Can Christians in good conscience be ethno nationalists?

I don't think we can.

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nope, thats why you should give up your defeated jew god and actually learn about your heritage.

Ethnonationalists need to come up with a theory of how to actually achieve a ethnostate. Right now all they say is kill niggers etc etc

You know I've often wondered if we'll all be one race when Jesus restores earth to the way it used to be. I mean Adam and Eve were of one race and every human descended from them.

>what is the tower of babel
>what is the laws against race mixing in the bible.

Germany in the 1930s was extremely Christian.

I haven't found a good way to reconcile things yet either, OP. In fact, I'll be honest; I don't know if it even can be reconciled. I do know one thing, though, and it is that the world today seems set on the destruction of the white race. Our God is a God of creation, not of destruction, and if there are people who would attempt to destroy an entire race and their associated culture and heritage, than I'd have to oppose them. I think that's the best I can do right now.

You can actually, by recognizing it's the only long term solution to have peaceful societies, and that anything else will slide towards what we're in now. In fact it would be your duty to advocate for them.

Cherry pick from the tower of babel story. National concerns fall under leaving it to caesar.

read Hoppe

Yes, don't think of it as ethnic cleansing or racism, think of it as freedom of association

Loving Jesus Christ and loving your neighbor as yourself does not mean that you have to believe people of different races who are bound to conflict with each other should share a nation.

It's moral and therefore Christian to want to avoid unnecessary conflicts and tension. So how is it wrong and unchristian to want to separate the races into different nations if it creates more peace?

Also, you should also note that ethnonationalism is the best way for Christian nations to keep there nations Christian. Right now, we have Europe becoming Islamified, which will lead to Christianity losing its followers and its strength in the world.

>have absolute monarchy that rules by the grace of god
>monarch commands little to no immigration
>this doesn't impact your life at all, and bible tells you to subject to your authority
>get away with it

Who were the pre-adamites and where are they today?

Non-existent fanfiction of race worshipping heretics

Yea we can. Just like trillions of other Christians before me

>absolute monarchy rule by right of inbreeding

There's no argument against ethno-nationalism. And God wants us to preserve the worship of his faith, and we are better able to do so if we govern ourselves. We can still send missionaries to other nations without importing their people.

Christians Only!

Daily reminder that racism towards fellow Christians of different races is strictly forbidden by the Lord. Godless racists and neo pagans will burn in hell. Repent.

Ok Fagan, but is there any biblical scripture for what you claim Christians believe?

A couple things here. The bikini was popularised by a atheist jewish prostitute. Secondly any kind of pre martial sex is forbidden in Christianity. And thirdly your cherrypicking images with no context ir to try to prove some kind of point. It wont work. The fact is that countries that were ruled with a government based on Christianity(monarchy) racemixing was forbidden and were prosperous

Triggered kike detected.

For the kike that had a post (and then deleted)that quoted scripture supposedly about accepting refugees

Read up Jew

*And the country was prospering

how do we go back to these covenants? How do we decide who's white and who isn't? does the one drop rule apply? If so how many pure white Americans are there?

>Can my watered down half illiterate interpretation of Christianity that my homosexual Pastor taught me be compatible with ethnonationalism?
You aren't a Christian though OP lmao.

You van be Christian while still holding loyalty to your people. I din't see how they are exclusive to one another.

>inb4 citing bible verses out context
>inb4 quoting "there is neither Jew nor Greek, free nor slave" without understanding what it truly means.


Typing on my phone and my autism is acting up.

Yes. The Bible never mentions anything against an ethnostate. For those whom confuse
>helping others
>letting your nation get raped by shitskins and worship kikes xD
There's a difference between being civil with others and helping them become independent, and opening your borders to everyone. The Bible encourages self-reliance.

Sshhh, but kike on a stick tho. Let them drool in their pseudo-intellectuaism and proclaim themselves smart while everything around them burns.

You're probably right. Just have a listen to this lovely little tune, written by the whitest black man to have ever lived:

And that, in short, is why I believe in reincarnation.

>hello fellow Christgoys. I don't think your smelly betrayer son of god that we, uh... they killed would like you naming the jew, so lets all be more godly.
Yes, yes Christians can,

But you aren't a Christian, are you?
You are Larping trying to use any Jew tactic you can.



>Parable of "The wheat and the Tares"
>Nogs aren't human (pic)
>Jews "cut off at the root (no longer "chosen ones") if they do not accept Christ (Luke 3:7-9)
>God "divorced both Israel and Judah, then scattered them over the face of the Earth
>Modern Jews not true Israelite. (Rev 3:9)

Kicked out of EVERY country they've infested.
White Ethno-nationalism?
You bet!

yes we can

Yes, European Christians have always lived in white ethnostates it wasn't until recently that they didn't.

> "JEWdayO-Christianity"
Oil and water never truly mix.

The answer to peace is almost always dividing communities, and your country already has and does do this in some cases overseas in non-white territories. In American's case, it'd be quite easy, all you need to do is willingly partition the land between ethnic groups and suck up your pride. This question is more relevant to European Christians, because we cannot and will not do the same. A colony may partition itself, but not a single meter of Europe can be lost to a shitskin.

if you teach a parrot to say nigger, he's not a racist. If you teach a nigger to say he loves god, he's still not a christian.

Whites are the only TRUE christians, who hold christ in their hearts for unselfish reasons

I mean I do, in the sense of preserving our race and culture which are blessings from God in a way. But this doesn't have implications of superiority or actual racism. I just keep in mind that all races of people will be together in heaven, and ethnicity probably won't even matter

Well, let's examine this. Ethno-nationalism means different religious, ethnic, and cultural nations living side by side. We can all trade, communicate, work together for mutual benefit, etc.. We can literally "love out neighbor as ourselves." Now, I don't see that as a command to mix our different people up until we're all one brown mass, blah blah blah. Say, Croatia and Serbia can be good neighbors, and remain Catholic and orthodox, retain traditions, and still trade with one another, with respect. On the other hand, if we want to be star faring humans, earth people might have to become one people. That's a ways off. When it's earth against some alien race, then we can all become one race united. It hasn't happened yet, and I think we'll all know when that time has come. But for now, Sweden and Norway, Spain and Portugal, France and Germany, USA and Mexico, we can all be friends without dissolving our borders. . . Someday, it will be earth vs whoever. Until then, it's Japan vs China, or Islam vs Buddhism. We don't need to fight, but we don't need to erase identity either