Redpill me on the human appendix
Redpill me on the human appendix
Its not real. It was created by the Armenians to deceive us Aryans
Vestigial, but holds a beneficial reserve of microbes.
>go under for surgery
>wake up to doc telling me she couldn't remove appendix
>go on with my life with appendix intact
Feels good, like I avoided being circumcised.
DAILY REMINDER that spherecuckoldry is not tolerated here and all spherefags should kill themselves
idk I got half my organs removed ages ago.
kidney, half my intestines, part of liver, gal bladder, appendix, i think a few more.
the literal nigger of the body.
does fucking NOTHING PRODUCTIVE and then explodes spreading it's filth and infection for NO FUCKING REASON.
What the fuck? Why?
Let me guess, you're circumcised?
I heard it used to be like 9" and existed to help with digesting grass or something we don't eat now, so it shrank and it's useless now.
Meant for raw meat. How humans are supposed to eat.
All kinds of reasons. Drugs, torture, stabbing, etc.
more room for his stomach
Hell no, my mother was too smart for the jew.
also that, your liver can get really big too
wtf happened? did you wander into the wrong part of china
The Jews did it.
Nah, my problem was usually being too loyal; and getting fucked over.
>his mother had a say in it in the first place
>no mention of father
Uh oh.
It's there to preserve a portion of the beneficial bacteria that live in your digestive tract if you get sick from eating bad food and shit out all the contents of your colon.
If you've had your appendix removed, you should regularly take probiotics or you'll have digestive difficulties.
Bacteria is required for proper intestinal function.
it a storage spot for gut bacteria incase you get dysentery so bad you shit out all the necessary bacteria for normal digestion.
that word has always been my bane
damn fuck you, your post wasn't there when i made mine.
> I am Jack's raging appendix.
> I am a NEET living in Jack's body.
> I convert to Islam.
> Allahu Ahkbar.
>Jack dies.
The fuck? If you went for surgery to remove it, it should be removed. They shouldn't let you just go with it still bothering you.
If it's not an issue, why did they try to remove it in the first place? Just for the insurance money? That's malpractice of medicine.
How the fuck is something vestigial if it's still used, retard?
They really just wanted his gal bladder.
Wtf did you screw over a cartel or something?!
lol not far off base.
what the fuck
what do you use all that sweet extra room for?
It exists, unlike the pancreas
The Pancreas Prevarication.
Pancreas? You have likely heard of the mythical little thing that many claim resides inside of you. But you have not seen it. You have not touched it nor do you likely know anything about it. But you think it's there right?
It's a pure fabrication. A lie. Made by those at the top to ensure their diabolical plans for humanity can easily transition into being. One day a new resident of the human body will be discovered and this one will need pills or treatment. As we can gaze upon things smaller and smaller as time goes on it is not hard to believe this future. Your kids may need injections at school for something you did not know existed since it was discovered after your time in school.
Doctors are playing a long with it, the nutters they are. The medical field is ripe with a history of torture, human experimentation and more. This has not changed in our time. The delight in the grand misinformation campaign, playing with our minds and bodies as they LARP the idea of the pancreas with us while we shower the sadists with money.
So, ask yourself, have seen your Pancreas? Do you trust the elites? Do you trust doctors?
If not you are more sane than I started out. Take the Pancreas Pill now.
nothing, my stomachs probably a weird ass shape because I gorge and fast, though.
I like the Australia version better desu