Which is it Sup Forums?
>A rigged system
>Just a double standard
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Why not both?
He is not running for President anymore. He got the job. Why is he still acting like Clinton is his contender for office?
Why are you such a butt fucking faggot?
Oh, commie.
Because he'll run for reelection and there's a 50/50 chance Hillary will be the nom again?
Don't you think Hillary should be brought to justice?
with clinton its the ultimate double standard. she could have hundreds of people killed and everyone just turns a blind eye
Trump is defending Flynn.
This is big.
How many unsolved murders could Hillary Clinton personally solve by herself?
Seriously, though. Clinton is garbage. Doesn't have any impact on whether or not Trump did anything illegal.
Not that I care about the whole Russia thing in the slightest. There are plenty of important things to criticize him for other than Cold War hysteria.
She will not run again. She's said as much.
Hillary is up next
why are u such a retarded inbred right-winger
>1. A word that idiots who let John Oliver do their thinking for them spout to deflect from their blatant hypocrisy.
How so
>She's said as much.
Shes said alot and most of it is bullshit.
"No justice, no peace"
Right commies?
>She will not run again. She's said as much.
Oh, well if Hillary said it then it must be true.
He should've made a twitter poll
>Captcha: OVERTON
He isn't defending Flynn so much as he is pointing out the obvious bias that has infected the justice department which is supposed to be immune from bias.
Part of the reason people voted for him is to get people like her out of the government. The active hunt is good and keeps the other on there toes and worried.
Also, the Hunter is nothing without the Hunt.
Night of the long knives when?
I think a part of the reason for these kinds of tweets is to show how powerless even the President is to these things. A subtle example of how deep state tendrils have seeped into the American system all these years.
Something we've all known/speculated but is now being confirmed by a POTUS for the first time.
The big implication from the shitlibs was that Flynn turned his back on Trump after Trump "backstabbed" him and is going to rat Trump out to Mueller.
Why doesn't he just shut the fuck up about Flynn instead of making things more difficult for himself?
of course it was rigged at the time. she was oozing with corruption, scandal, and lies. plenty of proof for all to see. she was so fucking virulent she lost to donald trump. the swamp was just protecting their own
If Trump believed that Flynn had truly damaging info, he'd be firing the artillery at him to destroy his credibility, not passively advocating for him.
Does Flynn trust there is a pardon at the end of the tunnel?
> could
what do you mean?
Crooked Hillary bleachbit 33k emails AFTER her subpoena.
Considering Flynn did nothing wrong, he should be pardoned
lying shouldn't be a jail-able offense desu
hello 911, someone has been rekt
He's pointing out an obvious double standard.
Hillary got away with it, Flynn and others have their lives ruined by virtually nothing.
He thinks exactly like how at least 50% of this country thinks.
The FBI did their best to absolve Clinton as a member of the government and part of the machine, the conspiracy pushed to get Trump out of office via special counsel is hellbent on impeaching him, forcing him to resign and possibly ruining his life along with others.
It's the epitome of double standard.
It's Scooter Libby all over again. Mueller desperately wants Flynn to say that Trump has a secret Russia spy basement or something, while holding the FBI lying charge over his head.
Flynn knows Trump will bail him out over this blatantly obvious political witch hunt.
God I love this man.
Oh, I didn't know losing an election made it so you could avoid being held accountable for endangering national security
Twitter storm tonight?
He is red pilling the country before the storm. The MSM has to report his tweets...so regardless if people believe this or not it’s implanted in their minds for when it breaks.
> with no swearing in and no recording, lies many times...
>no swearing in
This man needs to stop and think before he says stuff that either contradicts himself or allows people to focus on the details instead of the meaning of the thing. For fucks sake, people are going to point out that Flynn lied UNDER OATH, and that she did not lie under oath (in the instance he's talking about). The whole tweet gets derailed because he couldn't proofread his work.
Obviously partisan and highly unprofessional
Ongoing election or no, she is still the enemy.
Of course, you already knew that. You just ask the question anyway. Such is the way of the communist.
The FBI? Yeah we know, should be looked into
Hes literally in charge of the justice department. He needs to balls up and instruct Sessions to file charges.
This. Drimflorrp is a retarded cheeto
Adding context and pointing out hypocrisy? What a dumb nigger you are.
>you need to be running for president to be charged with crimes you've committed
He is FRAMING THE FUCK out of today's news tonight on Twitter.
Liberals, so-called armchair lawyers all melting down over his first salvo claiming it proves he obstructed justice.
You are completely retarded or a shill if you don’t understand all of his tweets are expertly calculated and crafted on purpose.
US is running on hysteria and innuendo.
Trump tweets are psyops to get his opponents agitated.
And it's working. Ask Mika and Joe. Jake Tapper and anyone at CNN.
She's the prime example of the double standard he's talking about right now.
Awww...you gonna cry Donald?
That corrupt cunt almost wont the presidency. You should be grateful all she's getting for now is harmless twitter bullyng from trump you disgusting commie.
I love that he lobs these bombs on Twitter on Saturday night, the media's most cherished "down time" of the week. And his platform is so powerful that the tweets instantly consume online discussion (top night for plieb tier normies to just be "surfin the web"). He's the most brilliant tactician President since maybe Grant
No justice for Kate,
No peace!
People don't really seem to understand the level of power the US president has.
He could fire and replace Sessions, but he can't force Sessions to investigate a damn thing.
You don’t have to be “under oath” for it to be a crime to lie to the FBI. Flynn wasn’t under oath when he lied.
You're the president dummy, wtf do you want us peons to do about it ,if you can't even do anything about it? Drumpft really activates my anus.
There is a reason you swear an oath user, he has to be punished as anyone else who lies under oath.
If not, why wouldn't people lie if there was no consequences, only gains to lie.
Why is Trump shilling so hard for that retard Flynn? Let the fucker burn and fend for yourself. Stop tweeting stupid shit that makes it easier for your enemies to build a case against you.
That's my Shitposter in Chief.
Until now media has controlled the "news cycle" and the content.
Now.. At 2am Trump can tweet some shit... And before the gatekeepers and narrative directors can get their jocks and sock on, the tweets gone global.
Of course they want to take his twitter away.
Oh yesss, it's all methodical, 9000D water polo.
He isn't shilling for Flynn, he is pointing out how the justice department needs to smash Hillary over the head using their own standards.
Politics is 80% optics and framing.
He doesn't directly control the Justice Department, separate of powers and all that, you know what liberals screeched was gone when he got elected last year.
He likes Flynn and Flynn didn't do anything wrong or out of the ordinary.
The special counsel's entire point is to twist or bring up charges on any technicality they find to get Trump out of office one way or another.
What's really funny to me is the people bitching about him tweeting are the same people who want more transparency in government.
This is the most transparent the presidency has ever been in history.
>He could fire and replace Sessions
Id be absolutely fine with that.
kek yeah it's all true, he is fucking brilliant.
They are all piss angry because doesn't even need them in this day and age. Where they used to be able to jew, twist and manipulate; they are powerless.
Seriously I wonder how much of their sales and views have gone down since this mess started. They aren't able to adapt either. Surely several of them are going to end up in bankruptcy eventually
He isn't acting like she's his contender. He's acting like she's an establishment politician who has committed all the crimes he has been accused of and yet has not had to face any justice for her actions. It's actually a totally valid point to make.
If Hillary's ass isn't on the justice block soon, he probably will.
He got a good case handed to him in the last 24 hrs for just pulling the damn plug on Mueller and ordering it shut down
>ABC story is out with massive factual error
>Stock market plunges
>ABC forced to retract/correct/suspend employee
>Plus news about corrupt Strzok at FBI's affair and anti-Trump bias
He can legitimately cite national security/economy and protecting it from this wild, clearly unprofessional witch hunt
Trumps is simply insane. He will not survive another election.
This. The optics are terrible.
definitely rigged
Democrats are shameless, unapologetic terrorist
Yep, this is framing or reframing.
What is this picture about?
wish you faggots had never heard the term "optics". its already the numale word of the month
Its a threat to the constitution if he says the system is rigged
I for one am looking forward to a renaissance of Hilldawg meme creation.
There it is.
No he di'int
I think part of the game is they want him to bait him into firing Mueller. I could be wrong.
Mueller will charge Kushner or Jr next and Trump will have to make a choice about continuing to servce, resigning, pardoning or not running again to spare a family member.
The game is to railroad him out of office and destroy people who dared work for him during the campaign or in the admin to make an example out of them and to not support outsiders ever again.
oh sweetiepie honeybunch, she's still going to be brought to justice.
Haven't heard this repeatedly since 2015, look what happened.
His Twitter game is effective because his thoughts or what he writes reflects what a large portion of the population is thinking.
Clinton is still a major player in the corruption game you stupid idiot
>The optics are terrible
But not for the reason you think.
People understand inconsistency..
Trumps tweets work. Trump is a master of manipulation.
Q said disinformation was necessary. maybe he lied on purpose to get caught on purpose to expose the lies of the Obama administration because now he can tell the story. He worked for them for 2+ years... he knows about some skeletons.
Well no fucking shit you would lie, if you were worried you were about to be thrown in the slammer why the fuck wouldn't you? I know that's the whole reason we have the 5th amendment, but still, it's human nature.
because she should be in jail