There’s a bear Jew in my hood. What do Sup Forums?

There’s a bear Jew in my hood. What do Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


drive by in a car and hit with a paintball gun. Make sure to hit the door as well right when they start to come outside.


Leave it alone. Don't violate the NAP.

Shoot an arrow at it as you drive by. If they patch the hole do it again.

Pick up a free oven from Craigslist and dump it on their lawn.

Buy a cardboard cutout of Hitler and make them face off.

Set up a game camera to catch them defacing their own property.

Get an inflatable hitler

I can see some Sup Forumsock trying to drive with his knees while struggling with a longbow

>Set up a game camera to catch them defacing their own property.

Bretty gud 4D chess thinking.

I don't like heebs, but this is stinking adorable. :D

That bear didn't do anything. Are you willing to break the NAP over it?



everyone knows you use crossbows for drivebys

NAP is for hippie faggots

ask them about their neanderthal dna

Make a honeypot setup.

Stick a gold star on it.

Anything other than destroying it, I'd be willing to bet that they are hoping some goy does it. Hell they'll probably get frustrated and do it themselves eventually.

Leave some pennies in front of it. As an offering. Don't anger it.


put up the christmas equivalent across the street

Buy this Christmas-themed inflatable oven and put it on your lawn.

dress up like a heeb and stand out on the sidewalk spinning a dradle, picking up pennies, and doing some accounting work

Propane tanks all around the bear

Leave it alone and not be a nigger.

Setup a Scare-Jew

They'll destroy it themselves and blame trump


then deflate and put bear in




Unironically this

Just put a giant fucking crucifix in your front yard. it'll piss them off without end. NOTHING is more offensive to Jews than Christ.

trips of truth

Underrated lol



Don't commit hate crimes, it only makes them more powerful

Move to Detroit.

>Getting a balcony without a door

Top kek

NAP doesnt apply to kikes faggot

Wait. What the fuck?


Most jews are pretty normal people prob just leave it and go abt ur life senpai

What's up with that balcony? How does one even get up there?

Bad ideas.

Good idea.

>Don't commit hate crimes, it only makes them more powerful

^ Bottom line truth.

I like the idea of Hitler starting at the bear idea, make Tha suggested cut out, make several so when they take it down you pictures one up the next night, do this till they litteraly buy a camera to watch u do it, cover your face drive your car a lil bot down the road from them. Get out use paintball gun to cover the cam and cover your face so no one sees u, next place Hitlerin front of the bare, and if your ballsy make a mini concentration camp around the bear,(do this around 3am statisticaly the family and neighbors shall still be in deep sleep)
Also don't forget a cut out of Sup Forums's Jew and put him next to the bear


Damm autocorrect censorship of my Hitler plans

>they are already gassing him
good neighbors.
just put up a sign that says 'showers' by him

Set up a sign that says "Free" and someone will take it.

when they’re asleep
place a nativity scene around it
replace c uck joseph with jew bear

Nothing because you already come off as an SJW-tier sperglord faggot. No need to make that worse.

Honestly don't fuck with it.
How would you feel if someone fucked with the Christian cross or the American flag?


leave it alone
they did nothing wrong

>when you notice it

When I was young we had these neighbours, they had these strange fleshy faces and brownish-grey skin. They were a nightmare to live next to and the two kids they had were awful little shits. It was just recently I remembered that their last name ended in stein.

All Jews must be gassed with no exceptions, it's sad but true.

Dumbfuck, shoot an arrow into it as you drive by and then later that afternoon go door to door selling patch kits at a 90% mark-up.

Long Island?

Set up a scarejew.

Honestly that is probably the intent with this.

BB gun. POP!


Shoahington Bear

draw goat heads inside for stars

Place a smaller Palestine bear in the corner

Fuckn joo wont even pay to have the rest of the leaves off his lawn


How can this be legal? Star of david is a symbol of hate.



respect other people's property like an adult?

Put on a fox suit and perform felatio on the dreidl handle.

Neighborhoods are for pussies.
Buy Land.

pls this

Ah fuck, I made a similar joke in the nigger break-in thread. Now people are going to think I ripped off of you. God damn.

Assuming joos are people

This is the absolute best move, should really be done with all Jewish owned stuff. Maybe 1% of 'hate crimes' are fake, don't ruin the trend OP.

Shoot it with a bb gun to deflate.

Also any action taken against this bear will be subject to ADL scrutiny.

Put a little Santa next to it.


my proudest trips

This. Sup Forums is a board of peace

Are you from San Francisco?

There's one right by me as well

whad the fug

then how'd your ((biological father)) get away with raping your imbecile mom?


In europe the family would be lynched. How the fuck can you burgers allow this flagrant display of judaic racism ?

on more try still got a thoth

Naive goy

tackle it

Nigger-tier idea.


holy fuck. why tho?


Burn a cross in their front yard. You want to make sure they feel welcomed.