This is going to be 22 episodes of pure kino, isn't it? Why does A-1 make the best animu?
This is going to be 22 episodes of pure kino, isn't it? Why does A-1 make the best animu?
it's one of the better music shows that's for sure.
she dies (obviously)
its shit.
That isn't any of A1's kino. This is.
>Fairy Tail
A-1 is a scourge that must be destroyed.
Spring's upcoming animation powerhouse.
look guys, a crossboarder
>pure kino
What did he mean by this?
>Shinsekai Yori
>Your Lie in April
>Birdy Decode
>Space Brothers
>Boku Dake
They've literally saved anime time and time again
Shinsekai Yori is the only good anime there and that's because of its source material which A-1 didn't even put enough effort in adapting and instead dumped money into Shit Art Online.
this whole thread is crossboarder shit
>implying AnoHana wasn't GOAT
You cried Menma tears, admit it fag.
>implying Working!! isn't great
>implying Birdy Decode wasn't 12/10
You have shit taste
>Working isn't good
>Space Brothers isn't good
>Your Lie in April
>Not good
Space brothers and Birdy decode are the only good thing.
Yes, sorry for your shit taste.
>someone with shit taste claiming others have shit taste
The ironing is strong with this one
>people are still bullying Popura
>Sup Forumsmblrshit
Back to your containment board cross-boarding Sup Forumsmblrina.
Continuation of the Space Brothers anime when
also where's BD's of the fucking movie?
People who post crossboarder shit on Sup Forums need to be thrown into the gas chamber.
Half of those I've never watched and the other half were bad shows, with the possible exception of Shinsekai which sucks because the source material was shit.
Good job showing your newfag
>being a tryhard is oldfag behavior
I can't help I don't waste time on A-1 productions
I just finished this last night. I cried like a fucking bitch.
Fuck off Sup Forums and the show was terrible.
Sup Forums has shit taste. Who would have guessed.
>This thread