What happened to this board? Lots of slide threads and low hanging fruit, where's the actual debates and discussions of important shit?
What happened to this board? Lots of slide threads and low hanging fruit...
Daily reminder that you're not Sup Forums unless you exclusively wear blazers
OK love this board.
In short
normies, RREEEEEEE.
this is the weirdest thing about trump fetishists. there is nothing more submissive and beta than embracing fascism.
Someone ban this faggot
Lost to newfags, few here remember. .
I try to make it better everyday. I think it is worthwhile to try and redpill the degenerates as long as they are here.
Fascism is too extreme imo, but progressivism will lead the US into a Venezuela dumpster.
>the absolute state of /leftypol/
They literally lack the ability to meme
>What happened to this board?
Sup Forums was never good, 1post newfag shill.
Reminder that Sup Forums moderators are corrupt and don't delete what breaks the rules, but what makes them butthurt
If it doesn't bother them, won't be deleted no matter how reported. If it makes them upset, will be deleted even if not breaking rules
I got banned from Sup Forums once for posting the usual nigger hate threads. Fucking politically correct faggots are raiding this board
>being this triggered
yeah i don't want it to be an either/or. libcucks are assuredly cucked, but it's not like surrendering yourself to an insecure unlettered weirdo who's just going to do legislative looting for 8yrs would help anything at all
I don’t think even Freddie Mercury was this butthurt.
I wear blazers and nothing else ;^)
it became stormfront 2.0 its so boring
Where do you fall politically?
shut up Jew
And no I’m not triggered. That faggot’s been spamming this post with memes not even relating to the subject at hand
there are no interesting threads on pol today, all of them are BORING, including this one.
I did this because I ironically love Sup Forums. It's healthy to laugh at yourself every once in a while.
i don't know how to articulate it briefly. i try to think of what is best for the species in the longterm while caring a lot about free expression. i try to avoid idealogy, i do not much like the idea of political parties even if one were 95% aligned with me. that's not to paint myself as some edgy lone wolf but i'm wary of "movements" after the devolution of the american left into fractious identity politics.
i'm not super interested in comparing whether achmed throwing beerbottles at my car or a hyperconcentration of corporate capital power is more dangerous to a society so i just want to avoid both
>this amount of pathetic shilling
Kill yourself, kike.
Commiefornia has a higher GDP than your whole coutry.
Stormfags miss their circlejerk?
Only white people can even enjoy the fruits of a debate. I feel like everything except memeing is in a holding pattern until western civilization isn’t being thrown in the trash. Hoping we emerge from out fashy phase into something more libertarian with the understanding that we won’t put ourselves in a situation where we have to massacre a hundred million mud people again.
This is the way of imageboards
A board starts to produce top tier memes, attracts outsiders who don't integrate into the board culture, the outsiders begin to outnumber true posters, the board dies.
Somewhere on the internet there is a place that is producing top tier memes
Think of the death of Sup Forums, /k/, or /x/ that wasn't some random event its nature
Constant psyop threads since Charlottesville.