She's too perfect for this fucking show.
Dragon Ball Thread
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He also got hurt by Sorbet's laser.
It's just how ki works, it's their convenient excuse to let their god-tiers get taken down for drama or laughs.
I don't think that was EoZ.
Damn waifufags
She's sharing a bed with that literal fat cat.
>somebody was angry and autistic enough to make this entire fucking thing
Well they really showed them how unperturbed and well-adjusted they are to be this volcanic about a children's cartoon and comic book series.
Good for him.
>He also got hurt by Sorbet's laser.
Laser that Freeza (a galactic emperor with lots of resources) prepared as a back up plan>>>>Some post apocalyptic Earth gun
Plus Goku was injured from fighting Freeza.
Did they ever say who the oldest is between Beerus and Champa?
Toyocucks at it again
>SS -> SSR
>Toyotaro uses Toriyama script
>Toei conveniently ignores some parts if they want
>Toyotaro have Toriyama's directions to help him with details the autor wants
>Toei don't give a shit
>side characters
>Toyotaro wants give more importance to the whole cast
>Toei wants 'The Show of Goku and Vegeta - Every Sunday!' (Trunks is allowed too if they can sell new figurines, cards, etc)
>Super Saiyan Blue
>Toyotaro make of Blue the strongest saiyan form which should be used carefully to avoid some dangerous consequences, which make it an actually new (also interesting) form
>Toei's SS Blue is literally SS with blue colors, trivially used even for baseball
>Goku's character
>Toyotaro respect Goku
>Toei seems to think that GT Goku wasn't enough
>Frost's character
>Toyotaro wants some variety of bad guys
>Toei wants more Freezas
>autor opinion
>Toyotaro is officially the Akira Toriyama's pupil, who taken up the mantle of drawing DB.
>Toei received complaints from Toriyama itself
>power scaling
>Toyotaro screwed up once with a statement that must be ignored in order for scale to work perfectly
>Toei inconsistencies has been legendaries for decades
>Toyotaro art was even praised by Toriyama as "wonderful skills"
>Toei "art" is even more infamous than their power scales
>Beautiful art
>I write an outline of the entire plot, then the script writers break it up into episodes, expanding on things, changing things around, or adding in new bits as need be.
>Even I haven’t checked the final script yet.
>Let’s enjoy this together (laughs)!!
>I had put Dragon Ball behind me, but seeing how much that live-action film ticked me off, and how I revised that script for the anime movie and complained about the quality of the TV anime, I suppose somewhere along the line it’s become a series I like too much to ever leave alone.
>Speaking of the manga, I want to ask you two about how you put the manga together. I hear Toriyama-sensei checks the storyboards for each chapter.
>Toriyama: That’s right.
>Back when Toriyama-sensei was drawing the manga, the animators would use his manga panels as reference, imitating the composition and things like that. And now it seems that the animators are likewise using Toyotaro-sensei‘s manga as reference.
>Toriyama: Oh, that’s good! That should keep them on track!
They're twins
>Every month, I'll create a storyboard for him to review, and then he'll give me input and suggest changes. When I'm working with Toriyama, there are many portions he gives me props for coming up with, but he is very particular about other things and always points them out for me to correct. And when he corrects me, I think “Wow, I guess I don't completely understand the way he looks at things,” so his corrections and feedback are incredibly accurate and helpful. It's a lot of fun to be able to get closer to his way of thinking
>I’m really grateful to you. I never thought an artist like you would come along to draw the continuation of my story!
>What is your relationship with the Dragon Ball Super anime?
>At this point, I'm not very involved with it. I think going forward, I'll be more involved, but at this point in time, I actually receive more information from the anime team than I give to them. The anime is a little bit further along than I am, but in the near future I'll be ahead, so the information will be going back to them. Regardless, we'll continue to support one another as we go forward.
That's fair, but it wasn't siphoning from Frieza's own power.
Plus it was against an SSB. How far can technology go against universe+ levels?
Plus there was the whole mounting character arc throughout RoF about Goku being too lax and carefree that would seem to imply he was powered-down and got caught off-guard.
Oh, looks like we're about to have some fun here.
>Toyocucks think they can win arguments by spamming lengthy copypastas and images that took half-a-day to make
>Toeichads simply sit back and allow them to trigger themselves as they work to improve their personal lives and casually enjoy something intended for entertainment and fun
> power scaling
I don't know how to tell you this user...
>You see guys? Toyotaro can't put detail in a diminutive draw for a whole character, how shitty his art is, right? Right, guys? Manga a shit haha...
So pathetic
> somebody was angry and autistic enough to make this entire fucking thing
Someone was even MORE autistic to type every single word. Including the blatantly wrong ones like "power-scaling"
>Toyotaro inconsistencies: 1
>Toei inconsistencies: 123581321
I don't know how to tell you this user...
> "People complained that RoF had a lack of tension. How do we remedy this Toyotaro-san?"
> "Just nerf the antagonist"
> "What?"
> "Also, that 'Black' guy looks promising. Let's make him behave like a generic villain"
> "But sir-"
At least Toyofags spoonfeeds me for free about the manga :^)
I know damn well you Toeishills aren't talking about copypastas when one of your own:
Mangafags are starting almost every anime vs manga fight, because they arw in full damage-control over Toyo ruining the arc's villain
>type every single word
You literally haven't read the pic
>also implying call someone autistic is an argument
When will you dumb motherfuckers stop with this anime vs manga bullshit?
The anime is terrible, literally nobody actually thinks its good, let alone better than the manga.
Stop falling for the bait for fuck sake.
Is this QUALITY?
> one thread-old anime pasta vs the same fucking manga pastas we see every day
>another toeishill who actually thinks toei power levels are "canon" so manga power levels are "nerfed"
In Toei are too retardeds to manage anything except pure raw power, anime-Hit is the proof
>"Black guy looks promising, let's make him like Toriyama wants, ignoring the cheated zenkai asspull and the masochist personality made in Toei"
Yeah Toyotaro is so bad, dude
haven't watched since episode 50, was the nigger arc actually good or not?
> posting a webm from the movie re-tellings
> everyone knows the quality has gotten better since then
How desparate
Toeishills are just doing this for the sake of jumping the bandwagon, really.
>one thread old
>like ten lines
>compared to a pushing-the-2000-character-limit and a fucking infodump image
wtf did he mean
> Manga Black will never be fun like he was in the anime
There is no such thing as a toeishill you stupid fuck
Theyre trolls, and youre playing right into their hands
>Toeishills will defend this
> it's not possible to complain about Toei animation AND how Toyo likes to butcher antagonists
This is why dbs threads are cancer
Stop falling for bait, you fucking retard. They're trolls who only do this because you always get easily triggered.
Toyotaro is their /god/ and he isn't capable of such crimes
Both are shit, what gives.
No they won't.
Because Toeichads are well-adjusted people who accept the flaws of their superior format and find enjoyment anyway.
Whereas Toyopedros boast the minor positives of their inferior mandingo comic panels and pretend it has no setbacks, whilst autistically rattlings out enormous copypastas as their life revolves around worshipping a gook without a chin.
DBS threads are Toeichad territory
>"Black guy looks promising, let's make him like Toriyama wants, ignoring everything that made people like him in the first place
I doesn't matter whether or nor it's closer to what Toriyama envisioned, it is objectively worse than the anime counterpart.
Oh, you will love Trunk's last sword play before THE HOPE OF MANKIND blunder :^)
Considering zamasu/black are the only true antagonists in the series so far theyre pretty much the same in both, no you cant.
The only difference is the manga isnt dragging the arc out by hopping back and forth through time, so theres not as much exposure.
>how Toyo likes to butcher antagonists
I don't understand how Toyotaro not making the antagonists retardedly overpowered and fucking with established canon at same time is butchering anything.
> I like the manga art, and some plot-points like Trunks training with the Z-Sword. But I don't like what Toyo did with Hit, and with Black.
I hate this fanbase so much
Buracku's arc is ending soon, right??
I need multiverse quality from both sources.
So you make them retardedly under-powered instead?
SS Black should've beaten SS2 Vegeta. But if Toyo wanted to have Black lose, he could've at least made it a closer fight...
Everything about Frost' being hardly different from Frieza was filler aside from the cheating part was filler? Damn. But what if he gets developed to be totally different in the multiverse tournament? Does Toei really intends to keep up with that?
>everything that made people like him in the first place
>people like Black because have inconsistent cheated zenkais and he's edgy
>Tori and Toyo Black is objectively worse than toei Black"
>retardedly overpowered
Yeah, why the fuck would you need strong enemies on a chinese cartoon about fights?
fucking toyocuck
> black was always resident in trunks' resident?
What? It doesn't make any sense, how did he get his hands on his body then? And what about SSR? The point is that it was his version of SSB.
I dunno, everyone seems to think so but it would be kinda silly to have an entire story arc only last like 3-4 chapters.
I think we still have a little ways to go, black will transform next chapter, probably push vegeta and gokus shit in, theyll have to retreat and train or w/e, then theyll have at it for the final showdown. Im hoping theres at least 2-3 more chapters here.
> I have Super Manga
> I have Super Anime
> UH
> Super Super Manga Anime
Thanks for the answer.
Some user was claiming weeks ago the manga will catch up to the anime during feb, so i got my doubts about it, seein some posts here.
these ironic ones always get me
>So you make them retardedly under-powered instead?
Except he didn't do that either, Hit was able to dodge a full power Kamehamaha from SSB Goku. Reminder Hit was holding back because of the rules.
How is that retardedly under-powered?
>SS Black should've beaten SS2 Vegeta.
SS2 Vegeta is stronger than SS3 Goku and besides he didn't lose he was just surprised because Vegeta was stronger than he thought he would be. SS Black was able to take several hits from SSB Vegeta and keep getting back up.
Meant to reply to
>come here for lewd vados pictures
As somebody who thinks DBS is shit overall, why does anybody care about which version is better? Fucking GT was better and it was like a 4/10 show at best
Super is more like fanfiction written to justify the dragonball machine and less an actual story
Who the fuck cares if the manga or anime is better? Anybody who likes DBS needs to go watch a better show or stop wasting their time with dogshit made simply to sell merchandise
Toyotaro is handing over his storyboards for the next arc to Toei, that's how he is getting ahead of the anime. The manga publication schedule will remain behind the anime though, so there's still more chapters until the Trunks arc ends.
Reminder that SSA isn't a SS "level 2" in the same way isn't a "SS grade 2", but a new form above them.
SS -> muscles on -> muscles off -> sparks on -> sparks off -> SS Anger
now stop the fight guys
>Toyotaro is handing over his storyboards for the next arc to Toei, that's how he is getting ahead of the anime. The manga publication schedule will remain behind the anime though
>>people like Black because have inconsistent cheated zenkais and he's edgy
People kinda did, though.
They liked the extravagant nature of his character and how he abused the shit out of a series' trait.
Oh, thanks again for the info, good user.
I can't wait for more QUALITY in feb, in that case.
>Except he didn't do that either
See: SS Black vs Vegeta
> SS2 Vegeta is stronger than SS3 Goku
Even IF you actually want to believe that...BASE form Black beat SS2 Trunks ( >= SS3 Goku).
The fight shouldn't have been so ridiculously one-sided
Yes because boring invincible villains that make most characters irreverent are so much fun right?
They announced that the anime was going to start following the mangas lead, as in use it as storyboards n shit.
Everyone assumed that meant the manga was going to pull ahead of the anime in publication somehow. But i guess the manga is already into the universal tourny as far as whats being drawn, and the anime is going to use that as a guideline, but publication wise the anime will probably always be ahead of the manga since its a monthly issue vs a weekly tv show.
I can say the same about Goku's (and sometimes Vegeta's) show, too.
Those retarded monkeys!
>See: SS Black vs Vegeta
See Black vs SS2 Goku Anime
>The fight shouldn't have been so ridiculously one-sided
It wasn't.
Actually, he said he will be relying information to Toei, but didn't get into details. Still, he said nothing about the manga publication getting ahead of the anime.
>Yes because boring invincible villains that make most characters irreverent...
>Tori and Toyo Black is objectively worse than toei Black"
Correct. If you deprive a character of the aspects that made him popular in the first place, then your version is objectively inferior.
No, what really is fun are invicible protagonists that win all the fights without breaking a sweat
And the manga already make the other characters irrelevant anyway, even with the shitty weak villains
I'm confused, isn't it a thing that Saiyans get stranger by getting beated up?
If so, why Is everyone comparing a post-beat up Ss2 Trunks with base Black?
And thinking Black Is not on a more equal level with Goku and Vegeta after being beaten by SSB and healed by Zamasu?
Ooooooh, he blocked a single attack! That totally disqualifies it from being a one-sided humiliation!!
In case you're genuinely retarded, which I think you might be, that was sarcasm.
> a hilariously one-sided and illogical fight vs a seemingly closer fight that made sense power-wise
What point are u trying to make here?
>carrying unconscious actual relevant characters
Oh boy, what a role.
>No, what really is fun are invicible protagonists that win all the fights without breaking a sweat
Goku lost to Beerus twice
Vegeta lost to Beerus
Goku lost to Frost
Vegeta lost to Hit
Nice try.
I'm sorry. but "most characters" have been irrelevant for decades. That's not Black's fault. Or Hit's. Or Beerus'. Or Buu's. Or Cell's. Or Freeza's.
>Ooooooh, he blocked a single attack
Go back to school, kid.
What's your point? Black is still clearly getting overwhelmed while Vegeta isn't even breaking a sweat. He was barely even trying. No amount of damage control you do will ever stop this fight from being one-sided.
>I'm sorry. but "most characters" have been irrelevant for decades
Yeah and Hit's improvement bullshit would have added Vegeta to that list.