White Flight

If shitskins hate white people so much why do they get so butthurt when we leave?

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The whites are moving out into the country and driving the locals out of their own villages and towns. Pretty soon those niggers will follow after the city people.

American Southerner report in. Europe is about to experience and know what we Southerners have known for decades and decades. These minorities are simply different and unsuited to the social economic and political culture of Europe and European-ish people's. For decades they've called us racist only because we have knowledge which they don't. They're about to gain this knowledge. Hopefully we'll see how well their enlightenment holds up.

how can ethnic minorities be the minorities if they are the majority? It should be ethnic majority forcing white minorities to flee.

Doesn't matter what you do. They'll still hate you.

Because the goal is to be able to destroy white populations by aggressively raping and killing them, and that can't very well happen if you move away from the kill-zones. The Jews spend a lot of time and effort dumping blacks and Muslims in your neighborhood, goyim, so you be a good goy and die like they want you to.

Ain't that the fucking truth. My city is cut in half racially because all the white people moved north into neighboring counties to escape.

It's the same in every large metropolitan area. As soon as they move in, crime increases, property values tank, and businesses fold. All that's left are liquor stores and fast food. Welcome to reality bongs


Potip: UK isn't EUROPE

Same is happening in the US. California whites flooding west and north eastern whites migrating south down the coast.

They know how shitty their living conditions become when whites leave, they just don't want to admit it and basically come to the realization that they're inferior little subhumans.

>article from 2013
Keeping up with the times.


American Northerner here, can confirm. See: Newark NJ. Whites up and left after the race riots back in the day, and the city collapsed almost overnight after that. Currently a godless wasteland prepped for gentrification over the next decade, optimistically, but it simply could not survive without white people, and white people would rather live somewhere that doesn't involve constant threat of rape and robbery and murder. Go fucking figure.

But hey, England thought they knew better all this time and called us racist, I'm sure they'll figure it out.

>White people move in

>White people move out

It's clear the only place these people want white people to be is extinct.

Because blacks(and already have through jews and zog) want an enslaved minority to work for them and provide them with services

My gf and I are in California and I'm hoping we can move away from here in a few years when we start a family. Don't really want my kids growing up around beaners and blacks who do nothing but resent whitey all day long. You'd think it was the strangest thing in the world to just want to be around your own people and live like people have for millennia.

>All that's left are liquor stores and fast food.
fuck this hits close to home
can the racewar please happen already

>and live like people have for millennia.
So, multi-generational households then? We definitely didn't do the nuclear family thing until the industrial revolution. We didn't even do dating until the 1890's or so.

Sorry if I seem like an autist, I just like to elaborate on the macro-history of western civilization, including the pivotal multi-generational households that our country has never really known, whenever someone uses a phrase like "live like people have for millennia."

>If shitskins hate white people so much why do they get so butthurt when we leave?
Because they take their money with them.

It’s happening here too, my parents and I are moving out into the country because of how much violence and drugs there are now that the Somali and East Indian gangs are fighting over territory

Because they can't gang rape your daughters as easily.

>"It was terrible," said the Latino girl in the television interview. "This area used to have so much culture, but the gentrification has ruined everything. Gone are the drive-by shootings and men selling drugs in the park. Even the crackheads who'd sleep on the benches here have moved on. Now it's just nice restaurants, bookstores, and upscale coffee shops. Gentrification ruins everything it touches."


I meant living with people of your own ethnic background, which is how countries have been structured for all recorded history (in fact that's how they're traditionally created).. As for the family part, we'd likely be moving to an area where family of ours is anyways, though I don't know about living with them. I have family members who live on the same street as one another, so proximity is not that strange of a concept in my family

A. It insults them that we don't appreciate their crime and degeneracy

B. We have all the money that they need for gibs

It's interesting to see one tradition being upheld via an appeal to tradition while simultaneously seeing another tradition from the dawn of Western civilization not being actively maintained. It's confounding to see people not actively look to reform multi-generational houses but instead come up with excuses as to why forgoing the tradition is in their best interests, all the meanwhile maintaining Aristotle's idea of "philia" by actively seeking to live with people of similar ethnic background. It's as though the tradition of decades (the nuclear family) overrides the tradition of millennia (multi-generational households). If no one continues a tradition then it's not a tradition anymore, it seems.

Not that it particularly matters, as I'm going to grad school in Japan to start the legal immigration process.

What’s going to happen once they start following the fleeing whites into the country??

Uh oh

>breaking news, gibsfugees don't integrate but instead infest areas like a tax leeching cancererous tumor, more after the break

They don't have to integrate. They get gibs no matter how they behave. What reason do they have to change?

So they are making the same mistake Americans made. Instead of pushing those shitskins out, they ran away.

You can only run so far.

you know.

Is a family less of a family because it lives in two houses instead of one? You're discussing two separate phenomena anyways, homogeneity in society on a macro level versus the family level. Without getting too deep into the concepts of why ethnic nations exist (and you're probably familiar with them anyways), part of its root is in protecting within-group members from outsiders. When you have a society with random ethnicities mashed together (especially when the anti-white dialogue is being crammed into everyone's heads), you end up with a society that's less safe.

Take the country you want to move to, Japan, for example. The entire time I was in Japan I don't think I ever saw a parked bicycle that was locked. You could go to the market and there'd be 200 unlocked bicycles there. Why is that? Everyone knows the answer, but nobody really wants to say it. When I'm thinking about where I eventually want to live and have a family, I don't want to live around a bunch of people who, quite frankly, I and other white people don't need, and who potentially represent a threat to my children due to the dangerous rhetoric they've been fed for why they're failures in our society. It's stupid because there's plenty of other society (like Japan) where people don't have to deal with the day in and day out hostility that comes from living around people who aren't like them. I'm don't necessarily hate them, I'm just tired of being around them and I'm tired of dealing with them. I'm tired of working in my shop, catching shoftlifters and if they're black I apprehended or suspected them because of "racism" and not because of the way they behave.

My brother lost his job for pushing back. No company wanted him and he had to start his professional identity over from square 1. If you're going to try rallying, at least set the stage for men to not lose their jobs.

I live in california, the white flight already scaled down for the time being.
the past 3 years I would go to home depot after work and each time would be 1-3 families grabbing last minute supplies on their way out of town.
for the past 8 months I have not seen it anymore.
I expect anotger wave to happen, but can not say when.

> Import Muslims
> Neighborhood goes to shit
> White leave out of fear for their lives
> Cry "white flight"
> If only liberal minds could connect the two

That's semi common thing here. Except we build 'granny' flats that are either extensions to an existing propertie or a seperate building. Usually the grandparents or adult kids live in them.

Same thing happened in Paris.

Your post strikes many truths, and I wish more people contemplated your truths actively. My big contention is the breaking point: when do things get so bad that "my people" stop looking at ways to fix their fucking Western civilization instead of internalizing and perpetrating the irreversibility of the bastardizations to our Western civilization? In my case, my parents plopped me in front of screens and video games and expected me to form an identity with only the public school system as a guide, as they divorced. Having been born with hat seems like an above-average intelligence, I've been able to explore the roots of my Western civilization and separate the millennia-old traditions from the decades-long traditions, but it's gotten all the more confounding as my society and family are chasing the modern ways without even giving a thought to the old (pre-America) ways. I'm reading Cicero's Pro Caelio in Latin at the moment, and I'm losing hope that we could ever return to those attitudes. Even when I ask my parents about our culture and history, they give vacuous answers like "the Reagan and Clinton eras were the best times in history because we could buy a lot of things. We need presidents like Reagan and Clinton again to bring the best times back." or "your uncle x made a lot of money so he was a good guy. We don't talk about cousin y because he is a loser who doesn't make good money." This cesspit of consumerism and corporatism is not my Western civilization. It deserves to disappear.

Que Japan. While they do admittedly have a lot of subversive Westernization, they can talk freely about their proud history like the annexation of the Ryukyu Islands, Sino-Japanese Wars, or the Nanking incident that didn't happen. Here in America, you'd lose your job for talking up the kickass exploits of Andrew Jackson or the victory in the Mexican-American War that made us great in the first place. I want my children to be raised in that culture they can freely be proud of and express. I plan to raise my kids on my future wife's culture exclusively. It doesn't matter if I have to forego my Western civilization in totality. They will have a culture, the culture I never had or will have.



I'm in a graduate studies department that deals with a lot of social issues but is statistics heavy. The result is that we get a lot of either SJW humanities people or math/policy people. We have about a dozen Japanese grad students (mostly Japanese government employees) and it's pretty hilarious since there's no much social justice/diversity jargon being flung around, but the Japanese people clearly either 1.) Can't comprehend what it is, 2.) Don't give a shit about it. (It's probably both.) Homogeneous societies are probably the least racist in a lot of ways—when there's no other race around you don't spend a lot of time thinking about it. (It was this way in a town in the Midwest that I lived in. Liberals like to paint the middle portions of the country as the most racist, but if you've never really interacted with black people and don't see them on a daily basis, race never even comes into the picture.) It's funny that the people who spend the most time talking about racism and diversity (on many campuses now you can't get away from it. It's everywhere like a cult) are probably the most racist of all since it's their entire ideology and life.

It's everywhere bruh. You guys just get shat on more for muh racism because our northern liberals are too gutless to insult their own local shitlords.


So Brits are doing what Americans did years ago? Why didn't anyone pay attention to America when they discussed race relations? I just don't understand how they can look at what minorities have done to our urban centers and then decide, "you know what, America is right, we should fill our lands with brown people who will destroy everything we have built so we can move to the countryside". Just wth!

College was definitely an eye-opener for me to realize the nature of these people too. I saw the head of my research group get expelled because a drunk clothed girl he hugged retroactively withdrew her consent and accused him of hug-rape. He was a genius and his academic career got ruined over something as stupid as that. That was my turning point, when I realized I needed to get the fuck out of the American university system after I rode out my full-ride. The C- darkies getting honors at graduation from the diversity panel that awards honors while my A grade self got no honors was another revelation. I'm looking forwards to the more meritocratic Japan. Those who came before me who let things get this bad can reap what they sowed. I'm off to work hard and be the best person I can be (which isn't the person who can most endlessly consume.)

About ten minutes after I posted this I went on Facebook and one of the japanese grad students posted that he had his bike stolen today (second one in three months) from where it was parked in front of our department, and now that he's decided to stop riding bikes and start taking the bus. Lol.

Because the international liberal media has just been shoving how wonderful american ghettoes are for decades.
It's all jazz music and dancing to them

White people will never be considered minorities, not even we when make up less than 10% of the population.

I also hate hypocritical liberals who get all assmad when you point out what a cancer minorities are. So I ask them, "if they are so great why aren't you living around them?". These libs all live in nice white, sometimes gated, communities. Fucking hypocrites!

In that case white people would simply become the "privileged" ruling elites by the liberal media.

They don't move there because gentrification is racist, don't you know? Their double standards are the perfect excuses to do nothing.

>too poor to leave

>white flight
>moving into black neighborhoods
gentrification and racist

It is almost as if they are spoiled cunts who will bitch no matter what we do or don't do.

Dude, the white man needs to give up on Jersey - get to a state where you can carry a firearm to protect yourself.

OH master race here - and the state with the most widely recognized carry permit

I watch a show on netflix called escape to the country. The show is about people fed up with London and the "city life" and want to escape to the country IE white flight. Those housing prices are ridiculous.

You know.

There's about how many billions of non-whites? Then there's all of us. We already are.

What minorities want, more than anything else, is access to white people. Take it away, even hypothetically, and they lash out like stalkers being denied their "true love".

eg. South Africa

What minority really means is "minority in intellect", which is why there's still things like affirmative action in South Africa. And why asians don't seem to qualify as minorities in some cases.

I shit you not, here's how my day at school went today.

>Go into school to join study group for exam next week.
>It's "Diversity Day" in my department.
>Everyone's wearing shirts that say the name of the university, the department, and "Diversity." On the back there's acronym D.I.V.E.R.S.I.T.Y. where each letters begins a word that has something to do with diversity.
>I leave the department to walk home.
>I go to a big school, so there's a film crew there filming on campus.
>I had noticed that a lot of the people near the actors trailers were black when I had been walking in.
>See a paper inside a trailer that is a call sheet or something. It says "Dear White People" on it.
>I walk home.

Pretty sure they’d rather us dead

it's racist user. you must accept black dick inside your mouth user its the only way

sucks i'd be a much happier person if i lived only 100 years back in time hell id even take 50 years

I have a relative in real estate in the West country of England. This person is filthy rich now from all these city people moving into all the little villages. A shame really as no Somerset lad would ever want to live next to someone from Wolverhampton. The houses that are on National Trust land are being rented out for bigly shekels to these new comers, and the people that have blood going back centuries there, are forced off their homelands.

here in Atlanta shoukd be a lesson that they will always be close behind no matter where you move. clayton county used to be 83 percent white in the 90s now its 12 percent white with only 4 percent white school enrollment

Whites are privileged.

Who will pay taxes for welfare? Us niggers aren't doing that shit.

they want slaves, its that simple

I'd kill to be born a Baby Boomer desu.
My, my, what a life that would have been.

Name one way that is true (hint: being successful =/= privileged)

Tallest race, strongest race, most desired race and on average we have a high IQ.

Only privilege is jewish privilege senpai.

I like this train of though, can you unpack it a bit more?

Detroit is the prime example, when the whites leave it turns into a shit hole.

I'm not that user, but it's pretty obvi that darkies wish they were white.

So how do we fight this without losing our jobs and being socially exiled? The truth is I don't hate Blacks or Jews I just want to see my own people succeed. This is the main issue facing so many of us, we are all ready and willing to start fighting but we are leashed by our responsibility. Until we can find a way to encourage and inspire nationalism without having your life destroyed by a Jewish Marxist liberal thought crime mob, we will see slow progress.

>So how do we fight this without losing our jobs and being socially exiled?
It's going to take men who are above this and willing to sacrifice. That's it, when enough people are willing to say fuck it then there's no stopping that wave.

Jews can't live outside of the cities. They need whites to defend them from the shitskins.

It's going to take a lot of people to make it that open and obvious. You really think it can be done?


All I can do is try as well as prepare for a collapse otherwise.

I think the key thing to consider is that you don't need 100 percent of white people on board to affect change. If you got even 5-10 percent on board that'd probably be enough. Most people just kind of sit by and watch things happen, so it doesn't take a huge percentage of the people to make something happen. Of course this depends on what kind of "change" we're walking about here. We already saw some of it; viz. the 2016 election.

>be 100 y ago person
>do gardening
>get a scratch
but then again ... if you're living in socialized """"free"""" healthcare land this might happen as well today: cbsnews.com/news/uk-woman-mother-of-two-dies-of-sepsis-just-days-after-gardening-scratch/

When they rob each other they just get their own stuff.
So they're all robbing but really they are just passing the same tv and lawn chairs back and forth.
They want whites to live there so they can steal new things.
Also when they throw acid on a white it makes them look funny. if they throw acid on a nigger it doesn't make much difference.

Dead people can't hate they just lay around.
t. Veteran

No more good stuff to steak and women to rape. Eventually there is no money left for gibs and the whole place devolves into a chaos tic post apocalyptic hellhole.

See: every area in which whites once ruled but subsequently left.

The only areas worse than those vacated by whites are those areas where whites never ruled.

People go missing in the country

well at least u can laugh and say i told ya so or apologize

oof, wait until he sees the vibrancy of public transportation in the US...

this elite liberal mindset is what infuriates me the most. it is the poor whites, who cannot afford to buy into white only neighborhoods that suffer most at the altar of the leftist religion

once in a while, even in these dark times, a story warms my heart

They don't. White people who live in expensive neighborhoods get offended on behalf of the Muslims when other white people leave.

Join a DS bookclub

I always wonder what the initial reaction is when they step off a plane into a 3rd world country
Is it “time to be a hero” or “what the hell have i got myself into”

They didn't find their head, did they. Presumably it still gets fucked on a regular basis.

>If shitskins hate white people so much why do they get so butthurt when we leave?

If shitskins hate white people so much why do (((they))) get so butthurt when we leave?

Fixed that for you.

Can confirm this I'm from South Jersey right by Lakewood which has the largest population of Hasidic Jews other than Jew York it's the funniest thing this cycle we have down here basically the nigger chase the whites out of a town then the Jews and their spic slave labor come in a force the blacks out and the cycle countinues fun fact we had some real life jewery get exposed last summer they caught a rabbit and a bunch of Jews putting over 100 million through money orders and a jewish run pager store meanwhile they were on welfare and living in government subsidized housing