This kills the liberal retard

>This kills the liberal retard

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Basic economics: it doesn't trickle down

It also kills the nationalist retard

Thanks OP. I'll check this out. Essentially everything I've heard Sowell talk about has been pretty redpilled.

Just because most dems/libs are economically clueless doesn't mean repubs/"conservatives" are any better.

>reading books written by a nigger
>basing you're entire opinion on BASIC economics
the state of Sup Forums

Transfer the possession of that good or service to me free of expense.

>Being this retarded

Tell me more about how Hong Kong got so rich with their high tax rates, oh wait...

The difference, though, is that liberals pretend to be genius economists to justify their views, whereas conservatives use common sense to justify their views.

what a gay little meme and what a gay little leaf you are

Get your own fucking wine, leech

It's true, in the book Sowell speaks about how Trickle Down theory is nonsense that no real economist believes in.

the term "trickle down" is democrat propaganda made to keep voters too pissed off to think critically.

Sowell made me think that not all niggers are bad.

Holy shit even Thomas Sowell doesn't believe in trickle down.

Mandatory reading.

pdf download for this?

Yeah it's a fraud that's why Republicans dindu it now

As China if it trickles down. We created a middle class for millions of chinese people with wealthy american dollars.


You mean the corporations that trump just rewarded with a gigantic tax cut?

Oh boy, this is gonna get good.

>conservative retard


Just finished reading this. Sowell is amazing at dropping fat redpills that's for sure.

Intellectuals and Society is good too he nails the liberal punditry and University class pretty hard


There is no such thing as trickle down economics, it's a leftist meme. You're fighting a strawman.

lol you're a bot


Are there any good arguments for protectionism out there? Seems like just about every economist says no.

No, it is a straight up retarded principle
If you want a strong economy you need the free flow of labor and strong competition, even if it means a bit of globalization.

>free flow of labor

nice try shill

I'm not for unrestricted immigration mind you.. I think capable and skilled migrants should be allowed to enter into a country (USA specifically) if they can contribute to the economy positively with skills/knowledge that is very high in demand as long as they aren't brown (yellows and whites only please)


liberals see a supposedly smart person say something they don't fully understand and trust it has meaning

conservatives meanwhile see a supposedly smart person say something they don't fully understand and trust it has meaning

>source: LEFT WING UK

"intellectuals and society" is good too


because economics is so simple as to compare it with 6 glasses of wine. okaaay....

>a book written by an economic illiterate BTFOs anyone.

Yes he did RETARD. He praised bushs tax cuts.

you can be pro tax cuts and don't believe in trickle down theory do you not get this?

Then why did he say Bush tax cuts increased revenue?


his words: high taxrate, people evade paying taxes, low taxrate rich people are willing to pay taxes>more revenue

the opposite happens

if rich people are evading taxes, the solution is to crack down on tax evasion, not reward them

conservashits are just good soyim cucks for billionaires i swear

You have to be quite careful with foreign high IQ elites; see, Jews in America

Always leaving out that Clinton was just lucky enough to be president at the right time when the tech boom occurred.

>the solution is to crack down on tax evasion, not reward them
not even getting to the economics of it, what guy do you have in mind for the job?

>here's a 600+ page book that explains why you're retarded

>"Oh yeah well look at this meme"

A fucking leaf

Bullshit. The conservatives don't need to see a smart person justify their economic views, it's common sense. Conversely, liberals DO need something to latch on to to justify their economic views. They need to say "common sense says that, sure, BUT..."

>rich people aren't giving us enough money to fund these government programs so lets expend more federal dollars (read: taxpayer dollars) on cracking down on these people so we can net in a loss overall and ruin businesses in droves
Perfect plan

>If the government steals more money from people the government has more money and here's a graph to prove it


hello obama leaf. Long time no see.

>if rich people are evading taxes, the solution is to crack down on tax evasion, not reward them

yes and what do you do if they move to low tax countries?
also why post a picture of budget surplus we were talking about tax revenue

Get raked, Obamaleaf.

why do kikes vote against their own economic interests if tax cuts are devastating to the economy?

Which is better, this book or Economics In One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt?

I know that you're beyond retarded because you believe corporations pay taxes, corporations don't pay taxes, people pay taxes

>taxing the people helps the country
>taking away wealth away from people works

Yes it absolutely does.

Its.funny how all the smart black men are all conservative

> Knowing how to read
This kills the conservative retard

I am nationalist and economically aligned with people like Sowell. Singapore is a case application of such thinking.

>normies not knowing what capital flight is