SJW Mayor Meltdown

Minnesota mayor freaks out during disagreement in a meeting.

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dumb cunts are just repeating what the tv told them . woman are retarded animals sometimes I want white people to be destroyed cause of people like this.



>white women

I cant wait to remove these cunts rights and lock them back in the kitchen where they fucking belong. Worthless pieces of shit.

this is fucking insane



Only anti-Whites keep accusing White people of having unearned White privilege.

Getting really really sick of politicians

White privilege--the far left liberal nightmare!

>Fucking mayor crying like a child

God, stop fucking voting women into office

>"I'm passionate about this"
Umm no sweetie you're emotional about this.

I'm shaking lmfao what virus enters in the brains of these dumb fucks?

>sometimes I want white people to be destroyed cause of people like this
White people? Are you sure it's not a jew?
Also if we get rid of the jews in the media and those controlling it, the media will be way better and people won't just repeat shitty ideas from it. Jews are the problem.

What have become of you
I guess you are too far from the ocean

She is insane. There is no other word. We need to bring back mental institutions and take back control of our country from these insane communists.

Why are they not going
>My ladies, that is enough!
>The men has things to do now
>Go home and finish you grandsons sweater.

Also look how fake this all is. This is not genuine, none of it is. Pressing out fake tears. Why are they even there?

WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?? I want these people out of government! Atleast that one lady stuck up for herself but she's still a leftist twat. wtf man.

>This is not genuine
Oh my friend, this is indeed real. Your'e just getting a glimpse behind the curtain. .

We really should be doing examinations on these hyper-emotional people to see what kind of mutation evolved in their DNA.
Everyone needs a good balance of logic and emotion. Too much of one or the other and you become psychopathic. Except hyper-logical people get put in prison, hyper-emotional people are in government and universities.

this, and it's not only a leftist problem, what you are also seeing here to a very high degree is female problems.

In the start when they were let into politics, they had to behave as to not be told to get the fuck out. All eyes were on them
>is this going to work out at all
well it didn't and this is what you get, now they are warm in their sweaters as we say here, meaning they are comfy and don't think about that.

Get them the fuck out right now, this is unheard of. Here they are supposed to handle running of a damn city and she ends up sitting there crying in an attempt to virtue signal even in a place where it has no meaning whatsoever
>loook at me I caaare, I am a goood womyyn
>what about them poor children in africa
Then they ofc, as women do, start the cat fight shit, again totally unacceptable and unprofessional

This is why women had to stay at home in the first place, get them the fuck out or see everything fall apart.

You got me wrong there, I mean she doesn't give jackshit about niggers and muh privilege, it's just fucking virtue signalling. And it's so easy to spot this on her, she does it just for the signalling, and couldn't care less about fucking dindus.

So it's really all about her, which is always the case with women

>White people? Are you sure it's not a jew?

It looks like most of the council are Jews. Maybe this dingbat is too.


why do you always post this guys picture? You know he is an ultra lefty right? Though he did make a good documentary on the killing fields

Partially TV, but it's far more prevalent and organized than that. Universities are infected.
MGTOW, is that you? Just what's this hate for females all about? I understand that you're frustrated, but you're oddly hating sideways and down but never looking (up). Just what exactly precipitated this insanity? Males are equally as responsible. Both men & Women are vulnerable in their own unique manner due to biological/temperamental differences. You don't get mad at a cat for not being able to be ridden like a horse. You can't get that mad, just recognize reality for what it is, so you can respond accordingly. Adoption of personal responsibility for what's fucked up is the only thing that will fix this mess. Jacques Derrida, one of starters of this postmodern SJW bullshit isn't a female.

So...these are the people who run the show now. Mmk

Why are liberals so mentally ill?

nice word salad sperg

Why are they so mentally ill?

We need to start forcibly institutionalizing leftists.

Minnesota user fags, come join our Minnesota Sup Forums FBI honeypot. Shit's poppin.

discord slash rjQGyWH

>why do you always post this guys picture? You know he is an ultra lefty right?
I like him I agree with him way more then I do with the trump dick suckers on pol

jesus fucking christ burgers, what the fuck

It's no arbitrary point I'm trying to make. The MGTOW spam you'll find here is real. The abdication of personal responsibility they're trying to push among males, or the masses in general isn't good.

Both MGTOW and feminism are both just created out of resentment from being ignored sexually or romantically by the opposite sex. Then the movements grow to become about bigger issues like the inequalities in the divorce court. But the underlying resentment is there. For MGTOW, its the shame of being a virgin. For feminists, the shame of being a slut.

Long knives

That is all.


not surprised, place is sweden

when can we put them in camnps... ffs

They were, in fact, settled by stout-hearted Swedes and Danes.

But look now.

500% increase in shitskins in some counties.

Here's my hypothesis based on the many research papers I've read on the subject and my life's philosophy. Their amygdalas are shriveled and tiny, so they search for instant 'moral' gratification by performing immoral acts that seem moral upfront, because immoral actions are much easier to perform than moral actions (law of information and entropy; order is harder to create than destroy), and they are unable to differentiate the two. It's almost like a moral autism; not sociopathic, yet incredibly flawed. These people want to 'do what's right,' but they're mostly incapable of doing so.

Liberals also happen to be better at information manipulation of certain kinds (mostly verbal intelligence). This gives them an upper hand when communicating/manipulating others. I could go on, but I may just write a book on the matter, and I'm not sure if anyone is that interested in hearing it here.