Red pill me on the Irish and Ireland?

Looking to be educated..

What's the quick history on them? What were they doing during WWII? Whats Ireland like today? What's their relationship with Britain?

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Irish are god tier whites. The only true whites. Nothing an Irish person does can ever be wrong.

Absolutely Flawless.

History of Ireland summarised:
>Irish people migrate to Ireland
>get fucked by Normans
>get fucked by the Welsh
>get fucked by the English
>get fucked by the Scottish
>(not necessarily in that order)
>leave the UK
>get fucked by EU
Relationship is fine now, apart from in Northern Ireland (or, in the Republic, if you're an English poofter).

>Pro Axis leanings due too being at war with Britain
>Roman era was unconquered by Rome due to big as pic relateds
>Medieval era, Vikings that went to France (Normans) conquered England and Ireland colonized parts of it. Various infighting between old Gaelic clans and the Norman lords.
>Waged terror campaigns in London that make ISIS look inept and callous.

Fuck forgot pic related.

>inb4 le 1/118th irish
Is féidir leat fuck as. Níl a fhios agam orm.

>what were we doing in WWII?
Being cucked. A horribly managed nation was still getting back on its feet in its infancy, and the last thing we wanted to do was die for the anglo again, and if we joined the axis it meant certain destruction. Stuck between a rock and a hard place.

>What's Ireland like today?
Outside the city? Fucking beautiful. Devoutly Catholic, but people are strangely liberal. Our """"nationalist"""" party has been cucked with marxism and is not the party it was when it fought for Ireland's independence in the early 20th century. Our politics are just absolutely terrible; every party is exactly the same, and stands for literally nothing. Vapid, hot air from everyone. Change needs to come and people are starting to catch on.

>Relationship with Britain
Complicated. Britain is like our ex that helped us get our shit together but at the same time was and still is a total bitch, and stole a bunch of shit after the breakup.

hope that helps

> Poor as fuck in the late 1980s/early 1990s
> Engage in ambitious economic liberalization and growth campaign(s)
> Have a higher GDP per capita than your long-time overlords 25 years later
> Be whiter than your former overlords
> Have way less Muslims and niggers than your former overlords
God's payback and reward for them.
Must feel good desu

I'm more Irish than any nigger that's migrated there.

t. actually 50% irish not 1/72

Ireland's debts are higher than Greece's though

The Irish have had their country invaded, their people oppressed and brutalised. They tried to wipe out our language, history and culture. They tried to ethnically replace us with the importation of inbred Scottish Orangemen. The Irish are still here despite all the wars and engineered famines they could throw at us. It still infuriates them that they could never defeat us, never make us cow to their rule, that we never stopped fighting them. The Irish are an example to the rest of white culture in these troubled times.

Shut the fuck up already

Literally what are you on about? Brits have no problem with Ireland today, apart from those inbreds in Ulster.

Well considering my recent relatives are directly from Ireland...

honestly I'm just doing this to piss off the 56%ers and the yuros who actually think Americans aren't allowed to identify as a certain ethnicity just because they were born in European melting pot.

Have forever tainted the pure white blood of east coast Americans and much of urban England. Are in the process of doing the same to Australia and New Zealand now. Not to be trusted.

the true master race

Americans that can't identify as a certain European ethnicity even though it makes up over 50% of their ethnicity*

They aren't even mutts, they're just nigger

They are the lowest race on the planet and have deserved every negative thing that has happened to them
Lloyd George do it again

>what are you on about?
History my dude
>Inbreds in Ulster
I agree the Orangemen are a problem

>Lloyd George
>another based Celt
Shut it, Anglopoofter.

I'm from Ireland.
I speak Irish.
Is féidir leat dul díreach amach.

I can see why the Scots deported them.

less than 15% of your population speaks Irish, you have no military and are the UK and EU's doormat you larping 1/64th paddy subhuman

less cucked than UK

Cromwell then?

Mae'r iaith Cymraeg yn well na Gwyddeleg.

Cromwell's ancestry was predominantly Welsh IIRC (his original family name was "ap William", "ap" being the Welsh equivalent of "Mac"). He can be an honourary Anglo.

Should be apart of the Empire. They're a fake state like belgium.

NP please for the love of god make Irish politics means something, register for National Party

>says a non country populated by literal criminals and scum

Anglo clay

Disraeli was an honorary Anglo;
"[The Irish] hate our order, our civilization, our enterprising industry, our pure religion. This wild, reckless, indolent, uncertain and superstitious race have no sympathy with the English character. Their ideal of human felicity is an alternation of clannish broils and coarse idolatry. Their history describes an unbroken circle of bigotry and blood."

Yes, I am a Jew, and when the [Irish] ancestors of the Right Honorable gentleman were brutal savages in an unknown island, mine were priests in the temple of Solomon.

>back on its feet
Nice one. Is that what it is called. No actually they were harboring German subs and hoping Britain would lose, pretty much the same shit they did in WW1

Typical Anglojew.

Anglos and Jews are the greatest of allies

you are being charged to the tune of 50 billion to leave the EU (when is Brexit even supposed to be happening?), your country is invaded by grooming gangs that molest and rape 1400 of your young women while you stand there with your cocks in your hands and your precious monarchy is little more than degenerate pedophiles that will soon be a mixture of fuck knows what... This is a case of the cuck calling the kettle blacked.

Hide behind that flag, i'm sure your country is nothing to be proud of as well, as evident.

James Connolly, too communist for my liking. Michael Collins was a good man though.

I'm an Irish Norman maniac and would be spilling the blood of the enemies of the west if it weren't for the police.

Majority of Iceland is Irish too.

Noswaith da, brawd

James Connolly was a Marxist Internationalist lol

Noswaith da, cyd-Cymro. Pam ydych chi'n mewn America? Neu wyt ti'n Cymreig-Americanwr?

oh yea I hadn't fort o'dat

You forgot about getting literally fucked by the Catholic Church.

As for what we were doing during WWII, we were officially neutral but a bunch of men enlisted in the British army (and were treated as traitors when they came home).
We also denied refuge to Jews.

Republicans in Belfast lit fires at night to help guide the German bombers to hit British targets

check your anglo privlage cunt

>Absolutely Flawless.
>country full gingers