves (destruction of the true trad family unit, the extended family), convinced women to baby their children (the idea of adulthood at 18), convinced women to baby their HUSBANDS (a wife's purpose is to serve her husband, not her children but her HUSBAND. Her husband's pleasure takes priority over making sure her children are being raised optimally), as stated previously destroyed the extended family (put people into isolated boxes on a grid-like system), and most destructive, wreaked havoc upon urban planning (zoning laws that lead to shit like pic related).

The revisionism required to make it seem like your nuclear family unit is in anyway desirable can't be overstated. You want to bring back a way of life that can't be sustained, isn't optimal in the modern world where most women have to contribute at least a small paycheck, and will inevitably collapse back into the dirt again where it belongs. Why? Because you and your wife are into daddydom-little girl and the misogynistic jew ads from the 50s make your genitals tingle.

Want to be "trad"? Great, go live on a farm like most people prior to the industrial revolution! There's no tradition in returning to some imagined golden-age that began and ended in the 19th century. A truly traditional way of life is achievable, as is your 1950s LARP lifestyle.

That's the blackpill.



a lot of people pull it off.

MGCowards are the worst. They're the male equivalent to feminists. They think they're a bad ass in a leather jacket lone wolf born to bone cool motherfucker because they're bitter and resentful at the state of society and instead of being a man and doing everything they can to uphold our society, which is the greatest on the planet,they LARP their fantasy of being a lone wolf playing by their own rules because they're scared of what might happen if we lose.
I freely admit that I was a Sandman subscriber, I used to think MGTOW was the greatest state of mind for men but it's not, it's a crutch to lean on when people ask why you're 27 with jeans that stink, videogame posters on the wall and using used dishes as an ashtray.
I woke up when I realised that Islam is effectively kicking our fucking ass up and down Europe, North America, Aus and NZ and since that I have found it impossible to stay idle. I wish I could go back to a life of selfish pleasure, I REALLY REALLY do, but I can't.

a lot of women pull off being single mothers

FamilymanAnon, you're lucky you have your parents to fall back on if you need to. Be thankful for them.

you really seem to be in the minority most people are married with 2.5 kids. I can't step outside without running into them.

All of my coworkers are either engaged, married, or in a long term relationship and every damn one of them says they can't imagine ever having kids.

I just want a family of my own, is that too much to ask?

yeah thats what they say, then they have 3 kids.

Hi varg
Why did you kill your old friend instead of someone who would have made a difference?

>We're both European whites, not fucking Hispanics or black. But my mom insists every other day that "maybe they [minorities] don't have it so wrong" and asks that we let her and my dad move in so we can be one big extended family.Fuck that.

You answer yourself about how fucked up nuclear family is nowadays. As a father of two I get as many help as I need, and I will return the favor with taking care of my parents and one day nephews and this doesnt mean be with them 24/7. You are tryin to play the lone rider just gonna make it harder for you.

Tfw you know what an image that blurry is supposed to be.

>We should live in multigenerational households
This. Even aside from pro-family sentiments it's actually a very practical model of living considering how much money has to be spent on renting a flat nowadays.
Premillenial Spaniards and Italians shouldn't be mocked for living with their parents, their situation should be embraced and treated as an example for the future generations.
We need to go back.