Just finished watching this

Just finished watching this.

I am beyond mad at what I've seen in this. I knew we had it bad compared to Women but no real sense of the Ocean of Pain Father's and Husbands go through in the system. I can't even find the words to describe what I'm feeling after having watched this. I think it's Anger at how no feminist will bother watching it and change their mind.

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The sheer hypocrisy it takes to be a feminist blows my mind.

are you really that naive and sensitive?

also you should care more about your totalitarian government turning UK into literal islamic prison camp

look how uk woman are either totally brainwashed or scared to even say a word against islam

1. Show your flag
2. Stop trying to bring race/religion into everything.

The last twenty minutes are especially good.

>click on random time
>blonde reporter trying to bait feminists into condeming an entire religion for the actions of a few
>'should' 'should' 'should'
Yah, nah, there's a reason we don't listen to the shit the Russians make for you brainwashed rednecks.

Because in their minds it's always mens fault, no matter what. They 'strong and independent wymmin who need no man' until it's time to take responsibility.


Stop your projecting there Faggot! !!
Aren't you assuming a few things there?

Why am I naive for being angry at the information i saw in this film?
Why can't I be mad at Both Feminism AND the growing Islamification of my country at the same time?
I know Faggots have a hard time managing their emotions due to their Sexual abuse and/or lack of a healthy relationship with their Father but try and comprehend that, for us normal people who don't yearn for a cock in our ass, feeling concerned for several problems at the same is not actually a problem for us.

>Men speak on men's issues: shaming from all sides.
>Fucktoy makes men's issues doc: oohs and aahs.

Yeah... it is really good. Dont know why I haven't gotten round to watching until now. But glad I did

Explain. Provide proofs

Ha ha ha ha... you guys, honestly!!!

>actions of a few

>>actions of a few
Not bothering to watch that tripe, but I believe in 'actions of a few' as a categorical. I would defend Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Satanists, Atheists, and anyone else with the same rubric while aggressively and unapologetically crushing any criminality found within.

Amazingly, people hold their own opinions and not necessarily what some piece of media tells them to believe. Welcome to the real world.

Nigga, I'm not watching at 45 min doc on YouTube at 03:34 am

Explain your own stance in your own words or fag off somewhere else.

Haven't seen it yet but what irks me is how it's a woman who made it. I'm tired of this "normie women steals cultural subgroups words and presents them to other normies" trend I see. The Red Pill wasn't her story to tell.

As words of the Wachowski Sisters -- feminists both, I do believe -- it's exactly appropriate for her to speak about.

LInk to watch


Normies tune out when divorce raped guys tell their own stories. They are seen as whiners. When a young attractive woman tells their stories then suddenly it’s interesting.

Blame biology.

I'm a feminist and it hasnt changed my mind one bit. Documentary maker is a libfem retard thats never thought hard about anything which is why all that shit was such a shock to her.
Also Big Red(tm) was pretty cool and actually right in her mentality. Its just a meme that you guys hate her, if you actually listened to what she said you'd probably agree with her views.

>No real sense
Think again

Kill yourself, roastie.

Thats in America bro. Here in bongland its much worse. Check out justice for men and boys

I understand where you're coming from m8 but when you think about it;
1 - Whether or not you like it, women are able to gather a large audience when speaking on certain subjects that men just can't compete, for one reason or another.
2 - in the documentary she interviews a few pro feminists which adds much needed context and contrast to the theme of its message, so that it wouldn't be charged with simply being an Echo-Chamber for ONLY ONE SIDE. ONLY A WOMAN could have pulled this off m8. Do you honestly think a man would have been granted interviews with feminist activists and writers?

>"hi I'm and man doing a documentary on the Men's Rights Movement. Do you have time to......."
>*phone hangs up*

>I'm a feminist
Weakest bait I've seen so far in all my years on Sup Forums


Menswear dog underrated

I find it amazing how all these people throw around the term redpilled now.

It literally started out as a meme created by /new to describe and make fun of someone who watched a couple YouTube videos and thought he discovered the secrets of the universe. /r9k betas didn't know it was a joke and filtered its use into the mgtow community.

We've come full circle to the point were people originally laughed at as "redpillers" use the term unironically, and newfags think it means THE TRUTH. The fucking meme has come to life lmao

>the normies are just now waking up to this shit

western civilization is completely fucked. like even if we save it there are too many cucked faggots to ever sustain it. why live?


to watch it all burn

no matter what happens, its a good thing

It's not biology, it's society. It's yourselves. You idiots tell people that you're expendable because the idiot men above you tell you you're expendable. You blather on and on about 'expendable men' and 'walking wallet' and 'its a mans duty to be this way' and all this stupidity, then whine like little girls when the OBVIOUS AND EXPECTED RESULTS OF THAT come back to bite you. How can you be so goddamned blind and servile?

It's disgusting, it's pathetic, but as long as they pat your head while you're young and tell you 'You're a man!' for your suffering, you retards will go along with it. Toxic. Masculinity. And you literal half-brained robots follow along with it like its the script of your lives.


>post modern mumbo jumbo


accelerationism or pacifism.

the only other thing that will fix western men is a land war on our doorstep

Stop projecting

I've been red pilled on shit for years stop being a Fag.... it's just that I hadn't quite looked into the MRA shit until now... I've been too busy with Islam, Jews, Holocaust, SJW 's, Race and IQ, Race Realism, nationalism and everything else we discuss on here. So calm the fuck down.

Dr ng.

It's removing women's (((rights)))

You literally defend systems of thought and groups of people who aim to destroy civilization, property rights, human rights, on the basis their stupid fucking religion is holier than a political ideology.

In your retarded, completely warped idea of how to defend the liberty of others you would completely cede everything to oligarchs who laugh as you support their divide and conquer shit, and theocrats who laugh as you empower their special privileges. Your ideology is nothing but weak and destructive, it creates and contributes nothing to the world. Instead of judging the group and giving the individual the benefit of the doubt you protect the individual as a representative of the group.

>Not all Nazis!
>Think of the Moderate Nazis!

Religions and political ideology are functionally indifferent, and people who believe in toxic or barbaric ideology should be publicly bullied, ridiculed and stripped of special protections. You're nothing but a cuckold to groups laughing as they take advantage of "egalitarianism" for special privileges.

Truly a delusional fart sniffing, ivory tower living, disgusting being that makes the word intellectual a farce.

Do you think that difference in perception is because because she's so sexy and you're an uggo?

>"but there is a lot more violence in muh bible"
the mental gymnastics
So this worthy watching for some laughs?

Nice attempt at Red pilling there, Commie!

This is why I will side with the next generation against my own. They want to remove freedoms and rights.

It's not just the women. British men are cucked and effeminate now. Decades of shaming for being racist and colonialist has destroyed the once great British man.

It's said to see how my ancestors turned out. I'm the product of a Lt-Cmdr in the Royal Navy and an aristocrat war bride. My grandmother went back to England in the 70s and EVEN THEN she said she would never go back because of all the immigrants and shitty society

Egalitarians are mental midgets.

Well I don't know about laughs to be honest I didn't laugh at any of it but if you're a lefty, sure! I'm sure a lefty would find it funny to here about young fathers who committed suicide after his wife dragged him through hell in the courts just so he could get visitation rights

It's a recent development so it sure as fuck isn't biology.

Hes saying people listening to a girl making this documentary over an equally competent one directed by a male, is driven by biology.

Except, again, this phenomenon is a recent development.

Watched her give a TED talk, she makes good points.
I try to just lurk and see other people's opinions but honestly not even I can stay neutral and pretend like Liberalism/Leftism hasn't become a cultural phenomena.

I'm a first semester college grad that just got kicked out of his favorite kind of debate because it is too liberal and toxic AMA

>first semester college grad
First semester in college, as you can tell the system has fucked my head a bit...

You did it completely backwards, then, if you ask me. I think it's a lot easier to start from the idea that family, something we all desire, is the most important personal goal you can have. Once you understand that, you have to understand the obstacles. And once you understand the obstacles; or in other words, the damage that every aspect of feminism has wreaked on family formation, you start to wonder what else they've lied to you about.

I think it's a lot easier for people to swallow the idea that men and women have different thought processes. It's readily apparent to anyone who's spent time in a relationship.

Stop randomly capitalizing words.

Peopul whu uze teh sayme speling and gramar evrytime ar boring as hel


To pick up the remnants for the sake of my children. I live, that my children have the opportunity for a better life. My son will grow up knowing the oppressive force on society that is the radfem, post-modernist movement, but he will have the tools to fight back. He will grow up with a strong farther figure, and he will know his heritage and grow to be proud of it. He will walk on the land my ancestors settled, he will grow up to be proud of his namesake, and it will make him a better, stronger man. No dogma can take that from him.

Ok I just finished watching this. Insane.


I consider that film to be the legacy of the MRA movement. They didn't accomplish much but at least there's that. They red pilled the hell out of me so long ago, glad their actions are still turning people.

Eh, fucking halo effect. I get your point, but my point is she, just by being a woman, still can't fully grasp the problem. She's a woman so she can't be wrong. I'm betting she spends part of the movie dodging responsibility and saying shit like "not all women are to blame"...

Still, it's an incomplete, normified version of the red pill. It's like light purple pill.

I heard it way before /new/ wasn't even a board, from PUA people. Talking about taking the red pill and seeing women/dating/sex and all that differently. Everyone's going to blast me though since very few people know what I'm talking about.

But in the context of "red pill=truth about female nature" I definitely saw it first in the PUA communities of old.

Good show. It's fun to watch the internal struggle of a feminist as she realizes that there is a possibility she might not be right.