For a crossdressing protagonist, he really has some balls. Also, Botan is adorable
For a crossdressing protagonist, he really has some balls. Also, Botan is adorable
Posting more Botan
Dat translation
Real scanlation when?
Translation is legit
Go check the TL threads in the archives if you want more
this is now a botan thread
I can get behind this idea.
>Botan is adorable
OP has good Taste.
More like functioning eyes.
I'm kind of in the dark here. Are we really rooting for Botan to win or are we just pretending because le first girl meme?
>le x meme
>Can't even tell that Botan is absolute perfection
You don't belong here
shes legitimately best, read it and find out
Botan is pure and best
Misuzu also a best
>Botan is best
True, but not what I asked.
Are you really, really rooting for her or are you just filling the void that is the inevitability that she will lost to the main girl no matter what?
A little from column A; mostly from column B
Thank god I'm not the only one. ;_;
all the archives r ded
I'm just rooting for her wholeheartedly.
148525662 chapter 19
149623758 chapter 20
150999028#151035846 chapter 21 wasn't properly archived because OP wasn't smart enough to title his thread
I like both, but Botan is weaponized cuteness. She's just too earnest and pure.
Misuzu is also cute, in a fragile and beautiful way.
I hope that Botan wins, but I feel like she won't.
One is diabolical, the other is pure cuteness
Both are precious
The MC is a slut.
I actually like MC's female look. It's a good tomboyish look
typical manga heroine
>I like this guy
>no I don't
>I like this guy
>He's leaving!
>*pulls his sleeve*
Threadly reminder kyoanus will make not!Botan win.
still waiting for raws
That's not kyoani art you sperg.
I love how all falseflaggers have this autistic obsession with studios
Botan is the greatest thing.
The artist of this manga is doing illustrations for a new KyoAni light novel. That's what that user posted.
This is how you get hugged so hard that you seriously wonder if you're going to suffocate or get broken ribs.
First Girls is the worst cliche of anime and manga. Like in Domestic na Kanojo or Mujaki no Rakuen, it just destroys the story.
Post at the artist on twitter or something, that Botan must win.
I thought they gonna waste a ton of chapter trying to hide the misunderstanding
She won't.
She's depicted as the immature girl, the one who still acts like a child.
She's not beautiful black-haired Japanese.
She's the second girl.
She confessed first.
Actually, you don't get hugged at all, and that suffocating feeling in your chest is your heart failing because you can't handle all that cuteness.
this is not your typical romance manga.
why do you think we're here?
I'm talking about Botan getting hugged.
Wait, so the translation was real and correct? The tone is so crass I thought it was done by an edgy teen.
it's only legit because an edgy teen uploaded them onto manga-reading sites. which is ironic, remembering this board who's supposedly inhabited by edgy teen actually did better translation. see
Don't do this.
The last time twitterverse forced a mangaka to went a certain way, said mangaka abandoned the project completely.
Scorched earth policy if Botan loses.
You'll just create another hall of anal devastation.
Scorch earth the scorched earth. It can be done.
>you will never give Botan a squeeze
She's going to win and she's going to win hard. You will, motherfuckers. ;_;
I wanna pet her like the cute puppy she is