So Sup Forums, what's the Evangelion of anime?
So Sup Forums, what's the Evangelion of anime?
epic thread OP
Pocahontas 2: Journey to a New World
Evangelion, it is that deep.
This is the evangelion of replies.
Not Evangelion that's for sure.
just watched this anime
Not a valid answer, but I just want to shitpost.
I really liked Dual! because it was a parody of Eva, and cheered me up after watching the depressing move.
Daicon III and IV openings.
watch end of evangelion
who's the 3rd chick in the plug suit? i don't remember her at all
>he doesn't like eps 25 and 26
Holy fucking shit taste, really is reddit in here huh
Madoka is the Evangelion of the Anime genre.
You've only just begun your descent.
Corey in the House
King of the Hill
Boku no Pico
Shitty OC fanfiction. Ignore her.
Madoka Magica.
>the entire first five minutes
Evangelion is anime you dumbass.
>newfag detected
The last two episodes being bad is a shitty meme. It's not a complete ending but it sure as hell isn't a bad one.
no its clearly The Transformers
now go watch EoE
they don't resolve anything though, and the entire last two episodes feels like shinji took LSD until he fucking died and that was the ending
don't know how any of the other characters are doing, don't know any of the unsolved mysteries, don't know jack shit about anything that happened other than the writers were writing something great and then decided to get really fucking high
and shinji is STILL a bitchboy at the end of it
Ray Xephon
2 deep 4 u kid?
The last two episodes are probably the most significant and important episodes in the entire series
Time for you to kys, reddit
>There are people that unironically like evangelion
Maybe if you only care about Shinji's development.
personally I didn't give a shit about his personal problems or their weird Nip existentialism based solutions. I wanted a giant robot fight to tie up the main arc. So I like EoE more
the writers literally could have done that over the course of the series instead, similar to toradora, instead of keeping shinji a bitchboy the whole time and then deciding that all of his character development needed to happen while he was dying of a drugs overdose in the last two episodes
I don't use Sup Forums often because this board's taste is buttfuck awful. Most of the boards I normaly browse have no spoiler tags.
>I wanted a giant robot fight to tie up the main arc
Guess what Evangelion was literally meant to not be? Exactly that.
The entire point of the series is about Shinji's psychological issues and their resolution. The giant robots? Lilith? Adam? The Angels? All the Impacts? That's meant to be side content. By focusing on le ebin giant robot fightign xddd you're completely missing the point of the series and may as well go and watch fucking Gundam Seed Destiny.
Reddit located. Get out and stay out.
End of discussion
EoE still did it better, by having him resolve his own problems in an incomplete fashion from the pilot seat and making his own decisions about the impact. They still had room for fanservice action scenes, too.
The last two episodes had about half an episode's worth of content in them, and padded it out with bullshit.
>le redit maymay ecks dee
its pretty fucking obvious that the characters are the main point as in most non-shounen anime, but they somehow managed to not develop shinji the entire series and then refuse to tie up any of the plot relating to those elements in favor of making the last two episodes entirely shinji's hallucinations as some sort of character development
it was fine and maybe even profound to do the hallucination bullshit for five minutes in the last two episodes to FINALLY, FINALLY develop shinji a little bit but they decided to ignore literally everything else in favor of making the ending episodes entirely hallucination FILLER
>"we ran out of money so you have to finish the story yourself in your head, this message is thinly veiled in a garble of bullshit we are calling introspective character development, Congratulations! (thanks for watching)
You're welcome.
I feel violated
it was so fucking good until the last two
It's not THAT deep.
Watch the fucking movie you retard. If you still don't get it then remember to take your vitamins and maybe you'll be smarter when you're old enough to post here.
Except that the important parts (ie: the sections that take place during Third Impact that lead to his rejection of instrumentality) are extremely lacking in the impact that 2526 have. Furthermore, EoE on its own acts and comes off as a mess. Example: No explanation is given as to Shinji's complete apathy in the beginning of the film, save the implication from jacking off, when we know that from 2526 it's his guilt from murdering Kaworu. EoE also doesn't explain and attempt to find a solution for the psychological issues of Asuka, Rei or Misato. 25 still did that and more, with 26 being the finale dedicated to Shinji alone.
I mean sure, EoE is beautifully animated, and it serves as brilliant context. It's a 10/10 film. But in the end it's just like the entire "battle arc" in the series: nothing more than context and explanation to the true focus.
>but they somehow managed to not develop shinji the entire series
Stopped reading there. It's time for you to go back, reddit.
Not this meme again. Go back to /r/evangelion.
Then you can feel violated on reddit instead.
>somehow managed to not develop shinji the entire series
someone put this autist down
Thats why you watch 25 & 26 along with EoE. The episodes take place during the Instrumentality section and is just a longer version of what happens in the movie.
Shrek 2
Why am I arguing with you again?
Flip Flappers
I'm just responding to you. I haven't said anything else
>beginning of series
>shinji tries to run away from his duties but gets in the eva because of random outside bullshit, in this case rei's condition
>this literally happens 4 times before episode 20
>the most developed he gets is getting really fucking pissed when he's fighting shit which was kind of cool
>shinji only stops trying to run away after the two-episode hallucination
every single other character was developed further in every way and shinji is supposed to be the MC
Eh, clearly we share the same sentiments so it looks like there isn't much more to say.
You have to go back.
asuka is literally the worst girl in all of anime
>somehow managed to not develop shinji the entire series
Were you even paying attention? Shinji changes wildly from the start of the show to last few episodes. Most obviously he goes from being fairly wimpy to being assertive and brave. There's also a period in the middle of the series were he starts to open up, though by the end he's regressed significantly.
She's definitely not the best character in Evangelion but she's far from the worst in all of anime.
Waifu wise though holy shit she is facepunch tier.
>am I fitting in yet?
Unironically this.
he's only "assertive and brave" for the operation with the sphere angel and then gets his ass saved by the EVA for the second time before immediately regressing back to his original state
That's literally not what happened at all but your retardation is impressive to watch so keep going.
>look at me guys I'm the edgy faggot on 4chinz
Go to a doctor, you must have amnesia, seeing as you've forgotten the entire second half of the show.
>runs away again like a faggot before manning up for the last few episodes
>wah wah stop saying mean things to me
Your salty tears are delicious. Keep going.
His "running away" was an act of protest against his father. It was him deciding not to be a pawn anymore. He only returns after his conversation with Kaji where he decides to pilot on his own terms for his own purposes. After which he rips apart the strongest angel up that point using his bare hands.
>After which he rips apart the strongest angel up that point using his bare hands.
pretty sure that was the EVA on its own and shinji just got dissolved
you're brain dead user
memes have changed the tenets of your reality
Wow, it's another thread where EVA gets broken to bits to satiate retards
Honestly, Eva is a fairly easy to understand anime. Are these fucks who complain it's "too deep" just used to having everything spelled out in front of them or something?
but you literally don't have this thread every day
No, he became one with the EVA, meaning they both did it as a single entity.
its stated pretty clearly that the EVA moved of its own accord for the third time and both beat up that angel and ate its S2 core
whether or not shinji was directly involved with that is up to debate because as far as we know he just had more hallucinations the entire time he was dissolved
>Watch the fucking movie you retard.
That's the point he's making, you dip. Imagine being an okatu in '96 and having THAT as your ending.
Sort-of not really. Basically what happened was that he was turned into pure LCL by his mother (the Evangelion). At the same time, the Evangelion went beserk (ie functioned on its own with no power). While Shinji was indeed aware of his actions and whatnot, he was not in control of the Evangelion itself.
Watch the movie
Bravo anno for creating a work that autists can still argue over after all these years. And it's a cartoon of all things.
>start watching rebuild
>evangelion thread pop up
sasuga Sup Forums
Turn it off user, its trash
Save yourself the pain.
Mari from the Rebuild movies. She appears in 3.0
I didn't say I was enjoying it
stop while you can
there is nothing worth watching after 2
We never said you were. Not even Sup Forums is mean enough to imply that.
>there is nothing worth watching
The parts that aren't changed from the original and are just a rehash of the original series with nicer animation are cool.
So your just watching it so you can complain about it accurately?
>with nicer animation
>The rebuild-hate taskforce is out in force tonight.
Enjoy it for what it is, and youll have a good time. 3.33 is the episode 25-26 of the Rebuilds, so most kids around here wont be able to appreciate it until 4.0 is out, but it's a great watch too.
So I can shitpost accurately when the fourth one comes out.
Anno is worthless without his depression.
tell me Sup Forums, what has been the most significative progress ever made in eva threads, as it happens to be at least always one?
Stop shitposting on Sup Forums Anno, no one likes your shitty movies. Go back to /r/evangelion where you can feed your retard tier conspiracy theories into the autistic userbase.
Re:zero. We've already discussed this.
The last two episodes is the extential crisis that happens in Shinji's mind before he rejects the Human Instrumentality project in the movie End of Evangelion.
The fucking reason why EoE is titled that way is because its the REAL ENDING of evangelion, with the anime ending just implying that he rejected instrumentality and didnt nothing more.
Pic related.
>Implying he ever stopped being depressed.
I'm not Anno. Btw, have you seen m- uh, Anno's new Godzilla movie? I heard it was pretty great.
>with the anime ending just implying that he rejected instrumentality and didnt nothing more.
And this is how you spot someone with a double digit IQ
A Kaworufag fujo removed itself from earth once.
>evangelion threads on Sup Forums
Say it ain't so!
Linky linky pls
>tfw I watched EoE for the first time today and I was that kid in '96 that only had 25/26 as my ending
I can't believe I put it off for this long. was a fucking amazing way to tie it all up.
Look for it yourself. As far as I know it was unsubstantiated, largely.
On the contrary, there is an actual Kaworufag, a slav I think, that made headlines for a suicide by cop.
Tried looking it up and today I just learnt that the creator of NHK is actually a mentally disturbed Kaworufag.
Which sucks because I actually like that show.
>So Sup Forums, what's the Evangelion of anime?
Metal Gear Solid 2.
>he didn't get it
Don't worry, there were dumbass whiners twenty years ago too and they whined end of evangelion into existence which should quench your taste for robots and explosions to save you from having to use rudimentary thought processes for once.