Redpill me on this guy
Redpill me on this guy
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Space X has recently made excellent progress on missile technology in North Korea. Think [C]lown [I]n [A]merica. Good enough for ya?
Word is...he has not made 1 penny of profit with tesla yet...
professional scam artist
He is adored by Reddit and liberals so that should tell you something is off
Lately the trendy thing has been to hate him because Tesla and many of his other ventures are a moneysink, but I think he has big achievements of his own and has freed the space sector from the shackles of government, if only a little.
Reduced to 1/3rd the cost of taking payload to orbit. That alone is worth praising.
Friendly reminder that the first modern human colony in Mars will be private.
/are guy/
made money on paypal
spends money trying to prove he's real life Iron Man
humanity kinda benefits but he's gonna run out of money.
He's a sex addict.
He has around six kids and he marries actresses and divorces them after a couple years. He's been through like 3 marriages.
t. Thunderf00t
subsidy farmer
Tesla and SpaceX wouldn't exist except for government handouts
smug cunt at the head of a cult of personality. the only thing he has ever produced has been to relieve wealthy white liberals of some of their white guilt.
Made his fortune on Paypal.
Now has good ideas, some work and some don't. Battery technology is good for powering homes and businesses. Not so good at powering cars.
He's grand, but I don't understand the religious hysteria surrounding him.
Elon will save the white race by forming a white ethnostate on Mars.
Proclaims himself to be an American nationalist, but I haven't seen anything nationalistic from him yet.
He's from Africa, he's a swindler/charlatan.
Maybe he has a sex fetish?
He's a con artist. Look at the financial sleight-of-hand he's performed between Tesla, SolarCity and SpaceX.
>"I'm going to enter the car industry!"
>"But I'm only going to make 30,000 cars a year LMAO!"
lmao i cant stop laughing at you fags who think we're going to mars...we will never ever you fucking fanboy retards lmao
>Sup Forums can't even come up with a decent conspiracy that gets traction
Elon confirmed BASED
True, Tesla loses $6 million every day. The technologies Tesla is producing will be extremely profitable in the long term, which is the reason for investors putting faith in the company.
Sold rocket tech to North Korea
he fucks angelina jolie
Why does he look hapa?
In the long term, other car companies will come up with better electric cars, and Tesla will go down like Oculus Rift.
Being the first or most hyped is not the same as being the best.
People need to realize that he's not in the technology or engineering business. He's in the business of marketing and PR.
you misspelled "our" newfag
are you retarded or something
He steals other peoples ideas
Everybody can build cars, what makes one brand stand out over the other is how cheap they can build cars. Tesla will never be as efficient as the Germans.
About to get cucked by the car industry
>the government cares how much a launch costs
Best response.
There's a lot to respect in this guy, even if you disagree with him politically.
Apparently he is a lot smarter than you.
Why don't you just write CIA? Why do I keep seeing this shit? Is it just a lasting effect of the Q larps? This plus the ((them)) shit is some weird soyboy cancer. Write it like a proper white person. CIA. Jews. They aren't going to come after you, it's OK.
He hasn't privatized shit, SpaceX and JLA are both privately opperated government contractors taking money from NASA. Having more competition in the ecosystem is of course good, but that is dependent on the amount of money being put out by NASA. Really it has to be fat pork contacts to subsidize it, like the air mail contracts by USPS that subsidized the early aviation biz. Of course militarizing space is the fastest route to feeding it cash, the cold war space race approximating that.
Musk is shit, he cuts corners which has an impact on safety. Mind you personally I'm comfortable with risks and hero/martyrs for space, but the zeitgeist is not, otherwise we'd have Orion project style nukes blasting off massive vessels that would make everything else look like cheap toys. Rather he fosters an environment that proliferates and covers up mistakes that is far more suited for software development than aerospace. He's going to get people killed and that will dry up the funding for space.
Musk is good for being a catfish that stirs up competitiveness, but if given manned missions he becomes an existential threat to the entire manned space industry.
Soros funded cuckold
He's going to fucking launch a car into orbit soon....just cause he can.
I keep hearing this but nobody has sauce. You got sauce?
He's one of the very few Thomas Edison class inventor/industrialists that's alive today and for some stupid fucking reason he's getting messed with.
Goddamn pack of fools
He is the most successful African-American.
He’s actually bald irl
A complete faggot leaching of the government and trying to sway the retarded masses with idiot ideas like the hyperloop
>be balding
>have enough wealth to get some hair transplants and fix it
What's the problem here?
that man just got a tax cut and now he can afford to fly his car around mars.
Bad genes m8
>the most successful African-American
nah that was einjew
>what would actually be innovation in electric cars
a huge investment in lead acid tech producing an inexpensive Volkswagen beetle type car for the public.
>what we got
chinese lithium botnet faggotry
triplets and twins - only done it twice
What makes you think SpaceX will fuck up the Commercial Crew Program? Like you said they're contractors for NASA, so they have to meet NASA's standards for safety. Even if a crew was lost on a Falcon 9 I don't think that would end human spaceflight, everyone recognizes that space is dangerous.
> with interest
Alexander the Great of our times.
Will give us way to get to mars where we can start first off-earth settlement where we can start spreading across the universe.
>being that stupid
>Standards for safety
In aerospace standards means filling out the correct paperwork to show documentation and accountability for everything that was done. That doesn't make it safe, it just gives you someone to blame when things go wrong. You have lots of different systems coming together and someone puts in the wrong size washer and it's all fucked.
I work at an aerospace R+D facility that does prototyping, I'm an engineer that runs around the shop floor with a red pen correcting the many mistakes that the designers made. I work closely with the techs who help me identify where stuff looks wrong. It takes time money and resources to iron out the mistakes and you don't get unlimited amounts of it.
At spaceX you also get overworked employees who aren't getting the R+R to be at peak performance and they tend to be arrogant, the types who will insulate themselves from the shop floor and getting their hands dirty. Their culture is such that missing a deadline is unacceptable so better to sweep something under the rug than be blamed for holding the process by pointing out something you think might be wrong. This fear of speaking up is something Musk brought in himself, the rest of aerospace understands the lessons written in blood about how to conduct a culture that affirms speaking up even if it causes delays and cost overruns.
Think about the Challenger explosion, that fucked space development for 20 years. We were also extremely lucky to only have 2 shuttles lost during the course of that program, it should have been more but the extra scrutany and culture of safety of the ground crews no doubt saved lives When that happens again with SpaceX and they're put under a microscope, people will flip and fresh red tape will strangle the rest of the industry. People don't have the stomach for it.
You want something real? Build a fucking launch loop, it's the sexier version of a space elevator exept it can actually work. You know why it's not built? Because the PTB don't want space expansion until they have consolidated their power on earth, aka no risk of white flight into space.
>Toyota actually owns most of the tech
>just sold their share in tesla
>going to mass produce electric
>nickle and dime tesla to hell
>Elon will never have started a profitable company
The Musk curse lives on
Jew who steals money from the government.
Snake oil salesman of the 21st century. He likes to pretend he knows what he's talking about and all the libtard glamour is just to stroke his overinflated ego.
In all honesty he's the kind of person the real Tesla warned us about.
we're literally already there.
I appreciate your response and expertise, and while I agree that SpaceX employees are probably overworked and arrogant/overconfident, I must ask you where you get your knowledge of SpaceX's culture from. Is it just speculation on your part or do you know people in SpaceX
I think your point about SpaceX engineers not being the types to get their hands dirty is the opposite of what is true. Elon Musk has stated before that he specifically designed things so that engineers and technicians would be on the same floor so they could communicate fluidly.
>the first modern human colony in Mars will be private
>human colony in Mars
what a bunch of BS. that shit will never happen
This is what Sup Forums's stance on him boils down to. Bitter, contrarian faggots.
He is a salesman pretending to be a scientist.
I was thinking that for years, but I'm surprised how suddenly it has become public opinion in the last few months. Somebody must be driving a campaign against him, I wonder who it is and why.
Thomas Edison was a thieving fraud lmfao gayboy
anyone can't be an inventor or industrialist with government subisidies that keep your failing businesses afloat. the only thing he's good at is working hard and convincing wall street to keep his stock prices up, even though all of his companies are in the red and actual zeroes.
>anyone can't
anyone can*
Stop asking the same question over and over again. Previous thread
>bawww they dont like thing I like
I've disliked him from the beginning
I like the guy. Why not have a lofty positive visionary who's proving his ideas and makign them real. Stop holding ourselves back and embrace people like him. I want to have faith in guys like him.
He really hasn't invented anything and if it wern't for government billions he's have lost his ass long ago.
Also, he's kind of an idiot who got lucky.
You can read here how the management is there, they're cut throat and don't have patience for missed deadlines which means I can guarantee they're going to coverup mistakes. Worse, they're baby managers, most in their 20s and having never lead anyone before.
One of my friends interviewed there and was aghast at how disrespectful they were there, it was focused on asking obscure abstract questions more on proving knowledge of theory than anything practical, not surprising since they're all in their 20's. What are the chances they are actually going to listen to the no college tech telling them that may work in theory but this is what actually happens. It's like google, a bunch of youngsters who are in and out in 2-3 years. When you don't have room to mess up then people start covering up their mistakes.
I'm a USAFA grad so I don't have a problem with 20 somethings in leadership positions, just not ones from Berkeley. We had NCOs training us,instilling respect, and most importantly, having at Chief at your side advising who's been around the field as long as you've been alive. SpaceX don't have that, it's great for software, you patch and move on, in military and aerospace you do that and people die.
>20 somethings in leadership positions
are they at least white? when non-whites get any sort of power they go fucking nuts.
I see your point. Lets just hope Falcon heavy doesn't blow up pad 39-A.
Maybe SpaceX strength is also its weakness. It's the "It'll work in theory" guys who landed the first stage on a barge but the same guys who will kill a NASA crew someday.
>Very lucky
>Can chase it's dreams
>Never a single problem
>Much like you
>Still gets hangovers
>Also almost breaks his little toe hitting that chairleg
>Accidently insults people
>Bad hairdays in abundance
>Lucky again sometimes
>Critisized every day by retards
>Never knows real friends from golddiggers
>I will remain incognito, thank you.
Lots of women, they're better at being yes men than men.
he wants to deport all blacks from planet Earth and send them off to colonies on Mars
The main reason why Afrikaners need extinction.
Think soyboi happas with two last names.