European shitposts welcome

Why are Yankees such rude faggots?

because overpopulated shit hole cities like NY. and jews.

But hey I'd rather live in Jew York City than any place in the south, its where white people live like niggers and are proud of it.

Because they're yankees

No, it's much deeper than that. They're the christian zealots they make the south out to be, but with no forgiveness and no christ. Always have been.

Dark red is red sox, not (((yankees)))

New Hampshire is fucking god tier. Shut your low IQ southern mouth you literal fucking nigger.

Agreed. The south is an embarrassment

The South is a fucking joke. High rates of poverty, obesity, life expectancy on par with that of undeveloped nations, 3rd world HDI (quality of life), niggers, rednecks, white trash, inbreeding, meth and opioid addiction.

Literal fucking 3rd world cesspool.

Southerner in New Hampshire. This place is such a pansy nanny state joke it drives me insane.

how do we trick them in trying to secede again?

nothing would make me happier watching them get bent over the table

Fuck yeah, a Yankee hate thread! We don't have enough of these!

Just moved to sc to teach in a 80% minority school. Shit is a joke down here , even the black teachers are race realists at this point. A black math teacher , me and a Jamaican math teacher were laughing about a few students in the Jamaican guys calc class that can't even draw a straight line, with a ruler. Sad..

South Carolina is the Rhode Island of the south.

texan master race

The North is a fucking joke. High rates of Jew faggotry.

Students and white trash whites say Yankees are to blame for the injection of disrespect and "rudeness" down here. Retard level shit while ignoring the poverty and IQ.

>t. low iq poor faggot.
get fucked nigger, the only reason we are blue is because of the nigger filled cities. other than that the suburbs are 98% white. i bet you didn't get to experience that. also new englanders have the highest iq so get fucked dixie tard

Historically we had to deal with every new immigrant group living amongst us, and it was crowded. We turned into dicks.

>t. Connecticunt

> god tier
> huge drug problem
pick one

Suburbs 98% white ? Wtf. You ever been to Georgia bro ??? You are retarded , the suburbs in ga are like 60% white and all the whites are fucking boomers you faggot

I don't care about your opinions on niggers or what states are shit.
I just want to know what makes you such mean douchbags.
Did the jews steal all your happiness?

t. reddit
>even the black teachers are race realists at this point.
>implying this is bad


gr8 b8 m8

I see..
Thank you yankee user

I didn't imply it was bad at all. Although How does two blacks being race realists benefit the ethnostate?? If anything they'd not want one cause that means they get the black ethnostate.

Actually a fair question. I think city life in general forces people to be more competitive, and subsequently less amiable.

there are plenty of ditzy, open, and super friendly people outside the cities and suburbs

are southern urbanites friendly?

Mass. here.
Choke on a dick, OP.
At least New England is white.

>Shit is a joke down here
>If anything they'd not want one cause that means they get the black ethnostate.
>implying whites and blacks won't further segregate between ethnicity
>this weak of an attempt to discredit realism and the ethnostate
Try again snoo

Except Connecticut.










what is up with alaska
do the inuit just avoid those 2-3 counties?

>implying Im from a yankee state

Living in a high populated center will do that to you.

still better than the white-nigger lands of the american southeast where people are just as rude but pretend to have "southern hospitality".

Whats the excuse for southerns being such fucking inconsiderate mongoloids?


I'm from NJ, everybody here hates everybody else everywhere. Don't take it personally

PS I hate you

please stop moving into southeast PA, none of you seem to know how to drive. no offense

Most of the rest of you suck, and we believe you should know it.
>t. someone from one of the better states

Oh fuck right off anti south faggots.
Nj yankee here for all my miserable 46 years of life.


Entitled vile libs all over.
Coal burning nigger lovers everywhere.


The north SUCKS.

ALL 50.



Lack of education among poorer people mostly..
And you're still sounding like a angry yankee, tsk tsk...

I don't know about the rest, but New Englanders are just blunt and tell you how we feel. We aren't rude

I moved to the south and noticed that everyone acts nice and smiles at you, but are very two timey and backstabbing. They are also extremely passive aggressive like women

I'll take a dagger to the front over a dagger to the back any day. At least I have a chance to react


you are spoken like a true faggot yankee bitch boy. couldn't hack it in the south eh

>mid Atlantic
>the north

while we're talking stereotypes, does anyone else feel like californians all act the same? they are all very wound up and anxious. it's weird. and sometimes annoying

Lol def lives in mass.
Oh man new enlgand geographically is gorgeous but truly inhabited by idiots. Elitist idiots

Not enough grits and buttermilk in their diets.

North jersey. The north you fucking faggot.

found one of those guys I was talking about earlier who suck

None taken, I hold a similar feeling about PA drivers. When I visit your fine state I try to blend in with local driving customs such as driving 15 under the speed limit in the left lane.

no, they're just two-timey towards an untrustworthy yank. ever been asked if you weren't from around there?

I DETEST them.
Check it out though.
Even in dark blue nj, the mood is changing.
People today even were talking positively about the tax law coming.


what's wrong with driving 15 under the speed limit

>in the left lane
are you from maryland too?

calm down their friend, you're going to have a stroke

Went to kalahari water resort in pa today with kids. Nice place but FUCK ITS ALL NIGGERS AND COAL BURNERS.


>couldn't hack living like a nigger

nope just didnt want to.

South is shit and an embarrassment to the white race. You all drone on and on about how much you hate niggers, then you go and act like em.

They seem to be.
But the assholes that there are are very passive agressive about it. I think the increased prevalence of religion and just the culture put an emphasis on at least trying to be nicer.
Who would've thought that being able to have a polite conversation would be a rirtue among some people?
Also no one in the north, at least where I've been, says shit like: "Yes sir", "No ma'am", "excuse me" even "thank you" seems rare.



southern hospitality is a lie. Ive met jews less two-faced than southerns

> in the left lane
Pennsylvanian confirmed

All soy boys are from your area you massive fucking pussy

I live in the south as we speak and Ill I ever hear is people calling each other "honey" or "Darlin". Not once have I heard any one call any one else Sir or Ma'am. Fuck I do it more than these hicks

Hate for pacific coasters might be one of the few things that brings northerns and southerns together.
But we can have that thread later..

someone sedate this man

no I'm from southeast pa, in bucks county. we've become a super popular place to move to, and now I can't safely drive through 4-way intersections because there's always someone who ignores the stop signs now

also lots of russians.


I understand that. I guess on the flip side, people are definitely more upfront and open here in the Bos-Wash. a LOT of the genuinely deceptive people I've met have been from the midwest/western PA (NO midwest hate though, part of my family is from there).

are you bothered by northerners moving in?

Califag detected

>from wyoming

now that is rich. You probably think youre country too dont you?

Go cash your welfare check so you can buy your half breed daughter presents

because they’re not dumb inbred rednecks and niggers?

Wait so the people telling us how to live with niggers don't even know what it's LIKE to live with niggers? Top fucking kek.

You said u live in south


That's the point idiot. We keep our niggers confined to small sections of our cities

i live in the south, I am from wyoming

not hard to figure out, even with an inbred mind

I intend to go back west once I get money

Kikes detected. Obviously never been to a wholesome southern town, just trailer parks right outside the overpopulated rat infested shithole cities and states OP has in dark red.

why do dixieniggers love BBC so much?

>Sounds like someones from Pawtucket

t. Rhode Islander

I literally am living in one right now as I type this. I am at least 30 minutes outside of what could be considered a city

nothing "wholesome" about it. plenty of meth heads and criminals out here.

Actually I just got done reading Nathaniel Hawthorne's The House of the Seven Gables. It's interesting how critical he was of New England society. I personally have nothing against yanks unless they give me a reason.

I've also lived in NJ and Central Florida. I've had enough experience, and I've had the sense to return to Mass.