So what are your overall thoughts on the Part 4 anime of JJBA?
Was it good? Bad?
Did you like the new animation style,or did you like the previous part 1/2/3 styles more?
Were the voice actors on point?
Did David do part 4 justice?
So what are your overall thoughts on the Part 4 anime of JJBA?
Was it good? Bad?
Did you like the new animation style,or did you like the previous part 1/2/3 styles more?
Were the voice actors on point?
Did David do part 4 justice?
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A while ago I think I saw a picture on Sup Forums of a guy in some sort of getup that kind of looked like Messina and Loggins use his fingers to slice a woman from top to bottom and then ate the slices. And while watching Part 2, I kept waiting for them to get turned into vampires and pull that sort of thing, but it wasn't them.
Is that a thing that happens in Jojo? If not, what am I thinking of here?
>Was it good? Bad?
Way better than SC. More creative, better writing/characters and the episodes are atleast somewhat connected.
>Did you like the new animation style,or did you like the previous part 1/2/3 styles more?
I like how the background is drawn. It gives me a boner how they make use of it like using different perspectives. Men are hot,
But Women look weird, all have the same weird eye(ariki pls), the yellow eye sky gives me eye cancer and the transition between scenes feel often cheap.
Budget is breakable I guess.
>Were the voice actors on point?
>Did David do part 4 justice?
Besides having a shitty budget. Yes they did.
>Did David do part 4 justice?
No. The anime did it's job on the most part tho, it's not like it could ever live up to the manga.
>Was it good? Bad?
It was great, every episode felt more lively than most of the part 3 ones.
>Did you like the new animation style,or did you like the previous part 1/2/3 styles more?
i absolutely hated part 1-2 styles and part 3 style had everycharcter look like a brick with tire shoulders so the change was good
>Were the voice actors on point?
Surprisingly yeah, all the recasted voice acters we cool, especially Kira. now we wait for Wakamoto to voice Diavolo
>Did David do part 4 justice?
Aside from cutting some good joke panels, they did good.
For everything that DP had to work with, it was pretty damn good.
Despite some QUALITY moments (disregarding the ones that are literally one unnoticeable frame in a smooth-ass animation), most of the shots looked really nice and had a unique style to them that just looked good.
Voice acting was great, too. No complaints here.
Oh yeah, one more thing. TOP FUCKING TIER soundtracks. Don't tell me this shit ain't good.
Couldn't have said it better.
Why do you jojobronies even have generals if you won't stay in them?
What does it do?
>Why do you jojobronies even have generals
Uninformed newfag, heres your (you)
Not an argument, jobrony.
Can Kira defeat Angelo?
In terms of having the better arc?
No. The Angelo arc was 10/10 in the Anime.
You seem to think you have a nice buzzword there. But I can use them too.
How is it a buzzword?
Reminder not to respond to shitty b8.
The problem with part 4 is that the source material is already fundamentally flawed, with over 80% of the chapters being filler garbage. Any anime adaptation is just lipstick on a pig at best, you can't salvage it.
The best part is up next
You mean in 30 years when 7 is animated
7 will be 3D animated
Directed by Zack Snyder
Jojo but the animation is cgi like the first opening
>ywn see a Funny Valentine OP where he constantly switches from the SBR-verse OP into to the J-verse Phantom Blood OP and just fucks with everything
Just end me
Don't blame us, dude. We were totally fine with staying in a general, but the mods told us to break it up.
So parts of the manga didn't get into the anime? I hear a few panels weren't animated
You still have generals though. Sometimes two at once.
Yeah huge chunks of I Am An Alien were skipped, all three of the arcs in the July 15th thing had major scenes cut, and most arcs in general had bits cut.
Goddamn the new castings ended up being better than the game voices especially Toshiyuki Morikawa as Kira.
>directed by zack snyder
What does Snyder got to do with anime? Also yes, I'm questioning your shitty post.
At first I didn't know how I felt about it but in the end I think I liked it the most so far.
The color palette they used was really playful and interesting, and I like the change in the way they drew the characters. They look much more... human in this part, especially the faces. The soundtrack was incredible as well, but I think that goes the same for parts 2 and 3 as well.
I need read "read the manga" pics to ise on a friend
It was about as good as it could be for the small budget and having to cram 174 chapters of a slow paced manga into 39 episodes. DP get a lot of shit but really the DiU anime was as good as it could possibly have been given the situation. The manga is still superior for all Parts except 2, but the anime was intended to animate all the fan favourite bits well which it did for the most part and not replace the manga so I give them props for doing that well. The finale was actually pretty well animated this time, DIO's World was unfortunate in that it just looked good amongst a season that for the most part looked amazing which sucks because DIO's World is arguably the most iconic arc in the manga.
Show him King Crimson's sexy legs and he'll be all over it.
But you see, we don't CALL it a general. Therein lies the distinction.
Jojo is and always has been cancer.
Here's my (you).