How can we bring back public shaming of white women for dating outside their race...

How can we bring back public shaming of white women for dating outside their race? How can we make them think twice about doing so?

DAILY REMINDER that spherecuckoldry is not tolerated here and all spherefags should kill themselves

lol, PLEASE try this. Girls like me will instantly call you out for having a small penis. I'm dating a black guy, and he's more kind and open-hearted than any white guy I've dated (and yes, his penis is bigger too, and he's better in bed).

It's not really a big deal to date outside one's race as long as you have white kids. I'm a white woman and I'm dating a gook. We will use a sperm donor to preserve the white race.

Literally noone is stopping you, but good luck in court trying to claim that you shot the nigger in "self defense" after he attacks you for saying nigger

How did a roasties like you find out about pol anyways?

If you're dating a white women, break up with if it ever comes to your attention. She'll connect the dots and her true colors will be revealed: if she's a race traitor she'll go over to the nigs and be removed from the white gene pool, if she's one of ours she'll avoid dating blacks in the future.

I see now why they call this place cuckchan

If you think that poster is anyone other than a 35 year old, 5 foot nothing, 100 pound, le 56%, virgin male, you better sort yourself out.

You should be more consistent in your outrage. What about white men that date outside their race (they do it at the same relative frequency).

>fucks animals
>thinks normal penis size is small
checks out, now get out or tits out roastie

You can only do it if you have a girlfriend/fiance/wife. It will delegitimize their "UR JUST A MAD RAYCIS SEXIST VIRGIN!" mode of attack. My fiance would be down for this though

just make a sign that says

>"I love niggers that take our trashy white girls"

or something like that

I agree. All racemixing should be shamed.

Because I think white men wouldn't do it if white women didn't. Women are the choosers in the dating market, alot of white men are dating outside their race because they have no other choice.

What's a roasties?

lol, you're pretty fucking naive if you think a guy wouldn't have sex with a woman because she's been with a black guy. A couple years ago a racist friend of mine was giving me shit for being a "race traitor" and all that... and then one night after a couple beers I batted my eyes at him and asked if he wanted to fool around, and he was all over it (the look on his face when I said "just kidding" was priceless, lol).

And even if you got EVERY white guy, even the ones in New York and California, to magically have the self-restraint not to fuck any "race traitors", guess what? A lot of mixed race kids pass as white. The black genes will find a way back into your gene pool buddy (which, btw, is already at least 2% black. Get a DNA test: you'd fail the one drop rule)

they are the least likely race to do so.
but when they do they pay the toll

>LARP: the post

If anyone falls for this post, they literally have downs syndrome. You aren't a female.

lol, nice. It's always the ones with the small cock that takes the bait. How thin are you, Mr Pencil Dick? I bet you've got one of those 1 inch diameter penises, one of those that like rattles around on the inside and makes us ask if it's in yet. Those make for the funniest stories the next day, lol, always good for a laugh

Prove it. I've personally seen a lot of white chads date outside their race. It's not just the undesirables from each gender that are dating outside. Also, what if you were to use a white sperm donor or egg donor to produce 100% white children while being married to someone who isn't white? Isn't that good enough?

Even though you don't know how to spell "down syndrome", you're right. I don't identify as female or male (even though I was born with XX chromosomes and a vagigi)

You're trying too hard mate. Though some leftie females do think in a similar way, you've laid it on so thick you've exposed yourself.

Downs syndrome is an accepted alternate spelling. I wouldn't expect a brainlet to know. But you were not born with XX chromosomes. You're a fat high school freshmen named Kevin.

What wizardry is this? I was going to keep this up but you actually guessed my fucking name! I'm not a fat or in highschool or a freshman though. What gave me away?


What did she expect would happen? Anyone who truly thinks blacks are like whites and aren't far more prone to destructive is retarded. I admit that there are some good non-whites, but as an aggregate they make everything far worse. Having a stable 5% of the population being non-white (the best and brightest of the other races) would be all right, but the rest need to stay the fuck out.

Lots and lots of pictures of ugly mixed race babies. For every Halle Berry there's ten pasty, fat nosed half niglets.

Just a little too aggressive. It was like an impression of what a male thinks a female would post like. I've seen a few genuine lefty females post and they were less aggressive and less obsessed with dick size. Your opening post even ticked off too many "pisses Sup Forums off" boxes.

Not nearly narcissistic or whiny enough, and you have to include some sort of passive aggressive social shaming.

Lol what a cuck

Good point. A real female would try to make everything about her. Unwarranted Self Importance syndrome, how could I forget?

>How can we bring back public shaming of white women for dating outside their race?
>bring back

It's never went away. People just don't shout it in their faces constantly anymore and progs pretend it's ok. Almost everyone still talks openly amoungst themselves about how trashy it is or, at the very least, makes jokes about those people regularly.

Seriously, faggots are more socially accepted now than coal burners and even they are the butt of constant ridicule. All the 'anti-bully' 'tolerance' campaigns have done is given people cover to say they're tolerant and keep shitting on others.

Are you saying there should be more public demonstrations like this preacher guy on campuses?

Ah good to know, thanks for the pointers

Gotta shame the white men too for gook chasing too.
White men mix MORE then white women.

This post thread screams please date us we cant get black women

Just ghost them.

>implying you don't have a feminine penis

Why do the mentally ill always pretend to be women?

Open history book white men mixing out first since colonual days....white women are just doing it now.
In fact white men date out more.
But pol is full of incels so they dont see it

Fuck off Isis

Op is an incel fag...ur n straya u have more gook getters then coal burners.

If this is a way for u to get white puss ur waaaay down the omega ladder
U not in the pool is for the best

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Nice LARP, most women (of any race) prefer white guys.

Not my ex, she left me for a black dude :(

>standing up for issues that isn't yours
lol cuck much?

Why is a fucking child posing as a LARP on my board? You reek of newfag. Unironically kys.

What the west does the Philippines emulates. I have as much vested interest as autistic whites to ensures the trash they create doesn't land here.

What's Brother Dean been up to lately?

Because it's fun to fuck with Trump voters. My trolling was too obvious in this thread, but I've done it successfully a couple of times, and I've been getting better each day. What's "Unironically kys", is that your signature? Is that how some people end their posts on this board?


>she left me for a black guy
Cuck on top of LARP confirmed. Is this what we’re dealing with now pol/? Jesus Christ.

>Girls like me

this fucking board, man.

>Flushing 50,000 years of evolution down the toilet because roastie can't resist subhuman cock
Your ancestors would do backflips in their graves if they knew what a horrendous little slut their legacy has produced. Do us all a favor and gargle with bleach. I hope you get pozzed by Jaundice-eyed Somalis and die in childbirth. How about a preemptive "s" to spit on your grave, you hole.

Daily reminder that once you go black, we don't want you back.

Excellent larp, too bad it's a known preference on the male side not to date coal burners.

What's a "coal burner"? Is that like an anti-jewish joke or something?

Not just for race mixing but for sickening and degenerate behaviour in general I propose this.

Girls take pictures. All the fucking time.

1) screen cap/save images.
2) identify their significant others, parents (especially fathers), siblings (especially brothers) and grand parents, co-workers (all will do) and clients.
3) send these images on to all of them.

Female peer cattiness and natural male contempt for whores and a general societal contempt for the sex/drugs/party lifestyle will collectively obliterate the integrity and status of the individual involved.
A lot of these girls want to live a "sexy double life". The problem is that their mental retardation makes it impossible for them not to put everything on their fucking facebooks/instagrams etc.
We don't even need to do this to ALL women, we just need to make a few examples of particularly contemptible ones to scatter the rest of them.
No middle class girl wants her brothers, fathers and co-workers to see her handing out blowjobs to non-White strangers at a "crazy party" while drunk and high. That could mean the end of their "daddy gibs", loss of family respect and an enormous hit to their mate-appeal.
Additionally, they can sometimes get fired from their posts for these things. Nurses, teachers (big female employers) can lose their jobs if caught doing this shit.

I don't think that will work. When I brought a black guy home for thanksgiving, my parents were giving me kudos for how open minded I was

Thats all they are allowed to say in today's society. You have siblings?

Yeah, an older brother. He didn't have anything bad to say (other than a "big dick" joke)

>Sup Forums - Incels

Let me guess? Never left your moms basement?

There's an important and touching poem called "The Saddest Story Ever Told" that should be required reading for white women. I attach the beginning of it from Duke University.

>Flushing 50,000 years of evolution down the toilet

Its so funny that you guys think you really are purebred

Huehuehue, my little sister is dating a skinny native, he is alright. He knows if he starts getting uppity that Im putting him in an unmarked grave.
Eh, your life, so its not my problem and as long as your man is not a nigger then all the power to you.

>Why you call him nigger?

Not all niggers are black, and not all blacks are niggers is a saying around here.

Black is fine, that indicates a civilized human of dark skin. Im cool with anyone until they start shrieking about reparations and GIBBS; be they native, black, asian, dyke, fag or pajeet.

Muslims have a special area of distrust due to their 'religion' being a Theocratic dictatorship guide and is about 700 fucking years outdated; doesnt help that the majority of the global Muslim community wants Sharia Law to supersede their host countries laws

>Oh wait I just scrolled up a little bit in this thread and realized I'm talking to a confessed LARP


Should've been titled Cringiest Poem Every Written, good lord.

Don't respond to this morbid fat motherfucker. He's a cuck that likes to kneel in Walmart and play DS like it's his shrine, his name is Marcus.

>Not all niggers are black, and not all blacks are niggers is a saying around here.
No, it's a saying around The_donald. Fucking kill yourself you niggerlover civic nationalist. Black = nigger.

Nice try, but after like three posts I'll post again pretending I'm a girl dating a black dude, and another sorry sap will come in and take the bait, even though I've already confessed to it multiple times in this thread, lol

I love knowing you will be mad until the day you die.

No black man is an n-word. Especially not my boyfriend. If you're going to talk like that than this conversation is over

go home desert merchant

probably a sb faggot too

I agree with concept unless it is a white male dating a jewish woman

its already done subtly, women are losing social capital and the ones stupid enough to fall for it are gonna be walking examples. as the window shifts away from the failed regime it'll only get worse.

look up necklacing

Oh fuck off, white women don't date out as much as you think, it's the men that do

jews with aus proxies.. this is hilarious

what's necklacing?

Lol, decent bait, shows me for glazing over a thread

South African mob lynching method where you douse a rubber tire in gasoline, put it around the lynch victim's neck and light it. Sparingly seen outside of South Africa and not even exclusive to Africa. Not sure what that poster's point was.

I hope that negro of yours ends up beating you to death mudshark

Why are you so mad?

>hope you get raped by a pack of niggers

>I don't think that will work. When I brought a black guy home for thanksgiving, my parents were giving me kudos for how open minded I was

Yeah but did they see pictures of him crapping on your face and smoking crack? and as another user said, that's all they can say in todays society.
This one guy walked in on his daughter having sex with a black man and had a healthy reaction and she sold her story to a newspaper.
Soon though, soon that will not be the case. The anti-White sentiment is now too publicly expressed. Soon we will be free to openly operate because the stupid left set the standard that it's ok to openly hate other races.

I never left YOUR moms basement.

My strategies are sensible and correct. I've put them to use before.
People, especially women, like their "dirty little secrets".They don't like it when explicit pictures of them sucking cocks or getting naked in public. It absolutely destroys their relations with their fathers and brothers, gives ammo to their female rivals and disgusts future male sexual interests.

>anyone who disagrees with me is a jew
You know It's true

I went to the beach near me and there was white women and full black somali men. I saw about 15 of them in a 2hr period. They were all 8+ as well.

My gf in college had an English exchange student
roommate that dated a nigger and dumped him
because he had a 4" dick. She came on to me later in the year because my gf told her I had a big dick (i do), and I wore that pussy out over christmas
break. Nice LaRp tho.
>mfw I cucked a nigger - yugeshiteatinggrin.jpeg

any australian that is pro racemixing is a jew behind a proxy is what i said.

go home matzah negro desert merchant enjoy your sandy shithole holy land...

...actually fuck it, i might claim birthright and take a little tour myself.. might even meet a nice jewish girl

hehe yeah it's pretty funny, so many people keep falling for it, like this guy and this guy and this guy . I wonder if it'll work if I do it in the same post, in response to a post where I'm called out for being a troll?

You're just mad because I'm fucking a black guy. What's the matter, you jelly of how much bigger black dicks are than yours?

Thanks for the mention Bong-user!

Have your (You) good sir; but I did raise a good point, your only allowed to have 'positive' reactions to mixing or really...anything that plays to globalism.

Would you out the rassenschänder? Then there shouldn't be a question how.

It's like poetry

Keep your blood pure,
It is not yours alone,
It comes from far away,
It flows into the distance
Laden with thousands of ancestors,
And it holds the entire future!
It is your eternal life.

I'm going to breed with an abbo because of this post..

get out of here with that fugazi shit my nigga

Fuel cost will be expensive.

just throw black paint or ink on them. like a driveby on a bicycle or something. then we meme online that they're being BLACKED on the outside like they have been on the inside.

Petrol is pretty reasonably these days m8, what gives

I agree but more than 5%. I'm absolutely cool with non whites as long as they follow the culture

or better yet start with nog+white couples out in public, then move on to known roasties. twitter and MSM will get it

Guy who messaged me wants a steel shack in the outback for a house and fuel for the whole family.

Might be able to buy a nice corrugated iron shed for all of you, put Goanna on the barbie as well.

Why stop natural selection?

because it's not natural, faggot

MSM pushes it.. nobody is programmed to breed in outgroups