
Which girl is your favorite?

Other urls found in this thread:

You're going all out tonight aren't you?

Report OP for spamming and baiting shitstorms.

Blessing, of course.


>This is OP'S 4th thread

>Eririfag is so mad he spams the thread to make people hate the fanbase even more

>Implying Eririfags
We are onto your falseflagging, OP.

>cutting off her legs
What kind of monster are you?

The thread was remade because the previous one had edition garbage in it. Nothing to do with spamming.

Can't even remember the names of the girls, although I did like the artist the best. Tsunderes are like crack to me.

Also, season 2 when?

>implying that the first thread didn't get banned and that the other threads are just Megumifalseflag posters shitting up the fanbase
Nice try OP the first thread wasn't even shitposting until Megumifags started their meta shitposting routine

April 2017, so three months away.

Nice. I really need to check the upcoming 2017 lists. Just heard that FLCL was getting a new season from my buddy yesterday. To say I was hyped was an understatement.

Fuck off Eriricunt.

Can't blame you. Eriri is quite addicting.

Look, we don't need all these threads. It's just going to be more of the same thing.

S2 is just around the corner. Let these things happen naturally.

Whst did Megumifags do this time?

I liked Utaha the best. She seems to be the least popular one on Sup Forums, but that just means I can have her all to myself.

Utaha of course.
>announcing reports

>that fang
>that zr
I just busted one

Don't bother, angry Eririfags won't listen.

Fuck you're mom

Volume 11 was just released. There's plenty to talk about.

Link to summary:

Why, of course it has to be the senpai who'll wrap her legs around my neck until my face goes blue.

Stop deluding yourself OP

As a tsundere hater I admit she's okay.
Her getting told off for her bullshit and her being a huge pervert makes her bearable.

Too bad everyone prefers to fling shit at one another. It was discussed plenty in the previous days, we don't need to have a daily thread that'll be 99% sure to devolve into a shitshow.

Mayu is the better option.

The handholding and cafe scenes were just translated, and the thread the translation was posted in got derailed with meta shit.

Objective ranking

Megumi > Utaha >>> who cares >>> huge shit >>> Eriri

A falseflagger made 4 threads, the first two was consecutive of each other after the first, an Eriri thread with a bait topic, was deleted. The second was an Izumi thread that was baiting too

The 4th thresd was deleted before anyone could post and it had Eriri as opening image with inbe4 meta topiic. This thread is the 3rd and it is obviously intended to stir the pot after what happened.

Mayu >>>> Megumi > Utaha > Michiru > Izumi > Iori >>>>> Eriri

Eriri >>> Utaha >>> * >>>>>> * >>>>>>>>>>> Megumi


>inbe4 meta topiic
Were you having a stroke?

Calm down, ESL-kun.

Objective and non-shitpost version;
Eriri > Megumi > Utaha > Izumi > Michiru

Your post is cancer and inverted. Its also lacking the superior illustrator: Mayu.

>Eriri thread
Got deleted for meta shitposting
>Izumi thread
Had edition
>Megumifalseflag thread
Had shit posting on the subject
Then we have this one


Megumifags are cancer. Needing to falseflag like that really shows how insecure they are.

Fuck off lelouch



>cliche heroines above the one with effort and creativity put inside

Kill yourself OP

>nitpicking his isolated typos
Calm down, tryhard-kun.

The first Eriri thread wasn't even shitpost either. They just shitposted the thread to death so that they can make all their shitty false flag ones and say that it's Eririfags making them.

Winter break and no new shows airing right now is really a bad combination. This thread is literally a concentration of bored and cancerous shitposters. Where the fuck are the mods?

What else did you expect from people who like the character simply because of the design?

There he is. That defensiveness to defend his falseflagging.

I want to rub my face on Utaha's pantyhose clad legs for eternity

Only two more days to AOTS.

Winter break and no shows makes Jack a dull boy.

>OP cannot stop falseflagging to keep his shitty thread alive


Fuck off Poopoofag aka OP we all know you're the shitty Megumifalseflagger

>Saekano fanbase is still the worst fanbase on Sup Forums

Another whole year with 2017. Gz.

>The first Eriri thread wasn't even shitpost either
Eririfags said it was a shitposting thread even though it was only echoing what Eririfags tend to say about her. Make up your mind shitposter-kun.

>defending dumb ESL
As expected of Eririfags. Not standarts whatsoever.

Why would Megumifags false-flag when they don't need to shitpost to keep a thread alive?

>implying they weren't false flaggers
The jig is up OP

>Implying pooopooshitter isn't a raging Eririfag

>implying Eririfags shitpost
Sorry to say this but unlike Megumifags we don't shitpost. The only ones who do are obnoxious megumifags and megumifalseflaggers

Mods already nuked the other three threads. I don't know why this one is still up.

Now put your trip back on

Blame Megumifags. They're the most hostile, self-entitled cuntbags around. They think popularity is a free pass to obnoxious and start shit without caring for the wellbeing of the threads they post in. Eririfags aren't saints either. but most of the time they only react because of Megumifags' shitpost.

You put your trip on. I know that I'm not him so the only logical conclusion is that you're the tripfag that's shitting up the thread

Blame Eririfags. They're the most hostile, self-entitled cuntbags around. They think unpopularity is a free pass to be obnoxious and start shit without caring for the wellbeing of the threads they post in. Megumifags aren't saints either, but most of the time they only react because of Eririfags' shitposts.

He obviously isn't. These threads todsy are proof he was a falseflagger all along. No doubt a Megumifag.

Utaha > Megumi > literally everything else in the show > Eriri

I know you are but what am I

>parroting the truth
Typical, Megumifag.


>parroting the truth
>the truth
What did he mean by this?

Did you also think tripfags like Nagi, Taiga or Komeji falseflagged their favorite characters?

He fucking flushed a Megumi keychain down the toilet, he's obviously an Eriri fag.

ESL-kun, please check you posts before submitting. No need to rush.

He's indeed stating the truth.

he's obviously too new to know about them

>nobody notices a beautiful girl like Megumi because she has no presence

Suspension of disbelief can only go so far. She would realistically have a gaggle of beta orbiters.

Great thread.

Why are Eririshitters so cancerous?
Can anyone explain this to me? I don't post in these threads very often.

Eririfags are buttdevastated that their girl got utterly BTFO in the latest volume.

Nuff said.

Megumishitposter trying to complete the meta buzzword shitposting list already.

>woke up to Eririshitposters shenanigans

Great day, great thread.

It's not a buzzword, though.

Megumi with short hair is very plain if she doesn't dress herself up. She only gets male attention at school when she has long hair.

Eriri, of course.


>Can't argue? Throw the agrument back at them
Sasuga Megumifags.

Who are you quoting?

ESL-kun, you don't need to reply twice, you're only showing off your anger.

>Why are Megumishitters so cancerous?
Fixed for truth. See .

It's bad enough that you niggers try to force several threads a day of your cancerous show, for shitposting purposes or otherwise.
And admit it, even the ones for earnest """discussion""" usually winds up with 65% shitposting.
You niggers truly are the worst fanbase currently on Sup Forums. At least the Fatefags have more variety and new content to discuss.
You should all kill yourselves

>literally a post made by the assmad Eririfag

Great, now THK shitter is here trying to forced btfo meme even though everyone and their mamas knew Megumi was going to win.

Go back to your Re:Zero thread you normalfag. You'll never understand a patrician anime like Saekano so don't bother telling us what to do.

Nice deflection and ad hominem and paranoia.

>forced btfo meme even though everyone and their mamas knew Megumi was going to win.
Even best girl Utaha BTFO of Eriri.

I guess it's true what they said about this show being Reddit's favorite

Saekano is a pretty fun show, if you get down to it.
The girls are extremely polarizing, which allows for a great amount of discussion.