Why do fags do this?
I don't know. I have a deep respect for religion in general and this really pisses me off. I kinda felt like the fine should have been higher. 150 was cheap. Should have been something like 2500 a piece.
Just a prank bro
In better times they would have been executed.
they are facing 5 years in jail also
t. muslim
Betas just being jealous of Chads and exercising what little power they have.
>respecting religion is for muslims
This is why your civilization is dying.
They dress and look swarthy. Let them hang.
I wonder where they will be reborn in the next life.
>I have a deep respect for religion in general
>oh no I saw some of this persons skin, better murder them
Being a faggot is subhuman.
I never argued against this fact. What point are you trying to argue here?
Why are you defending them? Are you a faggot? Or what type of degenerate are you?
>those mudslime beards
Yeah pure murican stock right there.
>i'm defending them by arguing that people shouldn't be murdered because someone else saw some "forbidden" part of their body
calm down mohamad
They look like they could take everyone there. Lmao
It's not about being forbidden, It's just degenerate.
see Death penalty is the only answer for these disgusting leftist. They are bad just like those naked whores in front of the churchs
This is why only adults should be allowed on the internet.
There is a word for what they did: mooning.
one thing is a football game, another is a holy site.
trump already used his get out of jail card the shoplifter.
So those two and e screwed,but its OK they like being screwed.
These 2 married faggots underestimated the amount of rage their stunts would cause here
They were not even smart, at least post that shit when you left the country, not while you are still inside.
They also posted something like "anyone know a lawyer or diplomat in Bangkok" before deleting the post.
There is gossip saying that they will be prosecuted for PORNOGRAPHY IN A RELIGIOUS PLACE, which carry a 5 YEARS IN BUTTRAPE JAIL sentence mandatory.
But nobody knows right now if they were let go or if they are still in police custody.
I dgaf about religion but these 2 deserve to die in prison, sodomy is a mental illness
I’m surprised no one noticed he just circle gamed everyone.
What a cheeky fucker.
Is this big news?
They are lucky. I know one guy who walked drunk with shorts on at one of their temples at phuket. They beat his as with bamboo sticks once he left the area.
Then no one would be on the internet.
why do they have VR headsets on?
It was on facebook and other thai language media first, so it took time for the news to spread, since most of us normal people cant read thai and dgaf about learning it. But locals had these fags pics spreading around and surely police knew they were still here. They got caught at the low cost airline airport, because they were too stupid to wait to post their shitty pics after leaving. Truly deserving jail just for the sheer stupidity. This is the country where you can go to jail if you like the wrong facebook post, dont forget.
What do you guys normally speak? Thailand sounds cool. Are there really that many hookers