Please help me regain my semblance of reality

I understand that most of you like Trump. I, however, totally despire him. I do not understand how someone who seems so stupid could be president. I feel like the world has lost all semblance of reason if someone so outragouesly immature and inept could be president.

What am I missing? I'm not even that much of a leftist, I tend to lean more libertarian/classical liberal. I don't like how Trump has more isolationaist tendencies, and I feel like his more "closed border" policy is enoucring skilled workers to go to Canada, Europe and Asia. I feel like we're falling behind.

I guess I just don't see any positives at all in this presidency, he seems to be actively fucking everything up. And I don't understand how someone so incompetent could be president, someone who can't even restrain himself on twitter. What has the world come to? Is there any logic at all behind this?

Other urls found in this thread:

You're a Jewish piece of shit.


>I do not understand how someone who seems so stupid could be president.

>someone who seems so stupid.

>seems so stupid.


Where do you get your information?

like Ivanka?

Your feelings are based on your level of understanding.
Keep informing yourself and eventually you will start to understand life.
Once you understand life,you will start to understand America.
Once you understand America,you will start to understand why Trump is doing what he is.
Basically ,you are a witless twat who doesnt know shit...sort yourself out.

Pic related

I understand that Trump may advocate for policies that a certain type of American may like.I don't understand why someone with Trump's personality has to be the one they chose.

Trumps tucking closed border mentality is causing a fuckload of undocumented immigrants to come up north
His policy is already working and he hasn't even built a wall yet

>I understand that Trump may advocate for policies that a certain type of American may like.I don't understand why someone with Trump's personality has to be the one they chose.

Because no one else was advocating those policies maybe? Also 'personality' is superficial shit. The man knows how to get shit done. He spent his entire life preparing for this. Don't worry about it.


Bro, if you're pro illegal immigration, then you support the elite taking advantage of migrant workers so they can save money.

Also, the stupidity you see from Trump is just him appealing to his fan base. He's actually an extremely intelligent man, look up his professor uncle.
He just likes big words.

Trump's a very smart and capable person and believing otherwise is just falling for the media's delusion. Is he sometimes impulsive? Yes, but that's also when he's being the most honest. Is he actually pretty light-hearted? Yes. Is he a salesperson and approached the presidency like making a sale? Absolutely. To most of us Trump is smart, funny, honest, hard-working, incredibly efficient and, most importantly, authentic to himself. Trump is Trump - there (clearly) isn't a shadowy corporation or figure stringing him along. Sup Forumstards love people who are true to themselves and don't make up fake melodramatic shit.

To us Trump really feels like one of us, a regular guy, /ourguy/. Hell I used to hate Trump way back when, but that was because the MEDIA was telling me to hate Trump. Eventually I woke up to their ridiculous falsehoods and discarded their view for actually taking a real gander at Trump. Trump unfiltered proved to be the fun-loving, hard-working, authentic guy I mentioned earlier, not the heart-eating fascist monster the media made him out to be.

Trust me, things will make a lot more sense if you discard what the media says about Trump in favor of what I've proposed. It'll save your sanity in the long run.

Trump is literally the most Pro-Jewish President in the history of the United States.

Do your research. Everything Trump is doing is to the benefit of our country and even the rest of the world even if it doesn't seem to be so at first. The man has a very high IQ and ran businesses that are still going strong. He turned 1 million dollars into billions. He may seem stupid to you but in reality, you are mistaking the quirks of a high IQ individual, which very commonly coincide, and a personal style that appeals to everyday Americans for idiocy.

Reading list:
Marshal McLuhan "Understanding Media:The Extensions of Man"
Jean Baudrillard "Simulacra and Simulation"
Paul Virilio "Speed and Politics"
Neil Postman "Amusing Ourselves to Death"
Tony Swartz (not that one) "The Responsive Chord"
Something like this has been coming for a long, long time.

Unrelated to Trump at all but you need to first understand Race and IQ. If you don't then you are considering the workings all wrong. Similar to a geocentric model of the solar system is wrong but you can still "explain" celestial motions by imagining orbits within orbits within orbits. But that one piece of into (say the sun being at the center of the solar system) can suddenly make so many things so simple. At the very least when you understand Race and IQ, the mindset of Sup Forums will fall into place.

Ur un idiut

GTFO fed-asset

OP. For pol to believe Trump is stupid, they'd have to believe they're stupid.

Thus, good luck getting answers here.

Some wonderful spelling, limey

have you heard of this thing called illegal immigrants?

most of the people who voted for trump feel that seven hundred thousand illegal immigrants coming in and going directly into welfare while stealing our jobs is kind of unfair.

>Classic Liberal
I hate this shit

Dah, dah, fink a mite av bin jokin un little?

Fuckin' published writer, Burgerman

honestly it sounds like you're just an idiot living inside a bubble, good luck though

>OP. For pol to believe Trump is stupid, they'd have to believe they're stupid.
>Thus, good luck getting answers here.

Ditto pol-tard

>Everything Trump is doing is to the benefit of our country

But honestly - is this true? It seems like almost everything he is doing, is ruining our country on the global stage. He is embarrassing our country on the global stage, is he not? Most world leaders and countries don't respect us anymore. We are no longer seen as a beacon of education - many skilled workers are now going to other countries because other countries actually advocate for education.

And alternative energy is clearly the way of the future - is Trump not runing our future by advocating for a return to coal and fossil fuels, when other nations like China are expanding on alternative energy? And why is Trump pulling out of global trade deals? China is strengthening their relationship with Europe and the USA is just isolating itself. Our international image is going down by the day.

But is Trump really that honest? Look at this list of all the suspicious shit that is going on with Trump. Obviously a biased source but its virtually all true

Your ego doesn't let you realize that you're just an easily fooled simpleton who does what he's told by his propaganda overlords. If the media was pumping out a stream of positive fluff pieces about him, like they did with Obama for 8 years, you would love him.

Opfor gents

Your obsession with feelings and personality is a weakness. Analyze that.

Ultra dickhead cocksuckers are put in extremely important positions all the time because they get the job done. Look at men like Jackson. A brute in every sense of the word.

Stop being a bitch, basically. Trump is doing an extremely good job and his policies are fantastic.

Because you have fallen prey to the master of deception...the long con. You actually believe The Donald, an imaginary character created by Trump is the real person. Your mind can’t wrap around how such a dolt became the POTUS. And when he drains the swamp using this slight of hand you are going to be red pilled like you’ve never been before. Prepare yourself.

imagine how the good people in Germany felt when their neighbors elected Hitler. Same thing is happening now in america.

When you cut out the msm you are left wondering what exactly is wrong with Trump.
I hear leftards always sperging out about him always unaware the msm is lying and emotionally manipulating them.

>unbelievably faggy
>sliddy nu/pol/ propaganda

you guys are the equivalent of summerfags but somehow more pathetic

Here is something we can probably agree on
>the world is ran by assholes.
In a room filled with assholes making deals...

First thing, fuck off faggot. Second, go read a book or two and figure out that Trump is not actually a bumbling idiot. That ought to fix your problems. You'll have to accept the truth or neck yourself. Either way, problem solved.

The United States is getting far, far more respect on the global stage than it ever did under the previous administration

The decline of US prestige was a direct result of previous administrations whoring out the state for personal enrichment. Foreign governments knew they could buy leverage over the US. It was an auction.

I'm a Brit and PM May went after him.Jeez, we're at loggerheads with the EU, Ireland and now we're criticising the USA?

Why on earth is she doing that unless.... unless it doesn't matter to criticise Trump. It's good to criticise Trump. Get the blows in early so noone can hold it over you in the future, when...when his administration comes crashing down, quite soon.

Do you know how posison a state visit to the UK would be right now? ANd yet she said, "an invitation has been sent and accepted, but a date has not been set." And it's not being revoked under tremendous pressure. Why?

Because it ain't gonna happen. Why? Cos he's toast. Just read between the lines

>OP. For pol to believe Trump is stupid, they'd have to believe they're stupid.
>Thus, good luck getting answers here.

evergreen post

props m'nigger

it's sad when leaf have to protect the nu/pol/ from misinfo, ah but they'll learn soon enough

>I prefer the comfort of a polished politician with a silver spoon in his mouth over many not-so-controversial views that most Americans hold

This explains why dumb redneck hillbilly's voted for that faggot.

May is a fucking retard that nearly lost her party an election they should have blown away.

Using that stupid bitch of an example of good decision making is GLARING evidence that you make shitty decisions and have poor analytical skills.

ahh, it's clear you're just a shill
>i wonder what will happen to the shills when the swamp gets drained?

This probably won't make OP feel any better.

It's actually very simple. Trump planned on becoming president after Saudi Arabia (aided by their allies Israel) killed a bunch of people he knew on 9/11 and took down buildings (he loves buildings) in his city (he loves his city.) Then watched us attack the enemies of the Saudis and their allies Israel instead of the Sunni attackers. 18 of the 19 hi-jackers were Sunni Wahhabi Saudi Arabians m8. Who are allied with Israel. The dancing israelis arrested on 9/11? The enormous spy ring, larger than anything the KGB ever had in America busted up after 9/11? Us attacking and geographically surrounding Iran (Shia Muslim)? Donald Rumsfeld beating the drums of war against Iran before being shut down by the slog in Iraq? None of this ringing a bell? They used the attack and the death of his colleagues and acquaintances to get rich and have America fight their enemies. They promote nothing but Globalism. So he is going after Globalism. He is attacking the fifth column.

Look at the people coming after him. You can tell a powerful man's real stances by who his enemies are.

Okay. Same thing happened to May that happened to the USA and UK in Brexit. Politicians and MSN not undersanding net-leverage. They old.

But, what I just described is OLD politics. He's not coming cos he's going. Who said? MI6. Who told them? American IC. Why they tell us that? We gave them some tapes.

Oh. Nice one. See you around.

>skilled workers to go to Canada

Why should we import workers when we have millions upon millions of people on welfare? Why not invest within our own citizens? Closing our borders IS a good thing. We used to only take the top 2% of the top 10% of immigrants from Europe and solely Europe. We used to actually take pride of investing within ourselves in America, rather than importing foreign workers to take jobs so desperately needed by our own citizens. We use to...... etc.

We need to begin taking ourselves seriously again, or just let our country fall upon itself and decay like it's been doing massively for he past 15 years (Bush/Obama administrations.)

Haha. No. But he wants answers. They're not easy ones realising the world is a mad mad place and all these zombies in here and half the country can be brainwashed by the interwebs.

But that's the answer

>He is embarrassing our country on the global stage, is he not? Most world leaders and countries don't respect us anymore.

What? China, which he badmouthed nonstop during his campaign, fucking loves him. Saudi Arabia for once is fucking listening and trying to appease America. We avoided a second Cold War with Russia by not electing Clinton.

The positive is that Hillary isnt president and the SJWs are freaking out and eating their own.

I'm going to be gracious to you OP. FUCK YOU and your opinion! obummer was the petulant child, obummer was the stupid and inept one, obummer literally had the chance to do a good job and instead he turned out to show what a massive TURD he really is by going down as the worst U.S.President in history!

>Most world leaders and countries don't respect us anymore.

They only 'respect' you when you're bending over for them.

Assert yourself and you don't have their 'respect' publicly anymore but their people all start wishing they were in America instead of their own country.

>I don't like how Trump has more isolationaist tendencies
fucking why? what's wrong with wanting to take care of your own people for a change? America started off as an isolationist country and we should've stayed that why. We're one of the only countries that is relatively self-stutsainble despite globalization. We don't need to have our tentacles everywhere. We don't need to waste money, giving foreign aid to 60 IQ niggers in Africa who do fuck all with it. We don't need to waste any more blood in the Middle East protecting the Israelis from they're filthy semitic cousins. Iraq wasn't a threat to us and neither is Iran, or any other country for that matter. We don't even need the oil - America is now one of the top energy producing countries in the world. Americans are tired of it all. We're tired of being the world police. Why can't we just go back to being a normal country that looks after its own interests and the interest of its people? People like Trump because he actually seems to care about America and the American people. That's reason enough to vote for him.

Every dank meme is a positive faggot

I'm not real happy with trying to turn America into a playground for corporations and billionaires.

Why we still talking Hillary/Trump Donkey/Elephant "Liberal"/"Conservative" when it's way bigger than that?

2016 pretty much made me shelve my political affiliations for grander issues and I think more people should do the same. Rebublican/Democrat, doesn't matter. If they're corrupt motherfuckers harming their country they need dealing with. Somethings go above party affiliation

Although I do have to thank obummer for one thing. If he wasn't the massive TURD of a President that he was, Trump would not have won. obummer helped Trump win Bigly!

Trump has been trying to change immigration policy so that it is focused on skilled workers you idiot.

Literally said nothing. It drinking time over there?

British politicians, politics and geopolitical pushes and pulls have zero sway on America. You have been the symbolic antithesis of this country since it's birth and it seems have taken that mantle up in a true sense. No, your ex-MI6 agent was just making money with some garbage. No, the president is not going to be removed from office. This country is far too divided for that. This is not a gotcha game anymore. You're a damned idiot if you think you can forge an impeachment at this point after all the fake information they've already attempted it with.

it's only his first year. give him time for fuck sake.
he can't fix the entire world in a day and on his own(he's not a king). he has to rely on the corrupt pieces of shit in congress to pass anything.

Hillary is a fucking criminal with blood on her hands Jesus Christ. Her party doesn't matter when her sins alone are enough.

The mere fact that some people believe Trump is worse than Hillary despite this is already proof of retardation.

People can be intelligent without watching Rick and Morty, OP.

I actually agree with you that it'd be a bad thing if Trump was removed suddenly. It has to be gradual. As you say - it's way too hot at the moment.

I wasn't talking about Steele specifically. He was a private sector worker with a good record. I think when it comes to sharing intelligence then there are many countries that have more sway than is obvious on the political stage.

Also, I wasn't really saying May has influence from a USA standpoint, but tactically from a UK standpoint an her own endangered political position. It wouldn't necessarily be prudent to do as she did, unless she was distancing herself from any percieved relationship.

That's how it seems to me. I wasn't making any grand claims for UK influence at all. Although I would say "zero" is an overstatement.

brit faggot, you're the typical brit leftist. That's why your country has been taken over by muslims.It's guys like you that think they have all the answers, but you're the typical mindless brit faggot that thinks taking a dick up his ass makes you more enlightened than everyone else. I shit on english people like you. You don't have a country anymore. Your women and people have been taken over because all the guys are like yourself, queer faggots.

So you want someone cucky like Treadu who wants to de-radicalize islam terrorists and let them in the country like it’s no bid deal?

Question - Why are we talking about Hilary?
Answer - The thing with Hillary is....!!!

Completely misses the point

So you’re against working class wages rising, because they are due to the fact that we’re not inundated with assholes from elsewhere. This is great for us

>he thinks pol cares about Trump himself

You really don't understand this place.

>I feel like his more "closed border" policy is enoucring skilled workers to go to Canada, Europe and Asia. I feel like we're falling behind
Allowing unmitigated unskilled immigration as was the Obama policy encourages skilled immigration how exactly? I've never understood how this jump is made in peoples minds so please feel free to give me a thorough and deep reason as to how the two equate?

Beyond that point you've offered nothing to argue on besides your feelings, literally that was the only talking point in your post while you claimed that reason and logic went out the door with Trump. For someone trying to argue that Trump is incompetent, illogical, and immature making your entire post focus on feelings rather than facts makes me think that maybe you have no reason or logic backing you whatsoever?

>I do not understand how someone who seems so stupid could be president.

Don't let the media do your thinking for you. He isn't stupid, in fact far from it. He uses plain old New York "don't give a fuck-ery" that seems out of place in the swampy halls of Washington. As other anons have pointed out, judge the man by his enemies. By that standard he is one hell of a President.

When you think about it who the fuck would stay in the UK when you had countries not basically run by unelected lords to go to? Who stays in Britain instead of going to the US, Canada, Australia, NZ? Cuckolds who like being told what to do. The ones that aren't pussies are outnumbered and now even moreso as the pussies flood the country with shitskins that hate them.

>... totally despire him.

Calls Trump stupid.

Well, I live here and I can say you're wrong. But I guess propoganda on POL is better than actual truth. But whatever super Amerifag guy. I'm sure you're right and I'm walking around my apparently taken-over country is some kind of waking delusion.

Got anything to support that?

>OP. For pol to believe Trump is stupid, they'd have to believe they're stupid.
>Thus, good luck getting answers here.

Evergreen post

In the realm of trade and alliances the UK has influence yes. It just does not have influence on the citizenry. I would say that America on the same hand has a Negative influencing capability on the UK side of things. An example being the ill fated Obama "Ya'll shouldn't leave the EU that'd be bad be a good little subordinate country."

The only real allies in this world America has are Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand. Out of those four countries, the UK's military industry and capabilities are the only worth noting (very good comparatively to the world actually.)

tech companies requiring 5 years of experience with a 3 year old programming language won't happen any more, as H1B1 is getting gutted

Look, no matter how much you want to ignore it, Trump's competition being such an awful candidate was a big factor in his easy win, and why people who otherwise wouldn't vote for Trump decided to support him.

Hillary is the symbol of the corrupt stablishment who in their hubris thought they could put a known criminal in the whte house and get away with it.

So you call Trump stupid... but admit you can't understand how he won.

itt: projection

>I guess I just don't see any positives at all in this presidency

If traitors like yourself are upset, then he's doing a good job.

>lel we need to import more cheap labor

Kill yourself. Sincerely, I mean it.

Nice try faggot. I guess hes also the most pro republican candidate in history? Pro mitch mcconnell? No, sometimes you just need to pretend to like people to get what you need. Remember when trump got the info about laptop bombs on planes, which he then shared with russia? Right after kushner was in israel? Maybe it would help him to have a man behind enemy lines, dont you think?

>I wonder what will happen to shills when the swamp gets drained
>Not asking Donald "I love Goldman Sachs cock" Trump about it.

It's like you don't even _want_ an answer to this question, faggot.

Stop watching TV and consuming so much media.
You're drowning in propaganda.

Trump can be very goofy but you can't be an idiot and also have grown a $1M loan into a $10B empire.

The benefits of a Trump presidency is that at least it puts the descent into 3rd world status on hold for awhile and also drives all the right people insane.

>someone who seems so stupid
i guess that means he is stupid

>"closed border" policy is enoucring skilled workers to go to Canada, Europe and Asia. I feel like we're falling behind
there a plenty of skilled workers here already, we need to stop flooding this country with unskilled retards and and thinking that flooding this country with skilled retards is a good countermeasure. do you understand how much of the world lives in squalor? As a libertarian you should understand that you CANNOT have both a welfare state and open boarders it's like the first law of being a libertarian, understanding that simple concept . Also, Gary Johnson is not a libertarian, he's a retard.

The only benefits I see from a Trump presidency are if you're a corporation, or already well off.

I agree with that. And instead you elected a corrupt, known criminal in there with the support of a foreign country. Heads you lose, tails you lose. Shit all around

>the global stage
Is meaningless.
Military power is everything.
We can become stronger through independence than we can through being enslaved to the world. Right now the rest of the world is dragging us down. Those "skilled workers" are fucking over American citizens. Student loans are too difficult to pay back because foreign workers are cheaper.
Coal and fossil fuels are plentiful. We need to develop the tech to clean them. Also, Trump has been helping Tesla, even if they had a falling out, so alternatives are not being forgotten. Any investment into space tech would naturally include research into alternative fuels.
Fuck the international image. How can you even call yourself an American? You have no sense of independence and you beg for your nation to be a slave.

Yes I really do believe Trump is that honest. He might exaggerate or play things up but he still believes what he's saying. Is the wall actually going to go up? Definitely. Is Mexico REALLY going to pay for it? Eh, maybe, but it's a bit more of a stretch. I also think this Russia collusion story is literally nothing that the Democrats are purposely banking on to try and derail Trump out of desperation.

Wow. You yourself admitted you're even more of a faggot than I anticipated. You guys have been taken over and the ignorance is bliss is simply your (a faggot's) coping mechanism. Brits throughout history have always been pussies. That's why it took civilians to rescue your military at Dunkirk. Americans are completely different from you dickless faggot brits.

You people gotta learn to sage this shit

>I feel like his more "closed border" policy is enoucring skilled workers to go to Canada

Most illegal immigrants aren't skilled workers.

>I guess I just don't see any positives at all in this presidency

He's taking a hardline approach against terrorists/criminals. He's against Obamacare. The only people who support it are those who are well-off enough not to be affected by it. Those who are poor get fucked.

>And I don't understand how someone so incompetent could be president, someone who can't even restrain himself on twitter.

Well, his Leftist critics do the same thing. What comes around goes around.

Once again all feelings, no facts, you feel like people perceive you as less because of him, you feel like we aren't a beacon of education because of Trump rather than because of crazy liberal colleges giving diversity degrees and running actual sciences away from them, you feel like renegotiation trade deals that you know could only make them worse when they are already so bad that the US is up to its eyeballs in debt and leeches from all corners of the planet suck more from us entirely unopposed.
At the core you care about image more than anything apparently, you wish desperately to have the US and yourself seen as Jesus to the unwashed masses of the world don't you?

Any attempt to remove will be met with a coup.
We run this bitch with an iron fist.

Your first mistake is thinking he’s stupid. He beat the clintons, the bushes, the gop elite, the msm, google, Facebook and Twitter.

>What am I missing?
You're watching too much fake news, seriously. Try not believing anything the media tells you until you research it yourself. Assume they're always lying to you because they are. That's how we operate.

>The United States is getting far, far more respect on the global stage than it ever did under the previous administration

Absolutely false.

Its faux respect and machismo at play, when, take the shield and armor down and you get an absolutely spineless weasel of a pussy ass motherfucker.

You’ve listened to too much propaganda.

“Trump is stupid and immature and fucks everything up” is exactly the talking points the establishment media repeats in EVERY single story about him, and it works on the incredulous and easily led.

Here you are parroting them.

Think for yourself, user!

It's not about how much media you consume, it's about the quality. Some MSN is good. Some is bad. MOST online shit is terrible.

Simply saying ALL MSN then thinking you're getting the TRUTH cos you're got led down the rabbit hole by unsourced non-filtered info' online is actually worse than the MSN if you cannot differentiate between nonsense and jigsaw pieces. And most, MOST - and I include almost all the contributers in this thread - cannot.

The only fist here is mine making contact with your cucked ass face.

>What am I missing?
the fact that you are yourself stupid, so youre unable to tell who is stupid and who isnt. youre also unable to understand the concept of context. just kys if you want to raise the average iq of the country, since you seem so worried about intelligence.