What is wrong with her?

What is wrong with her?

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>What is wrong with her?
She is dead

No spine.


Nothing, 2nd best girl.

yey~ peace peace

Broken neck.

My dick isn't in her right now. Hopefully we get that fixed.

Nothing. She's perfect.

Well, for starters she is a fucking reanimated corpse

Absolutely nothing other than being my second favorite Gatari.

Best Tohou

Posed look



Anyone have a gif of bat beating on doll from Nise?



Next monogatari show when

>Araragi will bever built his loli harem because Crab

Agreed, the sooner best girl gets another series the better.

I hate monogatari
So many good girls and I'm supposed to pick the bst

Spooky Ougi's voice really does stuff for me that and her smug smile

It's a smug smile good enough to devote ones love to.

Does she do spooky ougi's voice in other series?

Too cute to live.

I don't think so but I would love to be informed otherwise.

Owari Part 3 + Zokuowari can be covered in 1 cour, so we'll prolly get another 1 cour series this year. My bet is on either Summer or Fall season, depending on how optimistic you are.

I don't know if both of them would be in 1 cour. Owari part 3 would probably be 1 cour and have Zoku be like Hana, Neko Black and Tsuki were.

Are the English LNs worth buying?

they're good translations and if you like the series then yes

If you're already buying the blu rays than go for broke and get them too. Might as well if you've spent the money like I have. No going back.

I wanted the blu rays, but LNs are way cheaper.

Owari 1+2 had combined over 700 pages and got 1 cour. I seriously doubt they'll adapt 380 pages in the same in the same amount of time. And Zoku is shorter than any owari.

The blurays are expensive as fuck and all they give you is a shitty plastic case with a few eps of a series you've already seen online for free.

The English novel releases are cheap and give you a new, top quality translation that you can't find online, cased in a sleek, excellently designed volume. It's one of the best releases I've ever seen for a translated Jap novel, way better than the usual tacky trash they put out for LNs. I'd say they're way more worth buying than just the BDs.

Yeah but if you've got fuck you money it's fiiiine. What should I spend money on? Things to better my life with?! HA

buy figs and hotglue them

oh shit that sounds fun

Vitamin D deficiency.


She's an autistic ghost but that's okay because she's cute

Nothing. She became the most sexual Gatari.

Snail is the most sexual

Why does she look so angry all the time?

Angry? kek'd she is unable to express any emotion because she is just a reanimated corpse. Why then do you call her expression angry like? I would reather name it "neutral" or "stoneface" (kawai stone face btw)

Angry ≠ Stern. It's the conundrum of having resting bitch face; look pissed when it's just your default expression

I find both her and Shinobu the cringest characters in Monogatari

I think the thing I like the most about Monogatari is that I started out hating a bunch of characters (Kaiki, Yotsugi) and then ended up completely loving them later (Kaiki, Yotsugi)

Except Snake I ended up hating her, fuck that shit.


>come home
>find these two in your bed
>it's cold in your room

How do you proceed?

>Remove autistic Murderdoll
>Hug best imouto

>become scared with doll like tsukihi look
>leaves room

Really looking forward to see her daddy again next season

It was fucking disappointing seeing him or rather, his doll-self go down in one hit where he has the potential to be as cool as Kaiki or Meme and had an interesting backstory.

please don't call her a murderdoll. It's not her fault she has to kill.

I like that

>tfw barely any porn

there might not be much most porn of Doll I've seen is of pretty nice quality.

>kills her own father
>kills an innocent Bird
>would probably have tortured said innocent Bird to reveal her nature
>rude to Bat

Evil oddities like her have to be put down, at least the last of these grave offenses can't be excused by >only following orders

The only really decent stuff I've seen are the Tanabe Kyou doujin

Okay, well we started with these out of order. She kills bird before she ever really met either bird or araragi, so it's kind of understandable that she would just go for it without considering the implications. It was an order, and how was she supposed to know the kid's brother was right there? She's not a super genius by any measure, just a doll. I would even say she's kind of dumb, I think that's fair enough.

But after she killed bird, she became friends with araragi and has been nice to him and bird since. She even kills her own dad to get araragi's friends back safely. Really this can get a lot deeper as it was here she recognized her own limits and admitted that she was something less than human, but that's not the point. I think she more than made up for her bad behavior through her later actions.

Also I think almost every character has been rude to bat, because she's kind of a bitch most of the time.


look for tooo on gelbooru

Well, okay, you're right.

Most, if not all the times, Kagenui and Teori are responsible for her deeds. She is more a weapon then a person in the end.

I still find both of her parents to be big hypocrites though. Especially Kagenui calling herself an ally of justice while having both an immortal and fake as her quasi-daughter.

Araragi get's a look and says he's suprised by her choice in underwear. He says it's not what he expected at all, but I don't think we ever get to see what they look like.

was there ever fanservice of her?

She hangs around with Araragi too much so she ended up like that. That is the actual reason.

yes for footfags

She became a meanspirited dick after spending too much time with Araragi Tsukihi

I think OP's pic was before that happened, she stopped saying the posed look thing by the time she started living in the Araragi household.

She's actually embarassed about her old catchphrase later on

So does this count as rrragi mindbreaking her or what?

She started saying "yay" and "peace peace" around the time Kaiki showed up to help out with Nadeko, right?

I think so? Kaiki was the one who outright stated that she's been acting goofy ever since she started hanging around Koyomi.

In Shinobu Time she expresses embarassment about her old catchphrase and Mayoi Hell revealed that Hachikuji asked Yotsugi during that arc to fill her role towards Koyomi in her place.

how can other girls expect to compete?

Mizuhashi's boy roles are generally in Ougi's register.


How would you clean up your doll if she got ice cream all over her face?

Take her outside and hose her down.

But it's winter, user! She'll start shivering!

Lick her down. Better do it all over just in case.

She's a doll. She can deal with it.

You need a soul for that.

She isn't my wife


explain Sup Forums then

lick her with my cock

die from joy.


how can one series produce so many best girls, are they trying to fucking kill me

But origami autist wants her to say it one more time

Of course he wants to embarrass her by reminding her about her old chuuni catchphrase. He's basically her dad.

>wears rubber boots all the time
I don't want to know what her feet smell like.