You arent white

Unless you have caucasian features (narrow nose, soft straight hair), white skin, and blue eyes, you are literally NOT white.

>brown eyes
>black hair
>brown hair

90% of Europe IS NOT WHITE!
Western Europe isnt white anyway...

Ok, rabbi

Hitler viewed more of Europe as White than you



>destroyed Europe and made ethno nationalism taboo
Yeah not white.
t. Brown eyed shitskin

>White according to some of the dinks

>calls me mutt
>has brown eyes and black hair
Not white. Literally you are a mutt if you dont have blonde hair or blue eyes.

>This isn't white according to (((you)))

Dyed hair, black eyes, clown makeup.
Yeah literally it isnt fuckhead

Why are we responding to OP since he is a faggot?

Oh wait she has blue eyes.
Yes she is white if her hair is naturally blonde.

White people are literal trash. Germanics/Nords, aka much blue eyed blonde race were shitting in forests while the Vedic, Chinese, Greek and Roman, Aztec, Egyptian empires were flourishing , intelligent, and dominant.

You guys only became big after mixing with smarter races, and the only reasons you were able to mix is because of your exotic hair colour and eyes.

"White" people are the ultimate WE WUZ race of humanity.

t. Black eyed mongrel

>lowborn shits think their blond hair makes them special

She's a natural blonde.

And the black eyed shitskin reveals his true identity as a non-white

She's not white by your metrics.

t. Black haired mongrel

MASTER RACE!!!!!!!!!!

Blonde hair blue eyes = white
Are you actually retardsed or can you just not reas?

>w Sup Forums defines white

>Sweden is white
ok buddybud

What about grey eyes?





OP, you're a Jew.

Don't listen to anything this assblasted kike has to say.

Blue eyed cumskin getting raped by niggers is proud of his """race"""

Get back to your kennel, mutt.




But I have dark blonde hair and blue eyes

>calls blonde hair a white trait
>shitskins get mad
Imagine my shock


What the fuck? I hate classifying people by race now! I’m officially #OpenHeartsOpenBorders now!

I have brown hair and brown eyes but my brother is blonde with blue eyes. So he is white and i'm not?

Oy vey, now dat i look at it, i guess you're right, rabbi!


> i don't know anything about basic biology about hair and eye colour inheritance

Don't sweat it user, everyone knows OP is pic related.

you didnt say green eyes
>manlet trash
not everyone is 6'2 these days some men are still 5'11 and 5'12

It doesnt matter in that case if youre an (((anglo)))

Sup Forums is clearly a non-white board. sad!
Youre all larping as white nationalists but none of you are even white!

wtf, i am white now?
fuck you Sup Forums

The uprising has been cancelled. Time to go home and welcome Muslims in. All praise god's chosen!

t. Shitskin
Get out of europe invader.

Congrats my mongrel friend on joining the White(TM) club. Curtesy of our Israeli mutt friend here. I would like to welcome you.

If my hair goes grey, do I stop being white?

>In europe

>you arent white

Is this girl white? Please some help me


If your hair goes gray you were never white to begin with, and your genes were just a disguise.
White hair is the only white old person trait.


Out of curiosity you are aware that hair goes from grey to white as you age. Correct.

considering i can trace my ancestry all the way back to Charlemagne. I'm probably 100x's whiter than bait thread making faggot OP

Literally you are a mutt if you dont have blonde hair or blue eyes.

Blonde hair is great if you're a woman. It's quite possibly the worst thing that can happen if you're a man. It looks feminine as fuck.
It's why Meds were out building great civilizations while Nordcucks were living in mudhuts.

t. Gray haired mongrel


Your appearance is a reflection of your crap genes.
Blonde hair and blue eyes is the purest white trait.
Everything else is a sign of mixture and mongrelization.
Worst of all is black hair and black eyes.

Make your little picture 6'2, blonde hair, blue eyed, and white and you might a little closer