Why deport all illegal immigrants? Wouldn’t it be a net drain on the economy due to so much labor force leaving from work such as agricultural, almost halving the labor?
Why deport all illegal immigrants? Wouldn’t it be a net drain on the economy due to so much labor force leaving from work such as agricultural, almost halving the labor?
You can get the labor back by cutting welfare.
No, the farmers should pay what ever their states legal wage is for an American citizen to pick those crops instead of being greedy and selling out their nation for cheap illegal labor. What ever happened to the left supposedly caring about the working class? Oh wait, hating white people is more important than giving poor white and black people a fair wage to pick those crops without having to compete with literal slave labor.
i heard it put well on a documentary last night: "the right sees it as cheap labor, the left sees it as cheap votes"
either way, they must go back
>muh gdp
Shut up, kike.
you realize most of agriculture is done by machine?
Besides automation, industrial indoor vertical farming is the future.
use cheap labour in shit third world countries to produce the good you need.
or imported from South America/South Africa.
But yeah, most everything is harvested by machine.
I live in a farm area, the only thing the foreign labor does is pick tomatoes and peaches, which are dirt cheap to buy, and wrap tomato fields.
We use migrants here during harvest time lol. Machines do rest of the work, but if we want to harvest tomato or peppers we use migrants. Canadians wont do the hard work for the rate of migrants. They only work for a few months and go home.
It's a great system actually. It helps them and there family at home and we don't need to take in immigrants permanently. They're hard working people and not criminals in 99.9% of cases as they will just get deported. At home the amount of money they get puts them in upper middle class.
Big win for everybody in my opinion.
Pay your people more leaf.
if by economy you mean CEOs and shareholders, then yes
wages going up is on balance a good thing for the economy, illegals should be deported
No we'd just automate it and also not pay welfare to your illegal ass. Huge net gain.
most of them dont work on farms. many wont work on farms in southern cali. they refused. also if citizens dont have the jobs there is no real argument for even bothering since the shit wont sell in many cases. it cost to much vs international sources even with migrant farm labor
we may as well have corporate mega farms in brazil that make our agricultural commodities since it only contributes to GDP if it sells and grocery stores will refuse various suppliers if they cant give a low enough price that after the mark up it still sells
>Sup Forums - Politically Incorrect
More seasonal jobs for American kids instead of letting them all be NEETS
what about the impact of the illegals not consuming food on domestic territory?
surely all those uneaten burgers will drive the prices of food down too.
It's not just during harvest my naive leaf friend, it's everywhere, we now have a brown "temporary foreign worker" underclass cleaning our toilets, serving our food, picking our plants etc. - a protoslave class is tolerant? TFW is also a back door to more migration - these people will never leave, by design they lie and call it temporary as a way to introduce it.
Meanwhile regular citizens are left wondering why wages are so low and they can't find a job. More immigration means lower wages.
what % of illegals are unemployed?
You're right. They must be brought to labor camps and used as manpower. And they must be sterilized too, just in case.
>Why deport all illegal immigrants?
> these people will never leave, by design they lie and call it temporary as a way to introduce it.
Nah you've got it wrong. Mexicans have to have a family and children and a clean record to participate in the F.A.R.M.S. program. I had the same guys for over 20 years. It's the nigs that you have to watch out for because they'll just fuck off to Tronna when they feel like it and never go home.
In two years LA county paid over $1B in benefits to illegals.
Get them the fuck out of here.
>will shrinking the labor pool put upward pressure on wages
For the six millionth time they try simply repeating themselves.
Listen, retard, this is wrong, was shown to be wrong years ago, and ignores related phenomena to which your response is to just pretend it doesn't exist. But go ahead. Repost "all economists say" again. At least you made some money tonight, and there is no danger that you will influence anyone.