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Just Burg


Ever had a burg so good it made you cry?

Wow those Japanese burgers are so small.



Why can't we have a fate SoL spin off? That much fighting and saving the world gets tiresome.

post the burg
you know which one
pic related


>Craving a burg now
>It's almost the middle of the night

guaranteed replies

That's adorable user, thank you.
SoL manga/anime rarely gets to me because it's hard to care about the characters. But after playing/watching so much stuff about fate, all characters have really grown on me, and that Manga is just as warming as I thought it would be. Thanks my dude.

Yeah, the stuff depicted in Ronpaia's One Day doujin series and Ataraxia is my idea of heaven. I love the characters so much.

>his burger joints don't deliver until 11
Get fucked my friend. I am feeling the hankering for burgers as well though. I think I am going to have to go out and get one.

>order a burg at the campus restaurant
>everything's good besides the patty
>it's a dry-ass meat puck
I shouldn't have asked for a well-done patty.




>ask for thing
>receive thing

Why does she eat the burg?


Loli liek burg


I literally started gym again today, I won't fall for those evil food.

>thinking that you have a choice

Gotta eat big to get big son. Eat burger, get swole, kill two birds with one stone.


>this thread

Burgs are a staple food of every anime girls diet.

What do you think puts them above their western counterpart?

A nug comes up to you and demands Hamburg Steak.

What do?

you tryin to start world war III nigga?

Haruhi thread?

Tell her "burg or beat it".

Nail gun as per the Nug exermination procedure. If that doesn't work or there are too many call the control officers and lock my doors so I can stay safe while they handle it for me.

Burg is good
Skip the bun.

I'd do that if I could, but I normally don't have a clean fork and knife present, even better yet a fork or knife at all.

is no secret loli like burg but if feed loli only burg won't fat and diabetes?

What's with all the commotion here? I always eat it like this.



There's nothing wrong with a bit of fat on your lolis

what toppings you like on a burg?

How do you like your burg cooked?

What do I win?

Burgirls on my burg

maybe her butt hurts

I prefer tacos.

Sure thing Yuuki



Ya boy don't fuck with no lettuce

>Kotomine's face in that art
Jesus Christ how horrifying.

These threads always make me hungry without fail.




>implying these dirty japs have any idea about making a damn good burger

America teaches its vassals well.

We take foods and perfect them. It's sorta our thing

>good food
Enjoy your diabetes Mark

There's something about anime girls eating burgs that makes me feel really hungry.


Well he's right, all of the top chefs come to the USA and are affiliated in some way because we have the best cuisine industry.

Did someone say burgers in anime?

Why did you post a blank picture?

Why the fuck are there so many virtual trading cards of idols eating burgers?

America is a land of extremes.
We have some of the best cuisine in the world, but we also have some of the shittiest. There's a reason we have a massive obesity problem, but it's not because everyone's eating too many grass fed buffalo burgers on brioche buns.

Thats a big burg

Gymrats are the most annoying pieces of shit

Superior Idols eat burgers

AAAAAnnnd I need glasses. Or find a way to make bigger thumbnails on my laptop.

Eat burg
Git big
Lift big


For you.

>MOS burg>Freshness burg=Lotteria=Wendy's>other American fast food bugs

Why fuck are hambagas being recolored, I had a black and a red one and they are the same


Companies desperate to stand out are rediscovering food dye.



Until your heart explodes...

>some Sup Forumsutist doing his 2 weeks at a gym after reading 20 lines of the /fit/ sticky is going to take on the calorie intake of an elite world class strongman

The point is burg isn't going to make/break your gym. Being consistent and working out properly will.


Burger King Tar Burger

That looks fucking nasty

Fucking Star Wars


i'm not american, but burgers are the ultimate form of food

Its a regular whopper

This one was better then the black one

So it is nasty.

Eating like a proper Swedish Norrlander.

What's the best burger a loli can buy?


That's a tasty looking burg, would eat. I love deep fried onions on my burg so much.



Buy your burgers at Bratburgerâ„¢

>That looks fucking nasty
The silly thing is that the black buns are coloured by charcoal. The point being that the charcoal powder is tasteless so it is just regular buns. To go more extreme they would go for squid ink for sauce, but that costs money so less common.

Wasn't enough burgz in FFXV
