Yearly reminder that America has 10 year old girls trained enough militarily to subdue a European country.
Otherwise. Laugh at Europ thread.
Yearly reminder that America has 10 year old girls trained enough militarily to subdue a European country.
Otherwise. Laugh at Europ thread.
those 10 year olds should protect you from all those mass shootings then.
all that matters is she could rake you.
>be European
>ride my bicycle to work and yoga practice
>Drink liquid out of bags
>tremble in fear at the sound of fire crackers
>constantly express your jealousy of Americans
>Refugees welcome
>No guns
>No freedom
>Limited McDonald's menues.
>no gasoline, only "petrol"
>small dicks
>Shitty weather
>is literally connected to the middle east
>dead empires
How embarrassing
Maybe you faggots should hire her to take care of Jose Zarate. Apparently your justice system is incapable for doing it for you.
Ban assualt lolis
No one needs these high powered killing macghines
These dangerous weapons of war should not be on our streets. We need common sense loli control to keep us safe.
mass shootings everywhere in the world, we at least can protect ourselves if we choose.
I know you mean that as an insult, but she probably would do a better job honestly.
Assault Lollies, top kek
That's California. You can hardly make the claim that they're american anymore..
This is what these evil redneck right wing nut psychos want. We need to put a stop to this, we need to make a change.
(I can't find the original upload of this, can someone help, maybe I'm missing it. Here it is on some dumbass vegan channel, wallow in the vegan tears)
I don't support giving girls/women guns (penis envy enabled by cuck fathers/males) but that was sort of humorous, I guess (if you are a faggot).
A few years back there was a story where a young girl, probably 12, that went to the gun range and decided it was a good idea to hold down the trigger when she started shooting and the recoil from the automotic fire swung the gun to the right and she accidentally killed her instructer at point blank range. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
how much are guns really worth if you are forced to live with niggers?
[more limp-wristed drivel I can't be ass to make up]
California let the guy go because he was brown.
Simple as that.
California and New York are not good representatives of the USA. Florida is a toss up, most of the time it is shit, but sometimes (rarely) it is pretty cool.
how can a loli like that defend against my drone if u know what i mean
If we had Jose Zarate and this girl duked it out with M16's, the girl would kill him in the blink of an eye. If they had to perform concurrent mass-shootings, the girl would put him to shame too.
Oh No! All those mass shootings in a country of 300+ million... let's use words like "mass" because it makes it sound like pandemic-level death and destruction. Oh wait.. what's that? You say I have a 0.0010% chance of dying by gun (by all types, not just "mass shootings")? But that can't be! America is a warzone.. mass shootings EVERYWHERE. BAN GUNZ....
Go fucking neck yourself leaf. More people die by being hit with hammers and medical malpractice than with guns.
Wew lad... try harder
Floridafag here, when is it cool?
its real
>iwn have a daughter who I can train to shoot with her Hello Kitty Ruger 10/22, watch her get her first QST on 40 meters with another country, and teach how can food grown on my land.
Life sucks.
don't worry! we just need to make guns super duper illegal so bad guys don't use them!
>have something to shoot with
>have something to shoot at
You really suck ast this.
Fucking Obamaleaf...
>dont forget to check my twitter bros...
Your country is a global STD and you are the weeping sore.
Everything you post is just dumb.
and the instructor deserved what he got for being a complete idiot and giving a fully automatic weapon with a loaded magazine to a little girl who has had 0 training before hand WHILE SITTING DOWN NEXT TO HER as she fired.
kids dont magically know how to be battlelolis. you still need proper training and safety.
This makes me so proud to be an American.
Americans are far too cucked for that.
If they're old enough to shoot, they're old enough to spread.
This is infuriating because not only is she talking about something she knows nothing about (guns) but apparently she has never operated a screwdriver in her life.
California's. Not ours. Jose Zarate is what happens when your entire state is well and truly cucked. He was literally let go just as a fuck you to Trump.
MFW Yuropoors trust their media and gubmint.
You idiots reap what you sow. You’ve sold your rights to an elite ruling class for “protection”. Because you have no balls to protect yourselves.
Pic related has more balls.
i know you're a kiwi but really not so different
You are now aware she was joking and you assumed she wasn't because she is a woman.
Happens all the time, 8 second independence.
All's fair in love and war. You burgers make rake jokes and I tell it like it is. Obviously in a gunfight with a wasted mexican the little girl would win but the point is your justice department just let a fucking murderer get off the hook. Just get on with building that wall burgers.
>your justice department just let a fucking murderer get off the hook
what is federalism
I shot at four Mexicans that tried to break into my car last month.
Too many being born, not enough getting shot
You're doing your part user, congrats.
Todd Solondz' movies are some of the best American cinema ever created.
Best thread. I remember being on a 40k forum and the britbongs were like "yeah cadians are badass,a cadian can field strip a gun at the age of 12" and I'm like, my 10 year old cousin shot her first dear at 10 so it sounds right to me
Fucin' bongs.
>It was a joke, you hate women
1. Left can't meme
2. Proofs?
Thats the beauty of it all. The ones that survive abortion end up shooting each other later in life.
The absolute state of non-Americans in this thread.
Europoors are afraid of something this 8 year old is handling just fine. And a nice shot to boot.
Define “europe”, beta americuck.
your post is pathetic and you know it's true
What European country has the least strict gun control laws? Is there any country in Europe that's even close to the U.S. in terms of the second amendment? Genuinely curious.
Europe n. A landmass on Earth that was the home of homosexuals and Muslim in the 21st Century until nuked by Russia and the US for being faggots.
Bulgar, who are you fooling? You're in Europe, you're under armed, and you plus everyone knows it. My youngest family members could shelve you and your mates on any field with a hunting rifle
He got away with it because it wasn't murder. He accidentally shot the gun from I believe 50 yards away, and it ricocheted off a sign and hit her. They shouldn't have gone after him for murder, they should be pushed for manslaughter. If they did push for manslaughter he may have actually been found guilty. Either way, the justice department is now going after him and he faces up to 20 years.
Czechia is pretty much free guns iirc.
Over here you need to pop over to the police station and sign a paper that says “I am not crazy” if you want to buy an AK. Well, im not sure about an AK, for that I think its 5$ and a month wait for a hunting license (lol, yeh, my dad hunts with his Scar, old Mosin and Mosberg, sure). Some other eastern euro countries are similar, but dont quote me on that.
wah a woman defending herself against rape is so evil.
I detect a soyboy raised by a single mom who can't handle a girl holding a gun lol.
This always makes me kek. Fucking idiot bubbas
But you don't use your guns to protect yourself from your government, you just shoot each other or yourselves
By elite ruling class, you mean the people voted in, just like in USA?
effective fighting form there. im sure standing and shooting at paper targets is exactly like war. sidewards facing torso is a good way to bypass your plates btw.
I’m fine with not guilty. Deport him. Fuck paying for his prison term.
this "yuros can't even fire a gun1!1!! XD" meme is as bad as the amerimutt meme desu.
Ah, Germany, UK, France and the germanics. Gotcha. Yeh, true.
Was a recent estimation that we had about 350k gun owners registered for the 7 mil people. Thats not counting about 100k security people and illegal owners. We are pretty fucking well armed.
Plus im reminded of the time three French commandos made a training exercise and landed in some fields off a village nearby. The local mayor, priest and forest ranger were getting drunk, someone told them they heard noise from the field. The three went there and beat the everliving shit out of the commandos (3 as well). Reporters and police arrived, one of the commandos was shot in the foot. With his own gun. Reporters asked the mayor what happened and he said:
“What do you mean what happened? I made sure he couldnt run.”
>Deny, project, and blame in a single post
Considering how 99% of women treat the service engine soon/temp light in cars, no, no I don't know it's true.
I would not be surprised if a chick thought a t-10+ bit was a bullet, not in the least.
In point of fact, the condition of the bits, slightly tarnished, makes me think the post is real.
> be brit
> sip thy tea
> get raped by muslim
> love the old ass lady
> be gay in general
Let's post underage soldiers.
Bong plz, your gov won’t let you have knives. Meanwhile in Texas.
>Was a recent estimation that we had about 350k gun owners registered for the 7 mil people. Thats not counting about 100k security people and illegal owners. We are pretty fucking well armed.
Pathetic. And no, you shouldn't be counting security personnel you trout.
>Plus im reminded of the time three French commandos made a training exercise and landed in some fields off a village nearby. The local mayor, priest and forest ranger were getting drunk, someone told them they heard noise from the field. The three went there and beat the everliving shit out of the commandos (3 as well). Reporters and police arrived, one of the commandos was shot in the foot. With his own gun. Reporters asked the mayor what happened and he said:
Everyone already knew French commandos were weenies.
Neither are good ideas. We shouldn't be paying for him, but we can't just let a person that was deported five times already and killed one of our own get away with it. The only good option is him getting the rope.
Isnt it also about 20% gun owners in the US? The guns are a lot, sure, but not that many gun owners.
>security personnell
I obviously mean private security and such, retard. Army and police aside.
>I obviously mean private security and such
Yeah, why would you think including those would matter?
You're trying to be so American it's sad. I should be honored, but it's pitiful. Do you have a gun? Don't like to me Bulgar
There is no greater equalizer known to man than the gun.
>Deport him
Didn't they do that a dozen times before the latest(because surely it wasn't the first) murder that scum commited? It should've been executed, deportation is not an option for dealing with an invasion.
its estimated about 1/3 of the US population owns a gun. tho that also includes some idiot who just has his granddads double barrel laying the attic somewhere.
CA won’t use the death penalty anymore. Why pay for him to sit in jail?
Ideally criminals like him are deported and a Wall is built to keep them from returning.
See, I would laugh, but I can't. This is entirely true, and it's more sad than anything. Euro-cucks are so fucking low energy and feminized. Our women could take on the "armies" of the EU.
>100 random school kids from rural Georgia
>100 British police.
so sad
Don't give a fuck if you roll down the road in a fucking tank, just stop bullshitting about why you want guns
You're not fighting the government and you never will
God created men and Sam Colt made them equal.
Bong. First of all, nowhere did I mention fighting my own government. This thread is about laughing at you because a truck full of 10 year old American girls could defeat and subdue your town. Sad.
Aus banned guns and their murder rate is basically the same as it was before, not that evidence has any effect on leftists.
That was California larping as Canada, friendo.
I should hire one of your refugees to make a "le 60% of the world's economy face" meme.
>You're not fighting the government and you never will
lol We just had a friendly fight a little while back. Clinton is still crying about it. She was defeated. If Obama had had his way there wouldn't have been a real election at all.
is she the same girl that shot her instructor
>Isnt it also about 20% gun owners in the US? The guns are a lot, sure, but not that many gun owners.
~42% of American households have at least one firearm.
We have more privately owned firearms than we have people.
in case you want pic edition
Reminder that Japan has girls who are literally guns.
We've been Without Rule Of Law for quite a while now.
God burger shut the fuck up, it's like you can't even fathom the idea that other people have access to firearms. It really isn't that difficult to get guns, even in the UK despite all the memes. I swear you think firearms are straight up banned outside of the US and go on a tirade every fucking time someone mentions it
>If they did push for manslaughter he may have actually been found guilty
The jury was instructed that they could deliver a guilty verdict on lesser crimes, including manslaughter.
The problem is that it was a jury trial and California is full of people who are absolute shit. Juries only work where there's enough civic virtue that the vast majority of people will be serious and honest on a jury.
Gun buying contest, me and you bro. I'll be back in 1 hour, how about you?