How the fuck could semites dominate the world with their religion?

How the fuck could semites dominate the world with their religion?

Greeco-Roman civilization picked it up.


It's almost as if it is fate...

Isaiah 2:3 - Many peoples will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths." The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

Whites need to get rid of their handicap called arabs/muslim and jews.

I'm afraid it's too late

>How the fuck could semites dominate the world with their religion?

They don't.

They dominated the world because a very few of them controlled the central banks who loaned money to nations to make wars on one another.

Now that the Bankers have debt based fiat money, they don't need gold any longer... the Satanic bankers no longer need the Jews.

Thats why im a Buddhist among other reasons

>That light pink in South America

>one-line one-post
>open-ended, unanswerably broad question
>no source, argument or context
>proprietary shill format meant to "nudge" responses ("how/why the FUCK")

Guess where most people live

What is this a chart of?

Wish Semites stock with Judaism.

The world would have been under one faith by now.


because they are racist ! idiot !
Jews do not like competion !

>tfw chinese

feels good man

Most people think on a practically animal level compared to the elites. Which is proven by the fact that even when "the goyim know" they don't educate themselves beyond a few memes. They are simpleminded and thus easy to control.

money. Religion is very profitable. The romans knew this and the islamists are just dumb.

Jews have a highly developed group evolutionary psychology for survival and fanatically protect their identity.
Other Semitic groups have similar traits. Whites do not and tend to be more individualistic/trusting and that's basically why we are are losing.

As to why the dominant religions are derived from Semites that is a complicated question. I would say it is mostly due to a variety of historical and circumstantial factors but mostly different groups trying to monopolize the principle and legitimacy of monotheism once paganism began to decline.

Asia uncucked

Dumb it down to the least common denominator