Can you even consider the US as a real democracy? their two party system is a joke and everyone knows it

Can you even consider the US as a real democracy? their two party system is a joke and everyone knows it

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It's not a democracy. Jimmy Carter admits it too.

It's never been a democracy you ding dong.

Some will esoterically argue that hurr durr technically because you vote for representatives it's still a democracy but whatever.

democracy is just a catch all phrase these days

A form of democracy called a constitutional republic,
you illiterate moron.

It's not a real democracy. Never has been. We elect officials to represent us. I will say that both parties don't represent their constituents at all. Conservatives hate the Republican party and Liberals hate the Democrats. Both are sinking ships, just that Republicans are sinking slower so I begrudgingly vote for them.

>Implying any Democracy on Earth is not managed by powerful interests
>Really believing that random plebs get to decide anything

How naive are you?


it's a republic you fucking idiot.

We are a Republic with Republican form of government. Senators were elected by state legislators until 17th amendment. Only property owners were allowed to vote.

When will people learn we are a REPUBLIC
We weren't even supposed to have parties, they just appeared because Jefferson and Hamilton couldn't come to an agreement

It was never a democracy and Europe's 5 million party system is a joke. Every party in Europe is almost indistinguishable from the others

so the answer is no and your country is officially run only by oligarchs
thanks for clearing that up

Look at the thread. Looks like most of us know USA is a Republic

Jimmy Carter is just a potatonigger version of Obama. Fuck Carter.


Mate, people are too dumb for real democracy.

Democracy is just an illusion of choice, we have nothing to say. Referendum results are just pushed aside 'because we don't know what's good for us'.

>your country is officially run only by oligarchs

well technically its a republic, but yes it is definitely a democracy as one would be considered these days.

Memes notwithstanding Americans still enjoy an exceptional amount of civil liberties with the first two amendments to the constitution proving particularly (and sadly, increasingly) unique even in the western world.

would you like to know more?


Epic meme xD would you mind if I saved it?

No carter was not in the "club". Obama was. JFK not in the "club" Reagan wasn't neither is Trump. LBJ Ford Clinton both Bush in the "club" all has had ties with CIA deepstate. Nixon was but quit. CIA set him up because of it. It has never been D & R. NWO vs USA

real democracy worldwide ended when they allowed slaves, females and service dodgers to vote

No, we let non property owners vote. You rent and vote? You are part of the problem.

Absolute retard. No one even said that

>thread made by memeflag
>americans actually give reasonable answers
>memeflags and europoors can't stand when americans know more about them than anything
sick of this meme

it's not a democracy if a presidential candidate can win the majority of votes and not be president

it's a retarded system and it only happens in the US

Constitutional Republic, you dumb cunt.

Two wolves and a sheep vote what's for dinner. In a democracy its always sheep. In a constitutional republic rights of the minority are protected by government.

We have the Electoral College because a Communist in San Francisco doesn't deserve to have a greater vote than a farmer in a small town in Kansas

Found a better system yet? F off foreigner.

america is a muttocracy

it's the logical consequence, you get a governing elite constantly filling their ranks through power with their own associates

who cares? democracy is a meme

We have been since 1913 federal reserve act.

Boy that sure sounds a whole lot like Democracy
>‘democracy will envy all, contend with all, endeavour to pull down all, and when by chance it happens to get the upper hand for a short time, it will be revengeful, bloody and cruel.’ - John Adams

>Can you even consider the US as a real democracy?
You can't consider any country a real democracy. What country actually lets their citizens vote on things like immigration, drugs and public works projects?

It really is bro
>“The [British] Empire had to die not because it didn’t work, but because it worked too well. The quality of imperial rule was starting to present evidence against democracy herself.” - Mencius Moldbug

We do 1776 BTW it's a republic. I'm am a citizen. You are a subject of Queen.

>"Quote that isn't even an argument" - some guy

In a "true" democracy, every single person would vote on every single issue.
That just isn't practical in a country of 300+million.
So we vote for people to represent us. And those people cast votes on issues on our behalf.
This is a representative form of government, not a "true" democracy.
America is not, never was, and never will be a democracy. It was designed that way on purpose.
The only change I would make to our electoral college system would be to change the number of electors being based on population.
I say every state gets two electoral votes, and the District of Columbia gets one electoral vote.
Then whichever candidate receives 51 electoral votes (out of 101) would be elected.
No state is "worth" more than any other. Presidential hopefuls will have to campaign in EVERY state.
And our REPUBLIC would benefit from this one simple change.

>I can't refute it but I can act like a smug douche and say it's a non-argument
Sure showed me

Forgot to mention in that electoral model Trump beats Hillary 80-21.
Note it then looks like the landslide that it was.

Thanks for your slide thread.

Post more. You're over 34 replies so far.

two party system was the worst thing to happen to this trashfire of a nation

it's literally just the opinion of some dude

I agree but if you think our Republic is "trashfire" then leave and go somewhere better. MAGA

>Be faggot Op
>Think that America is a democracy

Actually research what America is. All it takes is a simple google search to realize that America is a Constitutional Republic.

Furthermore if people want to understand our constitutional republic please read Anti Federalist Papers and Federalist Papers. It's series of essay of arguments that formed the Constitution for the united States of America.

With the advent of the internet, a "real democracy" is absolutely possible with online polls.

There's really no need for the bloated layer of politicians and other worthless leeches anymore to """represent""" the people.

But honestly, fuck democracy. Technocracy should be the government model for the long-term future.

corrupted within seconds to the point of complete incompetence

Majority will always enslave minority. In a democracy of two wolves and a sheep dinner will always be sheep.

Technocracy? You been endocrinared by our fine higher education.

>as a real democracy?
Considering we're a republic? No, you fucking retard.

b-but that's not real democracy

Smart people aren't corrupted as easily as the current political clowns.

Do you think that the politicians we have now are even the tiniest bit qualified to make decisions concerning things they have no idea about?

Wouldn't you rather trust a medical expert with national healthcare? An agriculture expert with planning crops and shit? I sure would.

Dirty Secret. We were never a free country. America was created by the Free Masons, notorious for kike worship. We were created to steal the North American continent from England and give it's wealth to the Jews.

Have you seen the shitholes of Europe that have multiple parties, yet most of them are all liberal, just in minute ways. What's the fucking point?

At this point it's just about what part of the government do you want to grow the most. Literally no one cares about fiscal responsibility. It's basically do you want the republicans who will lower taxes and increase spending or the Democrats who want to increase taxes and increase spending.

Damn, you guys are ignorant.
So you don't think that democracies have a constitution that overrules any sheep for dinner?

Government "expert" can you fine an example? They are usually a lobbiest from industry.
So no I trust my self more than "experts" or I'll personally hire an expert to gain knowledge. So I can decide for my self.

>So you don't think that democracies have a constitution that overrules any sheep for dinner?
Not if you have a majority and a minority, which you always will.

Okay, I propose to put the one in charge of the best hospital in the country in charge of healthcare. Same with the one in charge of the most successful farm.

People like that, given the proper resources, can really make a nationwide difference.

When your country become as productive and free as ours you can talk. Take care of mizzy problem their about to rape your wife. Who's the ignorant one? I have ar15 to protect my self. Do you? You call us ignorant?

most "political clowns" are intelligent and being an expert on one's field and being an expert on applying expertise on a national level in a way most people can agree with are completely different things

that aside, let's look at how this would work out
>be rich billionaire without qualified degree
>light bulb.jpg
>found your very own "university"
>get all the "qualifications" and sell it to people you like
you may be laughing at the ridiculousness of this, but this would actually happen to some degree

Sure in a perfect world.

Stop this meme please.
Show me any democracy where this is true, where they don't have an overriding constitution. You can't, so please educate yourself.

Nope. Because it’s a republic

>their two party system is a joke and everyone knows it

how about european 5-10 party systems then? it's a total fucking mess

That's exactly why there (always) is some form of constitution that grants people basic rights and freedoms, that overrides any stupid dinner menus.

The clowns' "intelligence" is nothing more than cunning. Undermining the opposition and fooling the public into voting for you is not true intelligence. At least, not the kind that would benefit the country in any way.

It's never been tried before. Everyone seems to think that having political cronies run a country is the only way. And yeah, monarchy is the same shit, with just a single clown prime in charge.

There are no "true" democracy in the world at national level. Please educate yourself. If it was so great you see one. We are constitutional republic.

imo nowadays you should have real democracy which is that citizens vote online with their id of every more significant decision. switzerland does this

IT IS NOT DEMOCRACY TO ELECT PEOPLE TO REPRESENT YOU; that always leads to corruption. this is ancient roman republic method. not democrarcy. it is propaganda to say electing people is democracy

what the fuck is up with her tits
that is not normal

Sounds great in theory young grasshopper. You have much to learn. You will meet psychos as you expand your horizon.

The USA is a constitutional republic. We don’t need democracy.

yes it is

No it's bought and paid for. It's not just the Jews, but they're big players for sure. Lobbyists and campaign donations are basically legal bribery. The only reason these retards passed that tax bill with NO debate and not even reading the damn thing is because their donors told them to.

>comments by Representative Chris Collins (R-NY), who said, "My donors are basically saying 'get it done or don't ever call me again"

Go back to grade school, brainlet

The virgin science nerds in charge of a country is the future. The chad politicians can fuck off.

As I said... Ignorant. And you don't even answer the question.
Yeah, you have more "freedom" than I. You have an AR, while I can only have a bolt action rifle or a shotgun.
Also, you might not want to blindly take every meme you see as the truth. Just sayin', it might be wise to expand your informational sources beyond Sup Forums.

>The virgin science nerds in charge of a country is the future.
congratulations, you just promoted them to "chad politicians"

Like I said, the smarter someone is, the harder he is to corrupt.

True intelligence more often than not brings out true humanity. Smarter people tend to be more idealistic.

jesus christ you are underage

>Like I said, the smarter someone is, the harder he is to corrupt.
first of all, this is just your romanticized opinion, because you want to believe in the "good guys"
second of all, most politicians have academic degrees and actually are very intelligent

Angela Merkal for example has a PhD in Quantum Chemistry and you probaby don't like her

You keep your democracy and we will keep our republic ok?

I don't believe in "good guys, I believe in smart guys.

Is a quantum chemistry expert qualified to make decisions concerning all areas of government? No.

What I propose is basically syndicalism.

On the day the last woman is strangled with the guts of the last nigger, and cremated with the cock of the last mudslime shoved down her throat and the cock of the last Mexican shoved up her ass, it might JUST be possible to talk about "one man, one vote."

As it is, democracy's outcomes resemble the outcome when one white prisoner and six niggers decide who's going to be the bitch that night.

Smart people don't think they're smart as we are smart enough to know the things we haven't learned yet.

i don't get the appeal of democracy. imagine if this website was a democracy, it would be such a shitshow and would change way too much. one of the great things about this website is that it barely changes.

Chemistry don't exist at quantum level. Chemistry is exchange and "sharing" of electrons. What the electrons are made of and how it behaves is quantum physics.

moot ruled Sup Forums with an iron but fair fist and now hiroshimamoot is continuing that style of rule

this thread was never meant as an argument for democracy in its extreme form, but for having more than two parties
people here just took it literally so they can give smug answers and can ignore the fact that they don't have politicians that could actually represent their individual opinions more accurately through more diverse parties

>not a joke

I watched that whole report, it's funny what people could see coming from 1966.

"A Republic, if you can keep it." Beautiful.

Freedom House, which is a widely-respected NGO that evaluates countries on several measures of freedom, ranks USA as 46th, after St. Kitts and Nevis and right before Grenada. We're not completely terrible, but nowhere near the top of the heap any more in terms of high-quality democratic institutions. Their US-specific report has much more good information, and discusses our dysfunctional two-party system.

Democracy itself is a joke. Who cares how many parties are involved

Well UN was never meant to be a seed for NWO or was it? We'll keep our republic you can have your NWO somewhere else.

Actually, democracy is the best political regime humans have devised so far, although it is far from perfect. The main benefit is that it has a mechanism in place to get rid of bad leaders without jeopardizing the legitimacy of the entire regime. It's much more stable and resilient compared to other systems, like authoritarian dictatorships. Those might work for a while, but usually they fall apart eventually.

no its a dog and pony show for the uninitiated