TRUMP NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TRUMP NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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What's that mean?
does this mean spraying refugees with fire hoses globally?
pls b rl
*jewish masturbation ceases*
>EU increases coal
>shuts down Nuclear
>world blames US
maybe if the world wasn't pants on head retarded I'd be upset
>MFW Europoors on this board are mad jelly about this
read the thumbnail as Trump pulls out in UN compact and pictured an all gold sedan with white United Nations logo, bitches and champagne
But what does it mean
it means fuck rapefugees, they gotta go back.
how can one man be so based?
So that means from Europe too, right? Being the UN and all..
Uhhhh hecking based?
no i mean the US leaving that alone means fuck rapefugees in murrica, the EU is still fucked since they still adpot that policy.
oh noooo
that suuuucks
Trump is taking the gloves off.
The globalists are starting to piss him off.
Doesn't get better than this
Oooh noo.
That sucks.
It's honestly time for you to get the fuck off of Sup Forums and never return.
I'm being 100% serious too, just go away.
t. riggered
more migrants for the rest of us
> the entire nig tribe wastes 2 entire days in a trial, and then wonder why they starve
It mean what it say. Cash me outside.
>he thinks it's real
He's on a roll. It's nice to see some wins. Fuck the UN.
It's been a satisfying couple of fucking days, man.
What? I couldn't give a shit about your 54% shithole, stop concerning yourself with what your Euro superiors think of you.
are there any other sources? i want this to be real but i don't want to get excited
That he literally opposes to all of this.
That the US no longer/is not contractually obliged to follow this guidelines.
fuck niggers
I thought they were refugees and not migrants so surely this never applied in the first place :^)
>Muh 54
Dont let Sup Forums memes fool you Nigel, yes America was more white before, it it certainly ain't that low, data from the census itself in pic related.
It just happens that pol loves to overestimate
Also you should be happy a country is uncuckening itself, i'll be praying so your country also starts uncuckening itself.
The compact was to cover all migrants. It was a blatant attempt to destroy national sovereignty.
nigger please that includes non-whites who are classified as white for the census like spanish, middle eastern, indian, etc.
suck it kike lords
>data that doesn't include Hispanics.
This timeline is always winning
Arab's and indians are labeled asian there.
We're back, baby.
Who cares? America abdicated any international leadership under Trump. Migration, trade, democracy, “moral authority”, whatever. The US doesn’t matter.
god you americans are so fucking lucky to have trump
I could post a picture of Chimpcongo and get the same result.
Pic related
>Tomahawk through your window.
you wish
"the rest of the world is so far ahead that it doesn't even think about USA anymore"
Bow down to your prince mutt, britbong
>god you americans are so fucking lucky to have trump
I wish we could have a real leader like Trump, instead of a blue-blood bimbo soyboy.
does that mean you leafs will finally find a new countryfu?
Agreed. The next election is an important one. No matter how much I support his immigration policies he's a fucking embarrassment and half the niggers here are stupid if they don't understand that.
Its funny anywhere else but Sup Forums you have people crying that they'd rather have Trudeau being president
>Implying Canada has a leader
Trudope broke down while saying sorry to the gays. He also applauded Catro
(Not surprising considering he is probably his bastard son. Same nose)
ONigger enabling any "thing" non-white and not Hetero is how we got here in the first place.
>that includes non-whites who are classified as white for the census like >spanish
You mean hispanic? Because the Spanish/spaniards are indeed whire, despite what Sup Forumstards say
And if you meant hispanic mestizos then most of them self identify as "mixed race" that's literally what mestizo means
>middle eastern
There's not a significant number of middle easterners to alter the numbers *that* much, even if you excluded every single middle easterners the numbers would drop around 1% at max
Indians have never been considered white by US census statistics, not even today, and even if they were their numbers would barely alter the percentage by less than 1%
, etc
by a real leader, we mean someone who has a set of ideals and sticks to them and actually gets shit done. not sit on his thumbs for a year only to get up to apologize for something that happened decades ago, then go back to doing absolutely shit all
canadian politics is a fucking joke
Beautiful. MAGA!
>international leadership
Good. I want to fuck off from the rest of the world so badly. You retards can deal with your own problems.
mideasterners are white you dumb nigger. no more brother wars (or in this case cousin wars
Yes the census it's not perfect at determining races, its indeed retarded to count arabs, north africans and central asians as "white"
However all of these groups have relatively smalls populations, even if you excluded them all from the census the stats would remain similar, they'll probably drop by 2% max if you excluded all of those mislabeled "whites"
This. Why does one country need to police the entire world? How well has that worked out? Is there peace in africa and the middle east yet?
I believe my family came to america legally. They came from France and Italy in the late 1890's. If not, I would gladly go back to reestablish dominance in my great grandparent's mother lands. I wish white people got deported too. If you want to see some real violent chimp outs, separate a white person from their loved ones and homelands. We are the most tactical and murderous creatures on this planet. Keep fucking with us.
Castro is also his secret father. He fucked Trudeaus mom.
And what i mean with relatively small populations is that those mislabeled "whites" have small populations in the US
This is my favorite conspiracy theory. We'll never know for sure, but the evidence is too good not to bring up all the time
His letter after Castro's death was a national embarrassment though. He should've just sent a private one to the castros if he felt so sad, singing Canada's name though was completely uncalled for
Love this picture.
Stupid Amerifats, just more multicultural enrichment for us
Pic related
Why? Fuck immigrants and refugees
black is going down, so thats pretty great. But holy fuck the mexicans
I've only seen that theory here, do many Canadians speak about if often or hear about it?
You fucking jammy bastards.
>when they have you stand in the middle of the village but then no one says anything
nato wont exist 3 years
Hopefully by the end of his term we exit the UN completely and disband this globalist scum bag organization.
Every reason why I voted for trump is what has been accomplished this weekend. Very happy right now.
I make sure any canadian I talk to hears about it. But the media never says anything and we don't have our version of infowars or the daily mail.
They do that for 2 whole days?
I've been able to convince my mom and brother that this is true, and they both voted for Shillary. It's fucking impossible to ignore
Cuck; I never pull out
Obama was trying to pull out of being world police too you know. If only Britain could fix their fucking country of migrants they'd be good too.
Hey man, we had to go through 8 years of Obama first. Don't forget that.