>9th grade
>go to extremely left wing highschool
>dont have any views or race or politics, just want everyone to chill
>fat landwale teacher shames me constantly for being white
>blatantly promotes antichristian sentiment
>get caĺled a neo nazi for telling two gay kids to stop talking about having anal sex, it wasnt even because they were gay, its because i dont want to hear that shit!
>this goes on for years. I gradually discover national socialism. I write it off as ignorant until the school proves everything they warned me about right.
>i am now 18 and a Christian National Socialist. I am a race realist, anti gay and an antisemite.
i did not want to be racist. I did not want to like hitler. I did not want to hunt gays. YOU made me this way and i am not alone. YOU are causing the next reich to rise with your hypocrisy, hatred, persecution and disgusting manipulation of the vulnerable to be pawns in your game. WE WILL NOT PUT UP WITH YOU ANYMORE!!!
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
Thanks. We are in this together and we will stop this together. Words cannot describe how sick these people are. My teacher literally has a tranny daughter.
That's pretty disgusting.
I'm glad you're on our side though.
History repeats itself again and again... but is it really bad?
No. Its good. We have been lied to. I will never stand for this shit. I want an american reich NOW and i want to watch these monsters burn.
I am the thing they openly hate the most and they are everything they claim to hate and more. I decided that if i was the nazi i would be the best damn nazi ever!
Sieg heil. We stand together. I hope the jews are awake with fear tonight
Seig Heil!
What really hurt me the most is my school is for rehabilitating autistic people. We are a truly vulnerable group they use as a tool. Its just sick. I am fortunately so high functioning you wouldnt know irl. I think i have a moral duty to stop the communist scum from using my people for their own gain. Its absolutely revolting like i cant even describe.
I'll kill the nazis last when the shit hits. Only because I hate them lest than the commies. But a socialist is still a socialist
Fuck off jidf.
This isn't your personal blog faggot
Thanks dude! This board is what keeps me from going nuclear. To know that there are so many in the same boat. The reich will rise!
I would bet everything I own that the person who wrote this was born between the late '40s and the early '60s.
Lol. Socialists aren't people. So ending them won't emotionally difficult.
Or just retarded
>literally "im barely an adult and had my first redpill so now I'm a natsoc"
And you wonder why stormweenies aren't taken seriously. Your honeymoon phase will end eventually though. For now you should keep your mouth shut because there's no possible way that you've developed any sort of philosophical viewpoints or read any works by opposing ideologues, and whatever you say will sound like a strawman and make your own side look retarded.
t. Libright
1990 faggot. You lose. Burn all your shit.
Nope. Ive been here for years. I am extremely knowledgeable on the subject. And i get forcefed opposing dialogues daily and i can see through them like glass.
Wasnt there a guy who killed them and said he didnt know what it was like to kill people since he only killed commies? I feel the exact same way
Yes except he misspoke. He should have included all socialists.
>christian national socialist
>go to extremely left wing highschool
when was this ever a thing until recently? Schools didn't tolerate their faculty acting like this until recently
Fuck off with muh tabletalk bullshit jew shill. The original transcripts were destroyed. They are fake
wasnt even talking about it. Its clear tho you are what you are just to be contrarian. Otherwise you would see the problems with christianity, the dogmatic problems, not just the institutional ones
Its a therapy private school run by these people to turn autists into commie political soldiers. I want out and i want to free them. But there is no way to get my teacher in trouble since the owners support this shit. They are guilty of real human rights abuses.
Yes we are! I thought i was alone until the election and its like god answered my prayers!
This. I had a VERY liberal art teacher (go figure) circa 1990-1992. One punk rock kid who love vitiating kept goading him, asking “So, Mr. Wrobel, do you believe in god?” Each time, no matter how much he wanted to say no, his only response every time was “I’m not supposed to talk about about such things here at school”, and that was it.
Now, it seems teachers can force all their personal shit on kids without any fear of repercussion . This is why it’s so bad now.
You're a stupid cunt.
I Don't blame you though... Those in power in your former school need gassing.
good lad! when the war erupts we're counting on you for your 20+ kike scalps.
You're a sheep lol
Well if it can drive me to national socialism kt can for many others. They are actively killing themselves. I want fucking justice
How to create something like this?
I will make a suit with them
No particular person or group of persons made you the way you are. Your own living conditions and natural skepticism made you who you are.
If you want to point the finger, you're no better than the purple-haired, soylent-slurping, she-penis-wielding psychos.
what have the jews done to you?
Same. If it wasn't for insane liberals, I would still be a good goy. I would continue to not care about my ancestors' culture being erased.
We used to have a white country.
No. They opened my eyes to the truth.
Sieg Heil op. Sieg heil...
It takes a high IQ person to learn the truth at such a young age. Jewish indoctrination is very powerful
jews arent white? i know plenty of jews that have blond hair and/or blue eyes
That isn't what I'm talking about they changed our immigration to allow in non whites.
Now this country is 61% white when it used to be 90% white.
Go home and play ROBLOX.
Assuking the only thing you play on ROBLOX is Phantom FoRCeS
Believe it or not, back in elementary school it all felt fishy. I have had a fascination with the 3rd reich since the day i taught myself to read when i was like 4. The lessons on slavery and ww2 just didnt make sense but i never could understand why. In 7th grade when i was exposed to gay rights i did hate fags. I think i was born redpilled immune to the left!
It is like a pendulum, they push you too far left, you come back right just as hard and fast.
Just try to survive, the opportunity to fight will come.
I am itching to gut that fat landwhale. I want to fight for true justice!
Pretty much, little bra.
For now, prepare yourself. When the left will (or try) to kill trump, a massive civil war will break. Then you'll be able to rise the reich without being seen as a biggot, but as a saviour. But for now, be patient.
i dont know any jews involved in legislature. even if there are, 99.9% of jews in this country are not.
Well I know that there were because I've looked into it.
I may never be the fuhrer but i will be fighting within his ranks. I know the day will come, i just dont know when.
You american.
>because I've looked into it.
oh have you now? what exactly are the jews doing?
Fucking us in the ass
Plz go back redditfag
What exactly is the thesis here, genius?
Would you rather be a shabbos bluepilled goyfag?
Please kys kike
Being anti gay is anti fash. Just fyi.
No, im glad im awakened. My whole life i felt shit was wrong. I have been fasxinaged with hitler and the reich since i was very young. Now i am 100% awake.
Socialism will not be victorious. Neither will communism. Only a government rooted in the existing culture will be victorious. Neither will an Ethnostate. Only a strict adherence to morality family and ideology can win America.
A Monarch who supports Civic Nationalism with innovation and efficient markets creates enough self-incentives to create the technology and scientific advancements that ensure its dominance. By eliminating excessive usury and bureaucracy there will be enough upward mobility to ensure strength in a community as well as the family unit. Traditional values are destroyed because of economic and political corruption. A nation that defines itself by traditional western values and meritocracy will ensure its future and eliminate all cultural degeneracy and does so without resorting to genocide or civil war. The United States is the most blended empire since Rome. All serious steps toward an American Ethno-state will result in a fractured revolution. Which in eventuality compromises its initial objectives halfway through ( to consolidate numbers) or fails altogether. The question is would you rather have victory in preserving Civilization or demand an ideal that will result in futility and the destruction of the West.
No one who is a fan of National Socialism is a redditfag. You need to leave Jew
Praise the creator
good shit
just so you know, you've gotta chill
I'm not saying stop believing what you believe. These things are totally right, but you need to collect yourself, plan your moves carefully, help the cause. Good luck out there borther.
O Rly?
What fucking school did you attend? Holy shit!
Were coming for your puny ass again polack! Suck a polish sausage!
New connections academy. 34 east wilmette rd. Palatine, IL. Please dont ban me! I just want justice!
Palatine IL. God in glad I moved from there. Lived in Ash street for awhile.
Im the old nazi. Skinheads are shitting on our good name.
Its sjw hell. Have you seen the school? Its in this little office complex right by napolis pizza
Why are you using (((their))) language?
Cause i own it. I dont let it scare me
Man I moved from there a long time ago lived there in the 90s. But that area in general is liberal retardation. So glad glad spend my impressionable years in rural Wisconsin lol. The town was liberal but tolerable.
Oh. I wish we could troll the place. I have some dirt and emails of the teachers but im not sure i wanna risk a ban handing them out
Welcome to the club brother. Most of us had the exact same journey.
No balls. Motherfucker you're on Sup Forums do that shit.
Ok. I will post the email of the teacher whos pushing that shit in a sec.
You think you can get away with spewing hatred on the internet ? I have forwarded this thread to the ADL as well.
Let's ruin some lives. Give a full run down and let the Sup Forums raid commence
Why is everyone on this thread shill-like? Is this JIDF in disguise?
Prob not a good idea new fag
Hello underageb&
> christian
everyone knows (((kikesainity))) is an invention by the jews to undermine the racial integrity of the roman empire, hitler said so, if you want to read hitlers religious beliefs i highly recommend a book called "hitler's table talks"
You need to research more on what socialism is and what nationalism is. Now you are just trying to find an opposition to retards, that is fine, but you have to be wiser. You do not need landwhales in your opposition for instance. And you do not need to side with some socialist faggot, that was stomped out by Russians, despite us being under commie yoke.
>i am now 18
It's good that you're interested in politics, but at this age your views are pointless, no matter what they are. Go read some books.
Ill get in super huge trouble, shell blame me immediately