Poor man's Bakemonogatari

Poor man's Bakemonogatari.

Poor man's bait: the thread

Top somnifer though

Usually if I want to sleep I'd put on something that wouldn't annoy the shit out of me with its awful characters.

Poor man's sleeping pill.

>tfw the KHVs Oreki and Chitanda's have a deeper relationship than literally any character in Bakemonogatari, even Araragi and his "girlfriend"

You can't make this stuff up.


Bakemonogatari is poor man's Bakemonogatari though

They actually don't.


By the end of each of their respective series, Oreki and Chitanda wins out. I don't know about anything after Bakemonogatari.

Nah, Senjou and RRRG still wins out.

Yeah and Bakemonogatari is poor man's entertainment in general. Never seen a worse series lacking of any real plot or character development in my life.

I got halfway through Nise and just dropped the entire franchise right there. Absolute trash.

And it's one of the most shallow relationships in the entire series.

>Never seen a worse series lacking of any real plot or character development in my life.
You should watch hyouka then

Hyouka was Bakemonogatari done right


'real plot'

Yes you are

Kyoani is really good at using Adobe After Effects. They're not too great at telling stories.

I love it when After Effects draws keyframes and inbetweens for me. Maybe SHAFT should try it out.

itt hyouka dickriders

Could anyone post that ending interpretation pasta?

good thread

Hyouka bait threads have become an important part of board culture.

>legitimately fell asleep the first time I tried watching through it
>watch it again a year later
>realize it truly was Kyoani's last masterpiece

What's a rich man's Bakemonogatari?

Reading the LNs in moonrune



Hyouka was one of the only anime done right by kyoanus. The rest are fujoshit yuri-bait which the majority of Sup Forums have no interest in. Thing is, yurifags will try to brainwash you into thinking "everyone loves yuri!" so take care into not letting them force feed you their ideology.

Shaft staff should go to KyoAni's school to learn how to into storytelling and characterization.

>two studios that haven't made an original animation since Madoka (2011) and Tamako Market (2013) should learn about how to write an anime from each other

I really love how Hyouka does it's job well as a casual filter.

Koyomimonogatari is Hyouka.

Except Nisio can't write for shit.


That's actually compliment since Monogatari is fucking garbage. Still though, Hyouka is fucking shit nonetheless.

Huh, it's interesting to juxtapose the two and consider what they mean about the studios.


>bold and risky
>high concept
>very little characterization
>not grounded at all
>ridiculously successful

Tamako Market:

>conservative risk
>purely characterization
>story and concept in the back seat (trunk even)
>highly relatable and grounded
>middling success

and then Rebellion:

>even bolder and more abstract

Tamako Love Story:

>even more grounded and human

I think this speaks a lot to their differences as studios. Shaft is closer to being the anime avant garde, attempting to break new ground on a large scale, resulting in spectacular hits and misses. Kyoani stays in their comfort zone and plays to their own strengths, polishing their particular style to a high sheen, trying to zero in on the perfect application of that style.


You seemed to be in the Kyoani camp until the end of your post. If Shaft is the avant garde, do you look down on Kyoani for making bourgeois anime?

This. You will never get such fine quality and innovation from KyoAngus.

I'm not judging anybody here, I think both are perfectly respectable artistically speaking. It's like comparing Jerry Seinfeld to Louis C.K. Both masters of the craft but in very different ways.

I actually started to write that post because I was thinking about how I enjoyed Tamako and Madoka the exact same amount. That amount being "kinda enjoyed." The only real difference in how I enjoy them is that Madoka is overrated as fuck, everybody discusses it as if it were 10/10 or something.

They are breaking new ground with the OVA format

>new ground

These dumb ass relationships are stupid shit, good thing that they didn't get together at the end of Hyoka and made a lot of autists mad, because it would spoil a potential sequel with your love and dating garbage. Some people just want to enjoy the stories and the puzzles, if you need romantic garbage to keep you from falling asleep go watch some rom com trash like kiznaishit.

I liked both. Face it, romance and good visual direction are like your mom's mouth and my dick.

>romance and good visual direction are like your mom's mouth and my dick.
That's true, because they've never met each other and never will.

Why was Kiznaiver only good when it copied Chunibyo


You're delusional.

It is pretty ebin that someone who likes cringe fest like Kiznaiver can like an apparent snoozefest like Hyoka.

It's true though. Episode 7 was a straight rip of Takemoto's Chunibyo episode visually.

Just stop posting about anime you haven't seen and start watching Hyouka you massive faggot. Christ, if you actually watched shit instead of spewing muh Okada memes you won't look like such a retard on the internet.

How about you read my post again, slowly.

You've started to believe in your own stupidity.

Still not getting it I see. So much for reading comprehension.

Are you being serious or just meming on the best episode? I doubt anyone else sees the parallels you're making.

>an apparent snoozefest like Hyoka

What exactly did you mean by this bud?
If you have seen it why not just come out and tell everyone that you didn't think Hyouka was a snoozefest, even though that was apparently the case.

I actually fell asleep through one of the episodes. Friend of mine had to tell me to keep watching even though it seems boring.

Nevertheless, I made it to the end and I don't regret it one bit. Probably one of the best series I have ever watched.

To have it even compared to Bakemonogatari is just. . .

9 seconds on this cut? Holy shit seriously? How can people even watch this. That's way too long even for a "look at the cool scene we just made" shot.

It's called high art.